(* tacinvutils.ml *) (*s utilities *) (*i*) open Names open Util open Term open Termops open Coqlib open Pp open Printer open Inductiveops open Environ open Declarations open Nameops open Evd open Sign open Reductionops (*i*) (*s printing of constr -- debugging *) let msg x = () (* comment this to see debugging msgs *) let prconstr c = msg (str" " ++ prterm c ++ str"\n") let prlistconstr lc = List.iter prconstr lc let prstr s = msg(str s) let prchr () = msg (str" (ret) \n") let prNamedConstr s c = begin msg(str ""); msg(str(s^"==>\n ") ++ prterm c ++ str "\n<==\n"); msg(str ""); end let prNamedLConstr_aux lc = List.map (prNamedConstr "#>") lc let prNamedLConstr s lc = begin prstr s; prNamedLConstr_aux lc end (* FIXME: ref 1, pas bon, si? *) let evarcpt = ref 0 let metacpt = ref 0 let mknewexist ()= begin evarcpt := !evarcpt+1; !evarcpt,[||] end let resetexist ()= evarcpt := 0 let mknewmeta ()= begin metacpt := !metacpt+1; mkMeta (!metacpt) end let resetmeta () = metacpt := 0 let rec mkevarmap_from_listex lex = match lex with | [] -> Evd.empty | ((ex,_),typ)::lex' -> let info ={ evar_concl = typ; evar_hyps = empty_named_context; evar_body = Evar_empty} in Evd.add (mkevarmap_from_listex lex') ex info let mkEq typ c1 c2 = mkApp (build_coq_eq(),[| typ; c1; c2|]) let mkRefl typ c1 = mkApp ((build_coq_eq_data()).refl, [| typ; c1|]) let rec popn i c = if i<=0 then c else pop (popn (i-1) c) (* Operations on names *) let id_of_name = function Anonymous -> id_of_string "H" | Name id -> id;; let string_of_name nme = string_of_id (id_of_name nme) let name_of_string str = Name (id_of_string str) let newname_append nme str = Name(id_of_string ((string_of_id (id_of_name nme))^str)) (* Substitutions in constr *) let compare_constr_nosub t1 t2 = if compare_constr (fun _ _ -> false) t1 t2 then true else false let rec compare_constr' t1 t2 = if compare_constr_nosub t1 t2 then true else (compare_constr (compare_constr') t1 t2) let rec substitterm prof t by_t in_u = if (compare_constr' (lift prof t) in_u) then (lift prof by_t) else map_constr_with_binders succ (fun i -> substitterm i t by_t) prof in_u let apply_eqtrpl eq t = let r,(tb,b,by_t) = eq in substitterm 0 b by_t t let apply_eqtrpl_lt lt eq = List.map (apply_eqtrpl eq) lt let apply_leqtrpl_t t leq = List.fold_left (fun x y -> apply_eqtrpl y x) t leq let apply_refl_term eq t = let _,arr = destApplication eq in let reli= (Array.get arr 1) in let by_t= (Array.get arr 2) in substitterm 0 reli by_t t let apply_eq_leqtrpl leq eq = List.map (function (r,(tb,b,t)) -> r,(tb, (if isRel b then b else (apply_refl_term eq b)), apply_refl_term eq t)) leq (* [(a b c) a] -> true *) let constr_head_match u t= if isApp u then let uhd,_= destApplication u in begin uhd=t end else false (* My operations on constr *) let lift1L l = (List.map (lift 1) l) let mkArrow_lift t1 t2 = mkArrow t1 (lift 1 t2) let mkProd_liftc nme c1 c2 = mkProd (nme,c1,(lift 1 c2)) (* prod_it_lift x [a1 a2 ...] *) let prod_it_lift ini lcpl = List.fold_right (function a,b -> (fun c -> mkProd_liftc a b c)) ini lcpl;; let prod_it_anonym_lift trm lst = List.fold_right mkArrow_lift lst trm let lam_it_anonymous trm lst = List.fold_right (fun elt res -> mkLambda(Name(id_of_string "Hrec"),elt,res)) lst trm let lambda_id id typeofid cstr = let cstr' = mkNamedLambda (id_of_string "FUNX") typeofid cstr in substitterm 0 id (mkRel 0) cstr' let prod_id id typeofid cstr = let cstr' = mkNamedProd (id_of_string "FUNX") typeofid cstr in substitterm 0 id (mkRel 0) cstr' let nth_dep_constructor indtype n = let sigma = Evd.empty and env = Global.env() in let indtypedef = find_rectype env sigma indtype in let indfam,_ = dest_ind_type indtypedef in let arr_cstr_summary = get_constructors env indfam in let cstr_sum = Array.get arr_cstr_summary n in build_dependent_constructor cstr_sum, cstr_sum.cs_nargs let rec buildrefl_from_eqs eqs = match eqs with | [] -> [] | cstr::eqs' -> let eq,args = destApplication cstr in (mkRefl (Array.get args 0) (Array.get args 2)) :: (buildrefl_from_eqs eqs') (* list of occurrences of a term inside another, no imbricated occurrence are considered (ie we stop looking inside a termthat is an occurrence). *) let rec hdMatchSub u t= if constr_head_match u t then u::(fold_constr (fun l cstr -> l@(hdMatchSub cstr t)) [] u) else fold_constr (fun l cstr -> l@(hdMatchSub cstr t)) [] u (* let hdMatchSub_list u lt = List.flatten (List.map (hdMatchSub u) lt) *) let hdMatchSub_cpl u (d,f) = let res = ref [] in begin for i = d to f do res := (hdMatchSub u (mkRel i)) @ !res done; !res end (* destApplication raises an exception if [t] is not an application *) let exchange_hd_prod subst_hd t = let (hd,args)= destApplication t in mkApp (subst_hd,args) let rec substit_red prof t by_t in_u = if constr_head_match in_u (lift prof t) then whd_beta (exchange_hd_prod (lift prof by_t) in_u) else map_constr_with_binders succ (fun i u -> substit_red i t by_t u) prof in_u (* [exchange_reli_arrayi t=(reli x y ...) tarr (d,f)] exchange each reli by tarr.(f-i). *) let exchange_reli_arrayi tarr (d,f) t = let hd,args= destApplication t in let i = destRel hd in whd_beta (mkApp (tarr.(f-i) ,args)) let exchange_reli_arrayi_L tarr (d,f) = List.map (exchange_reli_arrayi tarr (d,f)) (* expand all letins in a term, before building the principle. *) let rec expand_letins mimick = match kind_of_term mimick with | LetIn(nme,cstr1, typ, cstr) -> let cstr' = substitterm 0 (mkRel 1) (lift 1 cstr1) cstr in expand_letins (pop cstr') | x -> map_constr expand_letins mimick (* Valeur d'une constante, or identity *) let def_of_const t = match kind_of_term t with | Const sp -> (try match Global.lookup_constant sp with {const_body=Some c} -> force c |_ -> assert false with _ -> assert false) | _ -> t (* nom d'une constante. Must be a constante. x*) let name_of_const t = match (kind_of_term t) with Const cst -> Names.string_of_label (Names.label cst) |_ -> assert false ;; (*i Local Variables: compile-command: "make -k tacinvutils.cmo" test-command: "../../bin/coqtop -q -batch -load-vernac-source ../../test-suite/success/Funind.v" End: i*)