(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* hov 1 (Ppconstr.pr_id id ++ str " := " ++ cut () ++ prc c) | loc, Rawterm.AnonHyp n, c -> hov 1 (int n ++ str " := " ++ cut () ++ prc c) let pr_bindings prc prlc = function | Rawterm.ImplicitBindings l -> brk (1,1) ++ str "with" ++ brk (1,1) ++ Util.prlist_with_sep spc prc l | Rawterm.ExplicitBindings l -> brk (1,1) ++ str "with" ++ brk (1,1) ++ Util.prlist_with_sep spc (fun b -> str"(" ++ pr_binding prlc b ++ str")") l | Rawterm.NoBindings -> mt () let pr_with_bindings prc prlc (c,bl) = prc c ++ hv 0 (pr_bindings prc prlc bl) let pr_fun_ind_using prc prlc _ opt_c = match opt_c with | None -> mt () | Some (p,b) -> spc () ++ hov 2 (str "using" ++ spc () ++ pr_with_bindings prc prlc (p,b)) ARGUMENT EXTEND fun_ind_using TYPED AS constr_with_bindings_opt PRINTED BY pr_fun_ind_using | [ "using" constr_with_bindings(c) ] -> [ Some c ] | [ ] -> [ None ] END TACTIC EXTEND newfuninv [ "functional" "inversion" quantified_hypothesis(hyp) reference_opt(fname) ] -> [ Invfun.invfun hyp fname ] END let pr_intro_as_pat prc _ _ pat = match pat with | Some pat -> spc () ++ str "as" ++ spc () ++ pr_intro_pattern pat | None -> mt () ARGUMENT EXTEND with_names TYPED AS intro_pattern_opt PRINTED BY pr_intro_as_pat | [ "as" simple_intropattern(ipat) ] -> [ Some ipat ] | [] ->[ None ] END TACTIC EXTEND newfunind ["functional" "induction" ne_constr_list(cl) fun_ind_using(princl) with_names(pat)] -> [ let pat = match pat with | None -> IntroAnonymous | Some pat -> pat in let c = match cl with | [] -> assert false | [c] -> c | c::cl -> applist(c,cl) in functional_induction true c princl pat ] END (***** debug only ***) TACTIC EXTEND snewfunind ["soft" "functional" "induction" ne_constr_list(cl) fun_ind_using(princl) with_names(pat)] -> [ let pat = match pat with | None -> IntroAnonymous | Some pat -> pat in let c = match cl with | [] -> assert false | [c] -> c | c::cl -> applist(c,cl) in functional_induction false c princl pat ] END let pr_constr_coma_sequence prc _ _ = Util.prlist_with_sep Util.pr_coma prc ARGUMENT EXTEND constr_coma_sequence' TYPED AS constr_list PRINTED BY pr_constr_coma_sequence | [ constr(c) "," constr_coma_sequence'(l) ] -> [ c::l ] | [ constr(c) ] -> [ [c] ] END let pr_auto_using prc _prlc _prt = Pptactic.pr_auto_using prc ARGUMENT EXTEND auto_using' TYPED AS constr_list PRINTED BY pr_auto_using | [ "using" constr_coma_sequence'(l) ] -> [ l ] | [ ] -> [ [] ] END VERNAC ARGUMENT EXTEND rec_annotation2 [ "{" "struct" ident(id) "}"] -> [ Struct id ] | [ "{" "wf" constr(r) ident_opt(id) auto_using'(l) "}" ] -> [ Wf(r,id,l) ] | [ "{" "measure" constr(r) ident_opt(id) auto_using'(l) "}" ] -> [ Mes(r,id,l) ] END VERNAC ARGUMENT EXTEND binder2 [ "(" ne_ident_list(idl) ":" lconstr(c) ")"] -> [ LocalRawAssum (List.map (fun id -> (Util.dummy_loc,Name id)) idl,c) ] END VERNAC ARGUMENT EXTEND rec_definition2 [ ident(id) binder2_list( bl) rec_annotation2_opt(annot) ":" lconstr( type_) ":=" lconstr(def)] -> [let names = List.map snd (Topconstr.names_of_local_assums bl) in let check_one_name () = if List.length names > 1 then Util.user_err_loc (Util.dummy_loc,"Function", Pp.str "the recursive argument needs to be specified"); in let check_exists_args an = try let id = match an with | Struct id -> id | Wf(_,Some id,_) -> id | Mes(_,Some id,_) -> id | Wf(_,None,_) | Mes(_,None,_) -> failwith "check_exists_args" in (try ignore(Util.list_index (Name id) names - 1); annot with Not_found -> Util.user_err_loc (Util.dummy_loc,"Function", Pp.str "No argument named " ++ Nameops.pr_id id) ) with Failure "check_exists_args" -> check_one_name ();annot in let ni = match annot with | None -> annot | Some an -> check_exists_args an in (id, ni, bl, type_, def) ] END VERNAC ARGUMENT EXTEND rec_definitions2 | [ rec_definition2(rd) ] -> [ [rd] ] | [ rec_definition2(hd) "with" rec_definitions2(tl) ] -> [ hd::tl ] END VERNAC COMMAND EXTEND Function ["Function" rec_definitions2(recsl)] -> [ do_generate_principle false recsl; ] END VERNAC ARGUMENT EXTEND fun_scheme_arg | [ ident(princ_name) ":=" "Induction" "for" reference(fun_name) "Sort" sort(s) ] -> [ (princ_name,fun_name,s) ] END VERNAC ARGUMENT EXTEND fun_scheme_args | [ fun_scheme_arg(fa) ] -> [ [fa] ] | [ fun_scheme_arg(fa) "with" fun_scheme_args(fas) ] -> [fa::fas] END VERNAC COMMAND EXTEND NewFunctionalScheme ["Functional" "Scheme" fun_scheme_args(fas) ] -> [ try Functional_principles_types.build_scheme fas with Functional_principles_types.No_graph_found -> match fas with | (_,fun_name,_)::_ -> begin make_graph (Nametab.global fun_name); try Functional_principles_types.build_scheme fas with Functional_principles_types.No_graph_found -> Util.error ("Cannot generate induction principle(s)") end | _ -> assert false (* we can only have non empty list *) ] END (***** debug only ***) VERNAC COMMAND EXTEND NewFunctionalCase ["Functional" "Case" fun_scheme_arg(fas) ] -> [ Functional_principles_types.build_case_scheme fas ] END (***** debug only ***) VERNAC COMMAND EXTEND GenerateGraph ["Generate" "graph" "for" reference(c)] -> [ make_graph (Nametab.global c) ] END (* FINDUCTION *) (* comment this line to see debug msgs *) let msg x = () ;; let pr_lconstr c = str "" (* uncomment this to see debugging *) let prconstr c = msg (str" " ++ Printer.pr_lconstr c ++ str"\n") let prlistconstr lc = List.iter prconstr lc let prstr s = msg(str s) let prNamedConstr s c = begin msg(str ""); msg(str(s^"==>\n ") ++ Printer.pr_lconstr c ++ str "\n<==\n"); msg(str ""); end (** Information about an occurrence of a function call (application) inside a term. *) type fapp_info = { fname: constr; (** The function applied *) largs: constr list; (** List of arguments *) free: bool; (** [true] if all arguments are debruijn free *) max_rel: int; (** max debruijn index in the funcall *) onlyvars: bool (** [true] if all arguments are variables (and not debruijn) *) } (** [constr_head_match(a b c) a] returns true, false otherwise. *) let constr_head_match u t= if isApp u then let uhd,args= destApp u in uhd=t else false (** [hdMatchSub inu t] returns the list of occurrences of [t] in [inu]. DeBruijn are not pushed, so some of them may be unbound in the result. *) let rec hdMatchSub inu (test: constr -> bool) : fapp_info list = let subres = match kind_of_term inu with | Lambda (nm,tp,cstr) | Prod (nm,tp,cstr) -> hdMatchSub tp test @ hdMatchSub (lift 1 cstr) test | Fix (_,(lna,tl,bl)) -> (* not sure Fix is correct *) Array.fold_left (fun acc cstr -> acc @ hdMatchSub (lift (Array.length tl) cstr) test) [] bl | _ -> (* Cofix will be wrong *) fold_constr (fun l cstr -> l @ hdMatchSub cstr test) [] inu in if not (test inu) then subres else let f,args = decompose_app inu in let freeset = Termops.free_rels inu in let max_rel = try Util.Intset.max_elt freeset with Not_found -> -1 in {fname = f; largs = args; free = Util.Intset.is_empty freeset; max_rel = max_rel; onlyvars = List.for_all isVar args } ::subres let mkEq typ c1 c2 = mkApp (Coqlib.build_coq_eq(),[| typ; c1; c2|]) let poseq_unsafe idunsafe cstr gl = let typ = Tacmach.pf_type_of gl cstr in tclTHEN (Tactics.letin_tac true (Name idunsafe) cstr allClauses) (tclTHENFIRST (Tactics.assert_as true IntroAnonymous (mkEq typ (mkVar idunsafe) cstr)) Tactics.reflexivity) gl let poseq id cstr gl = let x = Tactics.fresh_id [] id gl in poseq_unsafe x cstr gl (* dirty? *) let list_constr_largs = ref [] let rec poseq_list_ids_rec lcstr gl = match lcstr with | [] -> tclIDTAC gl | c::lcstr' -> match kind_of_term c with | Var _ -> (list_constr_largs:=c::!list_constr_largs ; poseq_list_ids_rec lcstr' gl) | _ -> let _ = prstr "c = " in let _ = prconstr c in let _ = prstr "\n" in let typ = Tacmach.pf_type_of gl c in let cname = Termops.id_of_name_using_hdchar (Global.env()) typ Anonymous in let x = Tactics.fresh_id [] cname gl in let _ = list_constr_largs:=mkVar x :: !list_constr_largs in let _ = prstr " list_constr_largs = " in let _ = prlistconstr !list_constr_largs in let _ = prstr "\n" in tclTHEN (poseq_unsafe x c) (poseq_list_ids_rec lcstr') gl let poseq_list_ids lcstr gl = let _ = list_constr_largs := [] in poseq_list_ids_rec lcstr gl (** [find_fapp test g] returns the list of [app_info] of all calls to functions that satisfy [test] in the conclusion of goal g. Trivial repetition (not modulo conversion) are deleted. *) let find_fapp (test:constr -> bool) g : fapp_info list = let pre_res = hdMatchSub (Tacmach.pf_concl g) test in let res = List.fold_right (fun x acc -> if List.mem x acc then acc else x::acc) pre_res [] in (prlistconstr (List.map (fun x -> applist (x.fname,x.largs)) res); res) (** [finduction id filter g] tries to apply functional induction on an occurence of function [id] in the conclusion of goal [g]. If [id]=[None] then calls to any function are selected. In any case [heuristic] is used to select the most pertinent occurrence. *) let finduction (oid:identifier option) (heuristic: fapp_info list -> fapp_info list) (nexttac:Proof_type.tactic) g = let test = match oid with | Some id -> let idconstr = mkConst (const_of_id id) in (fun u -> constr_head_match u idconstr) (* select only id *) | None -> (fun u -> isApp u) in (* select calls to any function *) let info_list = find_fapp test g in let ordered_info_list = heuristic info_list in prlistconstr (List.map (fun x -> applist (x.fname,x.largs)) ordered_info_list); if List.length ordered_info_list = 0 then Util.error "function not found in goal\n"; let taclist: Proof_type.tactic list = List.map (fun info -> (tclTHEN (tclTHEN (poseq_list_ids info.largs) ( fun gl -> (functional_induction true (applist (info.fname, List.rev !list_constr_largs)) None IntroAnonymous) gl)) nexttac)) ordered_info_list in (* we try each (f t u v) until one does not fail *) (* TODO: try also to mix functional schemes *) tclFIRST taclist g (** [chose_heuristic oi x] returns the heuristic for reordering (and/or forgetting some elts of) a list of occurrences of function calls infos to chose first with functional induction. *) let chose_heuristic (oi:int option) : fapp_info list -> fapp_info list = match oi with | Some i -> (fun l -> [ List.nth l (i-1) ]) (* occurrence was given by the user *) | None -> (* Default heuristic: put first occurrences where all arguments are *bound* (meaning already introduced) variables *) let ordering x y = if x.free && x.onlyvars && y.free && y.onlyvars then 0 (* both pertinent *) else if x.free && x.onlyvars then -1 else if y.free && y.onlyvars then 1 else 0 (* both not pertinent *) in List.sort ordering TACTIC EXTEND finduction ["finduction" ident(id) natural_opt(oi)] -> [ match oi with | Some(n) when n<=0 -> Util.error "numerical argument must be > 0" | _ -> let heuristic = chose_heuristic oi in finduction (Some id) heuristic tclIDTAC ] END TACTIC EXTEND fauto [ "fauto" tactic(tac)] -> [ let heuristic = chose_heuristic None in finduction None heuristic (snd tac) ] | [ "fauto" ] -> [ let heuristic = chose_heuristic None in finduction None heuristic tclIDTAC ] END TACTIC EXTEND poseq [ "poseq" ident(x) constr(c) ] -> [ poseq x c ] END VERNAC COMMAND EXTEND Showindinfo [ "showindinfo" ident(x) ] -> [ Merge.showind x ] END VERNAC COMMAND EXTEND MergeFunind [ "Mergeschemes" "(" ident(id1) ne_ident_list(cl1) ")" "with" "(" ident(id2) ne_ident_list(cl2) ")" "using" ident(id) ] -> [ let f1 = Constrintern.interp_constr Evd.empty (Global.env()) (CRef (Libnames.Ident (Util.dummy_loc,id1))) in let f2 = Constrintern.interp_constr Evd.empty (Global.env()) (CRef (Libnames.Ident (Util.dummy_loc,id2))) in let f1type = Typing.type_of (Global.env()) Evd.empty f1 in let f2type = Typing.type_of (Global.env()) Evd.empty f2 in let ar1 = List.length (fst (decompose_prod f1type)) in let ar2 = List.length (fst (decompose_prod f2type)) in let _ = if ar1 <> List.length cl1 then Util.error ("not the right number of arguments for " ^ string_of_id id1) in let _ = if ar2 <> List.length cl2 then Util.error ("not the right number of arguments for " ^ string_of_id id2) in Merge.merge id1 id2 (Array.of_list cl1) (Array.of_list cl2) id ] END