(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* false) t1 t2 then true else false let rec compare_constr' t1 t2 = if compare_constr_nosub t1 t2 then true else (compare_constr (compare_constr') t1 t2) let rec substitterm prof t by_t in_u = if (compare_constr' (lift prof t) in_u) then (lift prof by_t) else map_constr_with_binders succ (fun i -> substitterm i t by_t) prof in_u let lift_ldecl n ldecl = List.map (fun (x,y) -> x,lift n y) ldecl let understand = Pretyping.Default.understand Evd.empty (Global.env()) (** Operations on names and identifiers *) let id_of_name = function Anonymous -> id_of_string "H" | Name id -> id;; let name_of_string str = Name (id_of_string str) let string_of_name nme = string_of_id (id_of_name nme) (** [isVarf f x] returns [true] if term [x] is of the form [(Var f)]. *) let isVarf f x = match x with | RVar (_,x) -> Pervasives.compare x f = 0 | _ -> false (** [ident_global_exist id] returns true if identifier [id] is linked in global environment. *) let ident_global_exist id = try let ans = CRef (Libnames.Ident (dummy_loc,id)) in let _ = ignore (Constrintern.intern_constr Evd.empty (Global.env()) ans) in true with _ -> false (** [next_ident_fresh id] returns a fresh identifier (ie not linked in global env) with base [id]. *) let next_ident_fresh (id:identifier) = let res = ref id in while ident_global_exist !res do res := Nameops.lift_ident !res done; !res (** {2 Debugging} *) (* comment this line to see debug msgs *) let msg x = () ;; let pr_lconstr c = str "" (* uncomment this to see debugging *) let prconstr c = msg (str" " ++ Printer.pr_lconstr c) let prconstrnl c = msg (str" " ++ Printer.pr_lconstr c ++ str"\n") let prlistconstr lc = List.iter prconstr lc let prstr s = msg(str s) let prNamedConstr s c = begin msg(str ""); msg(str(s^" {§ ") ++ Printer.pr_lconstr c ++ str " §} "); msg(str ""); end let prNamedRConstr s c = begin msg(str ""); msg(str(s^" {§ ") ++ Printer.pr_rawconstr c ++ str " §} "); msg(str ""); end let prNamedLConstr_aux lc = List.iter (prNamedConstr "\n") lc let prNamedLConstr s lc = begin prstr "[§§§ "; prstr s; prNamedLConstr_aux lc; prstr " §§§]\n"; end let prNamedLDecl s lc = begin prstr s; prstr "\n"; List.iter (fun (nm,_,tp) -> prNamedConstr (string_of_name nm) tp) lc; prstr "\n"; end let prNamedRLDecl s lc = begin prstr s; prstr "\n"; prstr "{§§ "; List.iter (fun x -> match x with | (nm,None,Some tp) -> prNamedRConstr (string_of_name nm) tp | (nm,Some bdy,None) -> prNamedRConstr ("(letin) "^string_of_name nm) bdy | _ -> assert false ) lc; prstr " §§}\n"; prstr "\n"; end let showind (id:identifier) = let cstrid = Tacinterp.constr_of_id (Global.env()) id in let ind1,cstrlist = Inductiveops.find_inductive (Global.env()) Evd.empty cstrid in let mib1,ib1 = Inductive.lookup_mind_specif (Global.env()) ind1 in List.iter (fun (nm, optcstr, tp) -> print_string (string_of_name nm^":"); prconstr tp; print_string "\n") ib1.mind_arity_ctxt; (match ib1.mind_arity with | Monomorphic x -> Printf.printf "arity :"; prconstr x.mind_user_arity | Polymorphic x -> Printf.printf "arity : universe?"); Array.iteri (fun i x -> Printf.printf"type constr %d :" i ; prconstr x) ib1.mind_user_lc (** {2 Misc} *) exception Found of int (* Array scanning *) let array_find (arr: 'a array) (pred: int -> 'a -> bool): int option = try for i=0 to Array.length arr - 1 do if pred i (arr.(i)) then raise (Found i) done; None with Found i -> Some i let array_prfx (arr: 'a array) (pred: int -> 'a -> bool): int = try for i=0 to Array.length arr - 1 do if pred i (arr.(i)) then raise (Found i) done; Array.length arr (* all elt are positive *) with Found i -> i let array_fold_lefti (f: int -> 'a -> 'b -> 'a) (acc:'a) (arr:'b array): 'a = let i = ref 0 in Array.fold_left (fun acc x -> let res = f !i acc x in i := !i + 1; res) acc arr (* Like list_chop but except that [i] is the size of the suffix of [l]. *) let list_chop_end i l = let size_prefix = List.length l -i in if size_prefix < 0 then failwith "list_chop_end" else list_chop size_prefix l let list_fold_lefti (f: int -> 'a -> 'b -> 'a) (acc:'a) (arr:'b list): 'a = let i = ref 0 in List.fold_left (fun acc x -> let res = f !i acc x in i := !i + 1; res) acc arr let list_filteri (f: int -> 'a -> bool) (l:'a list):'a list = let i = ref 0 in List.filter (fun x -> let res = f !i x in i := !i + 1; res) l (** Iteration module *) module For = struct let rec map i j (f: int -> 'a) = if i>j then [] else f i :: (map (i+1) j f) let rec foldup i j (f: 'a -> int -> 'a) acc = if i>j then acc else let newacc = f acc i in foldup (i+1) j f newacc let rec folddown i j (f: 'a -> int -> 'a) acc = if i>j then acc else let newacc = f acc j in folddown i (j-1) f newacc let fold i j = if i Printf.sprintf "Linked %d" i | Unlinked -> Printf.sprintf "Unlinked" | Funres -> Printf.sprintf "Funres" let linkmonad f lnkvar = match lnkvar with | Linked i -> Linked (f i) | Unlinked -> Unlinked | Funres -> Funres let linklift lnkvar i = linkmonad (fun x -> x+i) lnkvar (* This map is used to deal with debruijn linked indices. *) module Link = Map.Make (struct type t = int let compare = Pervasives.compare end) let pr_links l = Printf.printf "links:\n"; Link.iter (fun k e -> Printf.printf "%d : %s\n" k (prlinked e)) l; Printf.printf "_____________\n" type 'a merged_arg = | Prm_stable of 'a | Prm_linked of 'a | Prm_arg of 'a | Arg_stable of 'a | Arg_linked of 'a | Arg_funres (** Information about graph merging of two inductives. All rel_decl list are IN INVERSE ORDER (ie well suited for compose) *) type merge_infos = { ident:identifier; (** new inductive name *) mib1: mutual_inductive_body; oib1: one_inductive_body; mib2: mutual_inductive_body; oib2: one_inductive_body; (** Array of links of the first inductive (should be all stable) *) lnk1: int merged_arg array; (** Array of links of the second inductive (point to the first ind param/args) *) lnk2: int merged_arg array; (** rec params which remain rec param (ie not linked) *) recprms1: rel_declaration list; recprms2: rel_declaration list; nrecprms1: int; nrecprms2: int; (** rec parms which became non parm (either linked to something or because after a rec parm that became non parm) *) otherprms1: rel_declaration list; otherprms2: rel_declaration list; notherprms1:int; notherprms2:int; (** args which remain args in merge *) args1:rel_declaration list; args2:rel_declaration list; nargs1:int; nargs2:int; (** functional result args *) funresprms1: rel_declaration list; funresprms2: rel_declaration list; nfunresprms1:int; nfunresprms2:int; } let pr_merginfo x = let i,s= match x with | Prm_linked i -> Some i,"Prm_linked" | Arg_linked i -> Some i,"Arg_linked" | Prm_stable i -> Some i,"Prm_stable" | Prm_arg i -> Some i,"Prm_arg" | Arg_stable i -> Some i,"Arg_stable" | Arg_funres -> None , "Arg_funres" in match i with | Some i -> Printf.sprintf "%s(%d)" s i | None -> Printf.sprintf "%s" s let isPrm_stable x = match x with Prm_stable _ -> true | _ -> false (* ?? prm_linked?? *) let isArg_stable x = match x with Arg_stable _ | Prm_arg _ -> true | _ -> false let is_stable x = match x with Arg_stable _ | Prm_stable _ | Prm_arg _ -> true | _ -> false let isArg_funres x = match x with Arg_funres -> true | _ -> false let filter_shift_stable (lnk:int merged_arg array) (l:'a list): 'a list = let prms = list_filteri (fun i _ -> isPrm_stable lnk.(i)) l in let args = list_filteri (fun i _ -> isArg_stable lnk.(i)) l in let fres = list_filteri (fun i _ -> isArg_funres lnk.(i)) l in prms@args@fres (** Reverse the link map, keeping only linked vars, elements are list of int as several vars may be linked to the same var. *) let revlinked lnk = For.fold 0 (Array.length lnk - 1) (fun acc k -> match lnk.(k) with | Unlinked | Funres -> acc | Linked i -> let old = try Link.find i acc with Not_found -> [] in Link.add i (k::old) acc) Link.empty let array_switch arr i j = let aux = arr.(j) in arr.(j) <- arr.(i); arr.(i) <- aux let filter_shift_stable_right (lnk:int merged_arg array) (l:'a list): 'a list = let larr = Array.of_list l in let _ = Array.iteri (fun j x -> match x with | Prm_linked i -> array_switch larr i j | Arg_linked i -> array_switch larr i j | Prm_stable i -> () | Prm_arg i -> () | Arg_stable i -> () | Arg_funres -> () ) lnk in filter_shift_stable lnk (Array.to_list larr) (** {1 Utilities for merging} *) let ind1name = id_of_string "__ind1" let ind2name = id_of_string "__ind2" (** Performs verifications on two graphs before merging: they must not be co-inductive, and for the moment they must not be mutual either. *) let verify_inds mib1 mib2 = if not mib1.mind_finite then error "First argument is coinductive"; if not mib2.mind_finite then error "Second argument is coinductive"; if mib1.mind_ntypes <> 1 then error "First argument is mutual"; if mib2.mind_ntypes <> 1 then error "Second argument is mutual"; () (* (** [build_raw_params prms_decl avoid] returns a list of variables attributed to the list of decl [prms_decl], avoiding names in [avoid]. *) let build_raw_params prms_decl avoid = let dummy_constr = compose_prod (List.map (fun (x,_,z) -> x,z) prms_decl) (mkRel 1) in let _ = prNamedConstr "DUMMY" dummy_constr in let dummy_rawconstr = Detyping.detype false avoid [] dummy_constr in let _ = prNamedRConstr "RAWDUMMY" dummy_rawconstr in let res,_ = raw_decompose_prod dummy_rawconstr in let comblist = List.combine prms_decl res in comblist, res , (avoid @ (Idset.elements (ids_of_rawterm dummy_rawconstr))) *) let ids_of_rawlist avoid rawl = List.fold_left Idset.union avoid (List.map ids_of_rawterm rawl) (** {1 Merging function graphs} *) (** [shift_linked_params mib1 mib2 lnk] Computes which parameters (rec uniform and ordinary ones) of mutual inductives [mib1] and [mib2] remain uniform when linked by [lnk]. All parameters are considered, ie we take parameters of the first inductive body of [mib1] and [mib2]. Explanation: The two inductives have parameters, some of the first are recursively uniform, some of the last are functional result of the functional graph. (I x1 x2 ... xk ... xk' ... xn) (J y1 y2 ... xl ... yl' ... ym) Problem is, if some rec unif params are linked to non rec unif ones, they become non rec (and the following too). And functinal argument have to be shifted at the end *) let shift_linked_params mib1 mib2 (lnk1:linked_var array) (lnk2:linked_var array) id = let _ = prstr "\nYOUHOU shift\n" in let linked_targets = revlinked lnk2 in let is_param_of_mib1 x = x < mib1.mind_nparams_rec in let is_param_of_mib2 x = x < mib2.mind_nparams_rec in let is_targetted_by_non_recparam_lnk1 i = try let targets = Link.find i linked_targets in List.exists (fun x -> not (is_param_of_mib2 x)) targets with Not_found -> false in let mlnk1 = Array.mapi (fun i lkv -> let isprm = is_param_of_mib1 i in let prmlost = is_targetted_by_non_recparam_lnk1 i in match isprm , prmlost, lnk1.(i) with | true , true , _ -> Prm_arg i (* recparam becoming ordinary *) | true , false , _-> Prm_stable i (* recparam remains recparam*) | false , false , Funres -> Arg_funres | _ , _ , Funres -> assert false (* fun res cannot be a rec param or lost *) | false , _ , _ -> Arg_stable i) (* Args of lnk1 are not linked *) lnk1 in let mlnk2 = Array.mapi (fun i lkv -> (* Is this correct if some param of ind2 is lost? *) let isprm = is_param_of_mib2 i in match isprm , lnk2.(i) with | true , Linked j when not (is_param_of_mib1 j) -> Prm_arg j (* recparam becoming ordinary *) | true , Linked j -> Prm_linked j (*recparam linked to recparam*) | true , Unlinked -> Prm_stable i (* recparam remains recparam*) | false , Linked j -> Arg_linked j (* Args of lnk2 lost *) | false , Unlinked -> Arg_stable i (* Args of lnk2 remains *) | false , Funres -> Arg_funres | true , Funres -> assert false (* fun res cannot be a rec param *) ) lnk2 in let oib1 = mib1.mind_packets.(0) in let oib2 = mib2.mind_packets.(0) in (* count params remaining params *) let n_params1 = array_prfx mlnk1 (fun i x -> not (isPrm_stable x)) in let n_params2 = array_prfx mlnk2 (fun i x -> not (isPrm_stable x)) in let bldprms arity_ctxt mlnk = list_fold_lefti (fun i (acc1,acc2,acc3,acc4) x -> prstr (pr_merginfo mlnk.(i));prstr "\n"; match mlnk.(i) with | Prm_stable _ -> x::acc1 , acc2 , acc3, acc4 | Prm_arg _ -> acc1 , x::acc2 , acc3, acc4 | Arg_stable _ -> acc1 , acc2 , x::acc3, acc4 | Arg_funres -> acc1 , acc2 , acc3, x::acc4 | _ -> acc1 , acc2 , acc3, acc4) ([],[],[],[]) arity_ctxt in (* let arity_ctxt2 = build_raw_params oib2.mind_arity_ctxt (Idset.elements (ids_of_rawterm oib1.mind_arity_ctxt)) in*) let recprms1,otherprms1,args1,funresprms1 = bldprms (List.rev oib1.mind_arity_ctxt) mlnk1 in let _ = prstr "\n\n\n" in let recprms2,otherprms2,args2,funresprms2 = bldprms (List.rev oib2.mind_arity_ctxt) mlnk2 in let _ = prstr "\notherprms1:\n" in let _ = List.iter (fun (x,_,y) -> prstr (string_of_name x^" : ");prconstr y;prstr "\n") otherprms1 in let _ = prstr "\notherprms2:\n" in let _ = List.iter (fun (x,_,y) -> prstr (string_of_name x^" : ");prconstr y;prstr "\n") otherprms2 in { ident=id; mib1=mib1; oib1 = oib1; mib2=mib2; oib2 = oib2; lnk1 = mlnk1; lnk2 = mlnk2; nrecprms1 = n_params1; recprms1 = recprms1; otherprms1 = otherprms1; args1 = args1; funresprms1 = funresprms1; notherprms1 = Array.length mlnk1 - n_params1; nfunresprms1 = List.length funresprms1; nargs1 = List.length args1; nrecprms2 = n_params2; recprms2 = recprms2; otherprms2 = otherprms2; args2 = args2; funresprms2 = funresprms2; notherprms2 = Array.length mlnk2 - n_params2; nargs2 = List.length args2; nfunresprms2 = List.length funresprms2; } (** {1 Merging functions} *) exception NoMerge let rec merge_app c1 c2 id1 id2 shift filter_shift_stable = let lnk = Array.append shift.lnk1 shift.lnk2 in match c1 , c2 with | RApp(_,f1, arr1), RApp(_,f2,arr2) when isVarf id1 f1 && isVarf id2 f2 -> let _ = prstr "\nICI1!\n";Pp.flush_all() in let args = filter_shift_stable lnk (arr1 @ arr2) in RApp (dummy_loc,RVar (dummy_loc,shift.ident) , args) | RApp(_,f1, arr1), RApp(_,f2,arr2) -> raise NoMerge | RLetIn(_,nme,bdy,trm) , _ -> let _ = prstr "\nICI2!\n";Pp.flush_all() in let newtrm = merge_app trm c2 id1 id2 shift filter_shift_stable in RLetIn(dummy_loc,nme,bdy,newtrm) | _, RLetIn(_,nme,bdy,trm) -> let _ = prstr "\nICI3!\n";Pp.flush_all() in let newtrm = merge_app c1 trm id1 id2 shift filter_shift_stable in RLetIn(dummy_loc,nme,bdy,newtrm) | _ -> let _ = prstr "\nICI4!\n";Pp.flush_all() in raise NoMerge let rec merge_app_unsafe c1 c2 shift filter_shift_stable = let lnk = Array.append shift.lnk1 shift.lnk2 in match c1 , c2 with | RApp(_,f1, arr1), RApp(_,f2,arr2) -> let args = filter_shift_stable lnk (arr1 @ arr2) in RApp (dummy_loc,RVar(dummy_loc,shift.ident) , args) (* FIXME: what if the function appears in the body of the let? *) | RLetIn(_,nme,bdy,trm) , _ -> let _ = prstr "\nICI2 '!\n";Pp.flush_all() in let newtrm = merge_app_unsafe trm c2 shift filter_shift_stable in RLetIn(dummy_loc,nme,bdy,newtrm) | _, RLetIn(_,nme,bdy,trm) -> let _ = prstr "\nICI3 '!\n";Pp.flush_all() in let newtrm = merge_app_unsafe c1 trm shift filter_shift_stable in RLetIn(dummy_loc,nme,bdy,newtrm) | _ -> let _ = prstr "\nICI4 '!\n";Pp.flush_all() in raise NoMerge (* Heuristic when merging two lists of hypothesis: merge every rec calls of nrach 1 with all rec calls of branch 2. *) (* TODO: reecrire cette heuristique (jusqu'a merge_types) *) let rec merge_rec_hyps shift accrec (ltyp:(Names.name * rawconstr option * rawconstr option) list) filter_shift_stable : (Names.name * rawconstr option * rawconstr option) list = let mergeonehyp t reldecl = match reldecl with | (nme,x,Some (RApp(_,i,args) as ind)) -> nme,x, Some (merge_app_unsafe ind t shift filter_shift_stable) | (nme,Some _,None) -> error "letins with recursive calls not treated yet" | (nme,None,Some _) -> assert false | (nme,None,None) | (nme,Some _,Some _) -> assert false in match ltyp with | [] -> [] | (nme,None,Some (RApp(_,f, largs) as t)) :: lt when isVarf ind2name f -> let rechyps = List.map (mergeonehyp t) accrec in rechyps @ merge_rec_hyps shift accrec lt filter_shift_stable | e::lt -> e :: merge_rec_hyps shift accrec lt filter_shift_stable let rec build_suppl_reccall (accrec:(name * rawconstr) list) concl2 shift = List.map (fun (nm,tp) -> (nm,merge_app_unsafe tp concl2 shift)) accrec let find_app (nme:identifier) ltyp = try ignore (List.map (fun x -> match x with | _,None,Some (RApp(_,f,_)) when isVarf nme f -> raise (Found 0) | _ -> ()) ltyp); false with Found _ -> true let prnt_prod_or_letin nm letbdy typ = match letbdy , typ with | Some lbdy , None -> prNamedRConstr ("(letin) " ^ string_of_name nm) lbdy | None , Some tp -> prNamedRConstr (string_of_name nm) tp | _ , _ -> assert false let rec merge_types shift accrec1 (ltyp1:(name * rawconstr option * rawconstr option) list) (concl1:rawconstr) (ltyp2:(name * rawconstr option * rawconstr option) list) concl2 : (name * rawconstr option * rawconstr option) list * rawconstr = let _ = prstr "MERGE_TYPES\n" in let _ = prstr "ltyp 1 : " in let _ = List.iter (fun (nm,lbdy,tp) -> prnt_prod_or_letin nm lbdy tp) ltyp1 in let _ = prstr "\nltyp 2 : " in let _ = List.iter (fun (nm,lbdy,tp) -> prnt_prod_or_letin nm lbdy tp) ltyp2 in let _ = prstr "\n" in let res = match ltyp1 with | [] -> let isrec1 = (accrec1<>[]) in let isrec2 = find_app ind2name ltyp2 in let rechyps = if isrec1 && isrec2 then (* merge_rec_hyps shift accrec1 ltyp2 filter_shift_stable *) merge_rec_hyps shift [name_of_string "concl1",None,Some concl1] ltyp2 filter_shift_stable_right @ merge_rec_hyps shift accrec1 [name_of_string "concl2",None, Some concl2] filter_shift_stable else if isrec1 (* if rec calls in accrec1 and not in ltyp2, add one to ltyp2 *) then merge_rec_hyps shift accrec1 (ltyp2@[name_of_string "concl2",None,Some concl2]) filter_shift_stable else if isrec2 then merge_rec_hyps shift [name_of_string "concl1",None,Some concl1] ltyp2 filter_shift_stable_right else ltyp2 in let _ = prstr"\nrechyps : " in let _ = List.iter(fun (nm,lbdy,tp) -> prnt_prod_or_letin nm lbdy tp) rechyps in let _ = prstr "MERGE CONCL : " in let _ = prNamedRConstr "concl1" concl1 in let _ = prstr " with " in let _ = prNamedRConstr "concl2" concl2 in let _ = prstr "\n" in let concl = merge_app concl1 concl2 ind1name ind2name shift filter_shift_stable in let _ = prstr "FIN " in let _ = prNamedRConstr "concl" concl in let _ = prstr "\n" in rechyps , concl | (nme,None, Some t1)as e ::lt1 -> (match t1 with | RApp(_,f,carr) when isVarf ind1name f -> merge_types shift (e::accrec1) lt1 concl1 ltyp2 concl2 | _ -> let recres, recconcl2 = merge_types shift accrec1 lt1 concl1 ltyp2 concl2 in ((nme,None,Some t1) :: recres) , recconcl2) | (nme,Some bd, None) ::lt1 -> (* FIXME: what if ind1name appears in bd? *) let recres, recconcl2 = merge_types shift accrec1 lt1 concl1 ltyp2 concl2 in ((nme,Some bd,None) :: recres) , recconcl2 | (_,None,None)::_ | (_,Some _,Some _)::_ -> assert false in res (** [build_link_map_aux allargs1 allargs2 shift] returns the mapping of linked args [allargs2] to target args of [allargs1] as specified in [shift]. [allargs1] and [allargs2] are in reverse order. Also returns the list of unlinked vars of [allargs2]. *) let build_link_map_aux (allargs1:identifier array) (allargs2:identifier array) (lnk:int merged_arg array) = array_fold_lefti (fun i acc e -> if i = Array.length lnk - 1 then acc (* functional arg, not in allargs *) else match e with | Prm_linked j | Arg_linked j -> Idmap.add allargs2.(i) allargs1.(j) acc | _ -> acc) Idmap.empty lnk let build_link_map allargs1 allargs2 lnk = let allargs1 = Array.of_list (List.rev (List.map (fun (x,_,_) -> id_of_name x) allargs1)) in let allargs2 = Array.of_list (List.rev (List.map (fun (x,_,_) -> id_of_name x) allargs2)) in build_link_map_aux allargs1 allargs2 lnk (** [merge_one_constructor lnk shift typcstr1 typcstr2] merges the two constructor rawtypes [typcstr1] and [typcstr2]. [typcstr1] and [typcstr2] contain all parameters (including rec. unif. ones) of their inductive. if [typcstr1] and [typcstr2] are of the form: forall recparams1, forall ordparams1, H1a -> H2a... (I1 x1 y1 ... z1) forall recparams2, forall ordparams2, H2b -> H2b... (I2 x2 y2 ... z2) we build: forall recparams1 (recparams2 without linked params), forall ordparams1 (ordparams2 without linked params), H1a' -> H2a' -> ... -> H2a' -> H2b' -> ... -> (newI x1 ... z1 x2 y2 ...z2 without linked params) where Hix' have been adapted, ie: - linked vars have been changed, - rec calls to I1 and I2 have been replaced by rec calls to newI. More precisely calls to I1 and I2 have been merge by an experimental heuristic (in particular if n o rec calls for I1 or I2 is found, we use the conclusion as a rec call). See [merge_types] above. Precond: vars sets of [typcstr1] and [typcstr2] must be disjoint. TODO: return nothing if equalities (after linking) are contradictory. *) let merge_one_constructor (shift:merge_infos) (typcstr1:rawconstr) (typcstr2:rawconstr) : rawconstr = (* FIXME: les noms des parametres corerspondent en principe au parametres du niveau mib, mais il faudrait s'en assurer *) (* shift.nfunresprmsx last args are functional result *) let nargs1 = shift.mib1.mind_nparams + shift.oib1.mind_nrealargs - shift.nfunresprms1 in let nargs2 = shift.mib2.mind_nparams + shift.oib2.mind_nrealargs - shift.nfunresprms2 in let allargs1,rest1 = raw_decompose_prod_or_letin_n nargs1 typcstr1 in let allargs2,rest2 = raw_decompose_prod_or_letin_n nargs2 typcstr2 in (* Build map of linked args of [typcstr2], and apply it to [typcstr2]. *) let linked_map = build_link_map allargs1 allargs2 shift.lnk2 in let rest2 = change_vars linked_map rest2 in let hyps1,concl1 = raw_decompose_prod_or_letin rest1 in let hyps2,concl2' = raw_decompose_prod_or_letin rest2 in let ltyp,concl2 = merge_types shift [] (List.rev hyps1) concl1 (List.rev hyps2) concl2' in let _ = prNamedRLDecl "ltyp result:" ltyp in let typ = raw_compose_prod_or_letin concl2 (List.rev ltyp) in let revargs1 = list_filteri (fun i _ -> isArg_stable shift.lnk1.(i)) (List.rev allargs1) in let _ = prNamedRLDecl "ltyp allargs1" allargs1 in let _ = prNamedRLDecl "ltyp revargs1" revargs1 in let revargs2 = list_filteri (fun i _ -> isArg_stable shift.lnk2.(i)) (List.rev allargs2) in let _ = prNamedRLDecl "ltyp allargs2" allargs2 in let _ = prNamedRLDecl "ltyp revargs2" revargs2 in let typwithprms = raw_compose_prod_or_letin typ (List.rev revargs2 @ List.rev revargs1) in typwithprms (** constructor numbering *) let fresh_cstror_suffix , cstror_suffix_init = let cstror_num = ref 0 in (fun () -> let res = string_of_int !cstror_num in cstror_num := !cstror_num + 1; res) , (fun () -> cstror_num := 0) (** [merge_constructor_id id1 id2 shift] returns the identifier of the new constructor from the id of the two merged constructor and the merging info. *) let merge_constructor_id id1 id2 shift:identifier = let id = string_of_id shift.ident ^ "_" ^ fresh_cstror_suffix () in next_ident_fresh (id_of_string id) (** [merge_constructors lnk shift avoid] merges the two list of constructor [(name*type)]. These are translated to rawterms first, each of them having distinct var names. *) let rec merge_constructors (shift:merge_infos) (avoid:Idset.t) (typcstr1:(identifier * rawconstr) list) (typcstr2:(identifier * rawconstr) list) : (identifier * rawconstr) list = List.flatten (List.map (fun (id1,rawtyp1) -> List.map (fun (id2,rawtyp2) -> let typ = merge_one_constructor shift rawtyp1 rawtyp2 in let newcstror_id = merge_constructor_id id1 id2 shift in let _ = prstr "\n**************\n" in newcstror_id , typ) typcstr2) typcstr1) (** [merge_inductive_body lnk shift avoid oib1 oib2] merges two inductive bodies [oib1] and [oib2], linking with [lnk], params info in [shift], avoiding identifiers in [avoid]. *) let rec merge_inductive_body (shift:merge_infos) avoid (oib1:one_inductive_body) (oib2:one_inductive_body) = (* building rawconstr type of constructors *) let mkrawcor nme avoid typ = (* first replace rel 1 by a varname *) let substindtyp = substitterm 0 (mkRel 1) (mkVar nme) typ in Detyping.detype false (Idset.elements avoid) [] substindtyp in let lcstr1: rawconstr list = Array.to_list (Array.map (mkrawcor ind1name avoid) oib1.mind_user_lc) in (* add to avoid all indentifiers of lcstr1 *) let avoid2 = Idset.union avoid (ids_of_rawlist avoid lcstr1) in let lcstr2 = Array.to_list (Array.map (mkrawcor ind2name avoid2) oib2.mind_user_lc) in let avoid3 = Idset.union avoid (ids_of_rawlist avoid lcstr2) in let params1 = try fst (raw_decompose_prod_n shift.nrecprms1 (List.hd lcstr1)) with _ -> [] in let params2 = try fst (raw_decompose_prod_n shift.nrecprms2 (List.hd lcstr2)) with _ -> [] in let lcstr1 = List.combine (Array.to_list oib1.mind_consnames) lcstr1 in let lcstr2 = List.combine (Array.to_list oib2.mind_consnames) lcstr2 in cstror_suffix_init(); params1,params2,merge_constructors shift avoid3 lcstr1 lcstr2 (** [merge_mutual_inductive_body lnk mib1 mib2 shift] merge mutual inductive bodies [mib1] and [mib2] linking vars with [lnk]. [shift] information on parameters of the new inductive. For the moment, inductives are supposed to be non mutual. *) let rec merge_mutual_inductive_body (mib1:mutual_inductive_body) (mib2:mutual_inductive_body) (shift:merge_infos) = (* Mutual not treated, we take first ind body of each. *) merge_inductive_body shift Idset.empty mib1.mind_packets.(0) mib2.mind_packets.(0) let rawterm_to_constr_expr x = (* build a constr_expr from a rawconstr *) Options.with_option Options.raw_print (Constrextern.extern_rawtype Idset.empty) x let merge_rec_params_and_arity prms1 prms2 shift (concl:constr) = let params = prms2 @ prms1 in let resparams = List.fold_left (fun acc (nme,tp) -> let _ = prstr "param :" in let _ = prNamedRConstr (string_of_name nme) tp in let _ = prstr " ; " in let typ = rawterm_to_constr_expr tp in LocalRawAssum ([(dummy_loc,nme)] , typ) :: acc) [] params in let concl = Constrextern.extern_constr false (Global.env()) concl in let arity,_ = List.fold_left (fun (acc,env) (nm,_,c) -> let typ = Constrextern.extern_constr false env c in let newenv = Environ.push_rel (nm,None,c) env in CProdN (dummy_loc, [[(dummy_loc,nm)],typ] , acc) , newenv) (concl,Global.env()) (shift.funresprms2 @ shift.funresprms1 @ shift.args2 @ shift.args1 @ shift.otherprms2 @ shift.otherprms1) in resparams,arity (** [rawterm_list_to_inductive_expr ident rawlist] returns the induct_expr corresponding to the the list of constructor types [rawlist], named ident. FIXME: params et cstr_expr (arity) *) let rawterm_list_to_inductive_expr prms1 prms2 mib1 mib2 shift (rawlist:(identifier * rawconstr) list):inductive_expr = let lident = dummy_loc, shift.ident in let bindlist , cstr_expr = (* params , arities *) merge_rec_params_and_arity prms1 prms2 shift mkSet in let lcstor_expr : (bool * (lident * constr_expr)) list = List.map (* zeta_normalize t ? *) (fun (id,t) -> false, ((dummy_loc,id),rawterm_to_constr_expr t)) rawlist in lident , bindlist , cstr_expr , lcstor_expr let mkProd_reldecl (rdecl:rel_declaration) (t2:rawconstr) = match rdecl with | (nme,None,t) -> let traw = Detyping.detype false [] [] t in RProd (dummy_loc,nme,traw,t2) | (_,Some _,_) -> assert false let mkProd_reldecl (rdecl:rel_declaration) (t2:rawconstr) = match rdecl with | (nme,None,t) -> let traw = Detyping.detype false [] [] t in RProd (dummy_loc,nme,traw,t2) | (_,Some _,_) -> assert false (** [merge_inductive ind1 ind2 lnk] merges two graphs, linking variables specified in [lnk]. Graphs are not supposed to be mutual inductives for the moment. *) let merge_inductive (ind1: inductive) (ind2: inductive) (lnk1: linked_var array) (lnk2: linked_var array) id = let env = Global.env() in let mib1,_ = Inductive.lookup_mind_specif env ind1 in let mib2,_ = Inductive.lookup_mind_specif env ind2 in let _ = verify_inds mib1 mib2 in (* raises an exception if something wrong *) (* compute params that become ordinary args (because linked to ord. args) *) let shift_prm = shift_linked_params mib1 mib2 lnk1 lnk2 id in let prms1,prms2, rawlist = merge_mutual_inductive_body mib1 mib2 shift_prm in let _ = prstr "\nrawlist : " in let _ = List.iter (fun (nm,tp) -> prNamedRConstr (string_of_id nm) tp;prstr "\n") rawlist in let _ = prstr "\nend rawlist\n" in (* FIX: retransformer en constr ici let shift_prm = { shift_prm with recprms1=prms1; recprms1=prms1; } in *) let indexpr = rawterm_list_to_inductive_expr prms1 prms2 mib1 mib2 shift_prm rawlist in (* Declare inductive *) Command.build_mutual [(indexpr,None)] true (* means: not coinductive *) let kn_of_id id = let f_ref = Libnames.Ident (dummy_loc,id) in locate_with_msg (str "Don't know what to do with " ++ Libnames.pr_reference f_ref) locate_constant f_ref let merge (id1:identifier) (id2:identifier) (args1:identifier array) (args2:identifier array) id = let kn1 = kn_of_id id1 in let kn2 = kn_of_id id2 in let finfo1 = try find_Function_infos kn1 with Not_found -> errorlabstrm "indfun" (Nameops.pr_id id1 ++ str " has no functional scheme") in let finfo2 = try find_Function_infos kn2 with Not_found -> errorlabstrm "indfun" (Nameops.pr_id id2 ++ str " has no functional scheme") in let ind1 = finfo1.graph_ind in let ind2 = finfo2.graph_ind in (* args1 are unlinked. FIXME? mergescheme (G x x) ?? *) (* We add one arg (functional arg of the graph) *) let lnk1 = Array.make (Array.length args1 + 1) Unlinked in let lnk2' = (* args2 may be linked to args1 members. FIXME: same as above: vars may be linked inside args2?? *) Array.mapi (fun i c -> match array_find args1 (fun i x -> x=c) with | Some j -> Linked j | None -> Unlinked) args2 in (* We add one arg (functional arg of the graph) *) let lnk2 = Array.append lnk2' (Array.make 1 Unlinked) in (* setting functional results *) let _ = lnk1.(Array.length lnk1 - 1) <- Funres in let _ = lnk2.(Array.length lnk2 - 1) <- Funres in merge_inductive ind1 ind2 lnk1 lnk2 id (* @article{ bundy93rippling, author = "Alan Bundy and Andrew Stevens and Frank van Harmelen and Andrew Ireland and Alan Smaill", title = "Rippling: A Heuristic for Guiding Inductive Proofs", journal = "Artificial Intelligence", volume = "62", number = "2", pages = "185-253", year = "1993", url = "citeseer.ist.psu.edu/bundy93rippling.html" } *) (* *** Local Variables: *** *** compile-command: "make -C ../.. contrib/funind/merge.cmo" *** *** indent-tabs-mode: nil *** *** End: *** *)