open Printer open Util open Term open Termops open Names open Declarations open Pp open Entries open Hiddentac open Evd open Tacmach open Proof_type open Tacticals open Tactics open Indfun_common open Libnames let msgnl = Pp.msgnl let do_observe () = Tacinterp.get_debug () <> Tactic_debug.DebugOff let observe strm = if do_observe () then Pp.msgnl strm else () let observennl strm = if do_observe () then begin Pp.msg strm;Pp.pp_flush () end else () let do_observe_tac s tac g = try let v = tac g in (* msgnl (goal ++ fnl () ++ (str s)++(str " ")++(str "finished")); *) v with e -> let goal = begin try (Printer.pr_goal (sig_it g)) with _ -> assert false end in msgnl (str "observation "++ s++str " raised exception " ++ Cerrors.explain_exn e ++ str " on goal " ++ goal ); raise e;; let observe_tac s tac g = if do_observe () then do_observe_tac (str s) tac g else tac g let tclTRYD tac = if !Options.debug || do_observe () then (fun g -> try (* do_observe_tac "" *)tac g with _ -> tclIDTAC g) else tac let list_chop ?(msg="") n l = try list_chop n l with Failure (msg') -> failwith (msg ^ msg') let make_refl_eq type_of_t t = let refl_equal_term = Lazy.force refl_equal in mkApp(refl_equal_term,[|type_of_t;t|]) type pte_info = { proving_tac : (identifier list -> Tacmach.tactic); is_valid : constr -> bool } type ptes_info = pte_info Idmap.t type 'a dynamic_info = { nb_rec_hyps : int; rec_hyps : identifier list ; eq_hyps : identifier list; info : 'a } type body_info = constr dynamic_info let finish_proof dynamic_infos g = observe_tac "finish" ( h_assumption) g let refine c = Tacmach.refine_no_check c let thin l = Tacmach.thin_no_check l let cut_replacing id t tac :tactic= tclTHENS (cut t) [ tclTHEN (thin_no_check [id]) (introduction_no_check id); tac ] let intro_erasing id = tclTHEN (thin [id]) (introduction id) let rec_hyp_id = id_of_string "rec_hyp" let is_trivial_eq t = match kind_of_term t with | App(f,[|_;t1;t2|]) when eq_constr f (Lazy.force eq) -> eq_constr t1 t2 | _ -> false let rec incompatible_constructor_terms t1 t2 = let c1,arg1 = decompose_app t1 and c2,arg2 = decompose_app t2 in (not (eq_constr t1 t2)) && isConstruct c1 && isConstruct c2 && ( not (eq_constr c1 c2) || List.exists2 incompatible_constructor_terms arg1 arg2 ) let is_incompatible_eq t = match kind_of_term t with | App(f,[|_;t1;t2|]) when eq_constr f (Lazy.force eq) -> incompatible_constructor_terms t1 t2 | _ -> false let change_hyp_with_using msg hyp_id t tac : tactic = fun g -> let prov_id = pf_get_new_id hyp_id g in tclTHENS (observe_tac msg (forward (Some (tclCOMPLETE tac)) (Genarg.IntroIdentifier prov_id) t)) [tclTHENLIST [ observe_tac "change_hyp_with_using thin" (thin [hyp_id]); observe_tac "change_hyp_with_using rename " (h_rename prov_id hyp_id) ]] g exception TOREMOVE let prove_trivial_eq h_id context (type_of_term,term) = let nb_intros = List.length context in tclTHENLIST [ tclDO nb_intros intro; (* introducing context *) (fun g -> let context_hyps = fst (list_chop ~msg:"prove_trivial_eq : " nb_intros (pf_ids_of_hyps g)) in let context_hyps' = (mkApp(Lazy.force refl_equal,[|type_of_term;term|])):: ( mkVar context_hyps) in let to_refine = applist(mkVar h_id,List.rev context_hyps') in refine to_refine g ) ] let isAppConstruct t = if isApp t then isConstruct (fst (destApp t)) else false let nf_betaiotazeta = (* Reductionops.local_strong Reductionops.whd_betaiotazeta *) let clos_norm_flags flgs env sigma t = Closure.norm_val (Closure.create_clos_infos flgs env) (Closure.inject (Reductionops.nf_evar sigma t)) in clos_norm_flags Closure.betaiotazeta Environ.empty_env Evd.empty let change_eq env sigma hyp_id (context:Sign.rel_context) x t end_of_type = let nochange msg = begin (* observe (str ("Not treating ( "^msg^" )") ++ pr_lconstr t ); *) failwith "NoChange"; end in if not (noccurn 1 end_of_type) then nochange "dependent"; (* if end_of_type depends on this term we don't touch it *) if not (isApp t) then nochange "not an equality"; let f_eq,args = destApp t in if not (eq_constr f_eq (Lazy.force eq)) then nochange "not an equality"; let t1 = args.(1) and t2 = args.(2) and t1_typ = args.(0) in if not (closed0 t1) then nochange "not a closed lhs"; let rec compute_substitution sub t1 t2 = if isRel t2 then let t2 = destRel t2 in begin try let t1' = Intmap.find t2 sub in if not (eq_constr t1 t1') then nochange "twice bound variable"; sub with Not_found -> assert (closed0 t1); Intmap.add t2 t1 sub end else if isAppConstruct t1 && isAppConstruct t2 then begin let c1,args1 = destApp t1 and c2,args2 = destApp t2 in if not (eq_constr c1 c2) then anomaly "deconstructing equation"; array_fold_left2 compute_substitution sub args1 args2 end else if (eq_constr t1 t2) then sub else nochange "cannot solve" in let sub = compute_substitution Intmap.empty t1 t2 in let end_of_type_with_pop = pop end_of_type in (*the equation will be removed *) let new_end_of_type = (* Ugly hack to prevent Map.fold order change between ocaml-3.08.3 and ocaml-3.08.4 Can be safely replaced by the next comment for Ocaml >= 3.08.4 *) let sub' = Intmap.fold (fun i t acc -> (i,t)::acc) sub [] in let sub'' = List.sort (fun (x,_) (y,_) -> x y) sub' in List.fold_left (fun end_of_type (i,t) -> lift 1 (substnl [t] (i-1) end_of_type)) end_of_type_with_pop sub'' in let old_context_length = List.length context + 1 in let witness_fun = mkLetIn(Anonymous,make_refl_eq t1_typ t1,t, mkApp(mkVar hyp_id,Array.init old_context_length (fun i -> mkRel (old_context_length - i))) ) in let new_type_of_hyp,ctxt_size,witness_fun = list_fold_left_i (fun i (end_of_type,ctxt_size,witness_fun) ((x',b',t') as decl) -> try let witness = Intmap.find i sub in if b' <> None then anomaly "can not redefine a rel!"; (pop end_of_type,ctxt_size,mkLetIn(x',witness,t',witness_fun)) with Not_found -> (mkProd_or_LetIn decl end_of_type, ctxt_size + 1, mkLambda_or_LetIn decl witness_fun) ) 1 (new_end_of_type,0,witness_fun) context in let new_type_of_hyp = Reductionops.nf_betaiota new_type_of_hyp in let new_ctxt,new_end_of_type = Sign.decompose_prod_n_assum ctxt_size new_type_of_hyp in let prove_new_hyp : tactic = tclTHEN (tclDO ctxt_size intro) (fun g -> let all_ids = pf_ids_of_hyps g in let new_ids,_ = list_chop ctxt_size all_ids in let to_refine = applist(witness_fun,List.rev_map mkVar new_ids) in refine to_refine g ) in let simpl_eq_tac = change_hyp_with_using "prove_pattern_simplification" hyp_id new_type_of_hyp prove_new_hyp in (* observe (str "In " ++ Ppconstr.pr_id hyp_id ++ *) (* str "removing an equation " ++ fnl ()++ *) (* str "old_typ_of_hyp :=" ++ *) (* Printer.pr_lconstr_env *) (* env *) (* (it_mkProd_or_LetIn ~init:end_of_type ((x,None,t)::context)) *) (* ++ fnl () ++ *) (* str "new_typ_of_hyp := "++ *) (* Printer.pr_lconstr_env env new_type_of_hyp ++ fnl () *) (* ++ str "old context := " ++ pr_rel_context env context ++ fnl () *) (* ++ str "new context := " ++ pr_rel_context env new_ctxt ++ fnl () *) (* ++ str "old type := " ++ pr_lconstr end_of_type ++ fnl () *) (* ++ str "new type := " ++ pr_lconstr new_end_of_type ++ fnl () *) (* ); *) new_ctxt,new_end_of_type,simpl_eq_tac let is_property ptes_info t_x full_type_of_hyp = if isApp t_x then let pte,args = destApp t_x in if isVar pte && array_for_all closed0 args then try let info = Idmap.find (destVar pte) ptes_info in info.is_valid full_type_of_hyp with Not_found -> false else false else false let isLetIn t = match kind_of_term t with | LetIn _ -> true | _ -> false let h_reduce_with_zeta = h_reduce (Rawterm.Cbv {Rawterm.all_flags with Rawterm.rDelta = false; }) let rewrite_until_var arg_num eq_ids : tactic = let test_var g = let _,args = destApp (pf_concl g) in not (isConstruct args.(arg_num)) in let rec do_rewrite eq_ids g = if test_var g then tclIDTAC g else match eq_ids with | [] -> anomaly "Cannot find a way to prove recursive property"; | eq_id::eq_ids -> tclTHEN (tclTRY (Equality.rewriteRL (mkVar eq_id))) (do_rewrite eq_ids) g in do_rewrite eq_ids let rec_pte_id = id_of_string "Hrec" let clean_hyp_with_heq ptes_infos eq_hyps hyp_id env sigma = let coq_False = Coqlib.build_coq_False () in let coq_True = Coqlib.build_coq_True () in let coq_I = Coqlib.build_coq_I () in let rec scan_type context type_of_hyp : tactic = if isLetIn type_of_hyp then let real_type_of_hyp = it_mkProd_or_LetIn ~init:type_of_hyp context in let reduced_type_of_hyp = nf_betaiotazeta real_type_of_hyp in (* length of context didn't change ? *) let new_context,new_typ_of_hyp = Sign.decompose_prod_n_assum (List.length context) reduced_type_of_hyp in tclTHENLIST [ h_reduce_with_zeta (Tacticals.onHyp hyp_id) ; scan_type new_context new_typ_of_hyp ] else if isProd type_of_hyp then begin let (x,t_x,t') = destProd type_of_hyp in let actual_real_type_of_hyp = it_mkProd_or_LetIn ~init:t' context in if is_property ptes_infos t_x actual_real_type_of_hyp then begin let pte,pte_args = (destApp t_x) in let (* fix_info *) prove_rec_hyp = (Idmap.find (destVar pte) ptes_infos).proving_tac in let popped_t' = pop t' in let real_type_of_hyp = it_mkProd_or_LetIn ~init:popped_t' context in let prove_new_type_of_hyp = let context_length = List.length context in tclTHENLIST [ tclDO context_length intro; (fun g -> let context_hyps_ids = fst (list_chop ~msg:"rec hyp : context_hyps" context_length (pf_ids_of_hyps g)) in let rec_pte_id = pf_get_new_id rec_pte_id g in let to_refine = applist(mkVar hyp_id, List.rev_map mkVar (rec_pte_id::context_hyps_ids) ) in observe_tac "rec hyp " (tclTHENS (assert_as true (Genarg.IntroIdentifier rec_pte_id) t_x) [observe_tac "prove rec hyp" (prove_rec_hyp eq_hyps); observe_tac "prove rec hyp" (refine to_refine) ]) g ) ] in tclTHENLIST [ observe_tac "hyp rec" (change_hyp_with_using "rec_hyp_tac" hyp_id real_type_of_hyp prove_new_type_of_hyp); scan_type context popped_t' ] end else if eq_constr t_x coq_False then begin (* observe (str "Removing : "++ Ppconstr.pr_id hyp_id++ *) (* str " since it has False in its preconds " *) (* ); *) raise TOREMOVE; (* False -> .. useless *) end else if is_incompatible_eq t_x then raise TOREMOVE (* t_x := C1 ... = C2 ... *) else if eq_constr t_x coq_True (* Trivial => we remove this precons *) then (* observe (str "In "++Ppconstr.pr_id hyp_id++ *) (* str " removing useless precond True" *) (* ); *) let popped_t' = pop t' in let real_type_of_hyp = it_mkProd_or_LetIn ~init:popped_t' context in let prove_trivial = let nb_intro = List.length context in tclTHENLIST [ tclDO nb_intro intro; (fun g -> let context_hyps = fst (list_chop ~msg:"removing True : context_hyps "nb_intro (pf_ids_of_hyps g)) in let to_refine = applist (mkVar hyp_id, List.rev ( mkVar context_hyps) ) in refine to_refine g ) ] in tclTHENLIST[ change_hyp_with_using "prove_trivial" hyp_id real_type_of_hyp (observe_tac "prove_trivial" prove_trivial); scan_type context popped_t' ] else if is_trivial_eq t_x then (* t_x := t = t => we remove this precond *) let popped_t' = pop t' in let real_type_of_hyp = it_mkProd_or_LetIn ~init:popped_t' context in let _,args = destApp t_x in tclTHENLIST [ change_hyp_with_using "prove_trivial_eq" hyp_id real_type_of_hyp (observe_tac "prove_trivial_eq" (prove_trivial_eq hyp_id context (args.(0),args.(1)))); scan_type context popped_t' ] else begin try let new_context,new_t',tac = change_eq env sigma hyp_id context x t_x t' in tclTHEN tac (scan_type new_context new_t') with Failure "NoChange" -> (* Last thing todo : push the rel in the context and continue *) scan_type ((x,None,t_x)::context) t' end end else tclIDTAC in try scan_type [] (Typing.type_of env sigma (mkVar hyp_id)), [hyp_id] with TOREMOVE -> thin [hyp_id],[] let clean_goal_with_heq ptes_infos continue_tac dyn_infos = fun g -> let env = pf_env g and sigma = project g in let tac,new_hyps = List.fold_left ( fun (hyps_tac,new_hyps) hyp_id -> let hyp_tac,new_hyp = clean_hyp_with_heq ptes_infos dyn_infos.eq_hyps hyp_id env sigma in (tclTHEN hyp_tac hyps_tac),new_hyp@new_hyps ) (tclIDTAC,[]) dyn_infos.rec_hyps in let new_infos = { dyn_infos with rec_hyps = new_hyps; nb_rec_hyps = List.length new_hyps } in tclTHENLIST [ tac ; (continue_tac new_infos) ] g let heq_id = id_of_string "Heq" let treat_new_case ptes_infos nb_prod continue_tac term dyn_infos = fun g -> let heq_id = pf_get_new_id heq_id g in let nb_first_intro = nb_prod - 1 - dyn_infos.nb_rec_hyps in tclTHENLIST [ (* We first introduce the variables *) tclDO nb_first_intro (intro_avoiding dyn_infos.rec_hyps); (* Then the equation itself *) introduction_no_check heq_id; (* Then the new hypothesis *) tclMAP introduction_no_check dyn_infos.rec_hyps; observe_tac "after_introduction" (fun g' -> (* We get infos on the equations introduced*) let new_term_value_eq = pf_type_of g' (mkVar heq_id) in (* compute the new value of the body *) let new_term_value = match kind_of_term new_term_value_eq with | App(f,[| _;_;args2 |]) -> args2 | _ -> observe (str "cannot compute new term value : " ++ pr_gls g' ++ fnl () ++ str "last hyp is" ++ pr_lconstr_env (pf_env g') new_term_value_eq ); anomaly "cannot compute new term value" in let fun_body = mkLambda(Anonymous, pf_type_of g' term, replace_term term (mkRel 1) ) in let new_body = pf_nf_betaiota g' (mkApp(fun_body,[| new_term_value |])) in let new_infos = {dyn_infos with info = new_body; eq_hyps = heq_id::dyn_infos.eq_hyps } in clean_goal_with_heq ptes_infos continue_tac new_infos g' ) ] g let my_orelse tac1 tac2 g = try tac1 g with e -> (* observe (str "using snd tac since : " ++ Cerrors.explain_exn e); *) tac2 g let instanciate_hyps_with_args (do_prove:identifier list -> tactic) hyps args_id = let args = Array.of_list ( mkVar args_id) in let instanciate_one_hyp hid = my_orelse ( (* we instanciate the hyp if possible *) fun g -> let prov_hid = pf_get_new_id hid g in tclTHENLIST[ forward None (Genarg.IntroIdentifier prov_hid) (mkApp(mkVar hid,args)); thin [hid]; h_rename prov_hid hid ] g ) ( (* if not then we are in a mutual function block and this hyp is a recursive hyp on an other function. We are not supposed to use it while proving this principle so that we can trash it *) (fun g -> (* observe (str "Instanciation: removing hyp " ++ Ppconstr.pr_id hid); *) thin [hid] g ) ) in if args_id = [] then tclTHENLIST [ tclMAP (fun hyp_id -> h_reduce_with_zeta (Tacticals.onHyp hyp_id)) hyps; do_prove hyps ] else tclTHENLIST [ tclMAP (fun hyp_id -> h_reduce_with_zeta (Tacticals.onHyp hyp_id)) hyps; tclMAP instanciate_one_hyp hyps; (fun g -> let all_g_hyps_id = List.fold_right Idset.add (pf_ids_of_hyps g) Idset.empty in let remaining_hyps = List.filter (fun id -> Idset.mem id all_g_hyps_id) hyps in do_prove remaining_hyps g ) ] let build_proof (interactive_proof:bool) (fnames:constant list) ptes_infos dyn_infos : tactic = let rec build_proof_aux do_finalize dyn_infos : tactic = fun g -> (* observe (str "proving on " ++ Printer.pr_lconstr_env (pf_env g) term);*) match kind_of_term with | Case(_,_,t,_) -> let g_nb_prod = nb_prod (pf_concl g) in let type_of_term = pf_type_of g t in let term_eq = make_refl_eq type_of_term t in tclTHENSEQ [ h_generalize (term_eq::( mkVar dyn_infos.rec_hyps)); thin dyn_infos.rec_hyps; pattern_option [[-1],t] None; h_simplest_case t; (fun g' -> let g'_nb_prod = nb_prod (pf_concl g') in let nb_instanciate_partial = g'_nb_prod - g_nb_prod in observe_tac "treat_new_case" (treat_new_case ptes_infos nb_instanciate_partial (build_proof do_finalize) t dyn_infos) g' ) ] g | Lambda(n,t,b) -> begin match kind_of_term( pf_concl g) with | Prod _ -> tclTHEN intro (fun g' -> let (id,_,_) = pf_last_hyp g' in let new_term = pf_nf_betaiota g' (mkApp(,[|mkVar id|])) in let new_infos = {dyn_infos with info = new_term} in let do_prove new_hyps = build_proof do_finalize {new_infos with rec_hyps = new_hyps; nb_rec_hyps = List.length new_hyps } in observe_tac "Lambda" (instanciate_hyps_with_args do_prove new_infos.rec_hyps [id]) g' (* build_proof do_finalize new_infos g' *) ) g | _ -> do_finalize dyn_infos g end | Cast(t,_,_) -> build_proof do_finalize {dyn_infos with info = t} g | Const _ | Var _ | Meta _ | Evar _ | Sort _ | Construct _ | Ind _ -> do_finalize dyn_infos g | App(_,_) -> let f,args = decompose_app in begin match kind_of_term f with | App _ -> assert false (* we have collected all the app in decompose_app *) | Var _ | Construct _ | Rel _ | Evar _ | Meta _ | Ind _ | Sort _ | Prod _ -> let new_infos = { dyn_infos with info = (f,args) } in build_proof_args do_finalize new_infos g | Const c when not (List.mem c fnames) -> let new_infos = { dyn_infos with info = (f,args) } in (* Pp.msgnl (str "proving in " ++ pr_lconstr_env (pf_env g); *) build_proof_args do_finalize new_infos g | Const _ -> do_finalize dyn_infos g | Lambda _ -> let new_term = Reductionops.nf_beta in build_proof do_finalize {dyn_infos with info = new_term} g | LetIn _ -> let new_infos = { dyn_infos with info = nf_betaiotazeta } in tclTHENLIST [tclMAP (fun hyp_id -> h_reduce_with_zeta (Tacticals.onHyp hyp_id)) dyn_infos.rec_hyps; h_reduce_with_zeta Tacticals.onConcl; build_proof do_finalize new_infos ] g | Cast(b,_,_) -> build_proof do_finalize {dyn_infos with info = b } g | Case _ | Fix _ | CoFix _ -> let new_finalize dyn_infos = let new_infos = { dyn_infos with info =,args } in build_proof_args do_finalize new_infos in build_proof new_finalize {dyn_infos with info = f } g end | Fix _ | CoFix _ -> error ( "Anonymous local (co)fixpoints are not handled yet") | Prod _ -> error "Prod" | LetIn _ -> let new_infos = { dyn_infos with info = nf_betaiotazeta } in tclTHENLIST [tclMAP (fun hyp_id -> h_reduce_with_zeta (Tacticals.onHyp hyp_id)) dyn_infos.rec_hyps; h_reduce_with_zeta Tacticals.onConcl; build_proof do_finalize new_infos ] g | Rel _ -> anomaly "Free var in goal conclusion !" and build_proof do_finalize dyn_infos g = (* observe (str "proving with "++Printer.pr_lconstr str " on goal " ++ pr_gls g); *) (build_proof_aux do_finalize dyn_infos) g and build_proof_args do_finalize dyn_infos (* f_args' args *) :tactic = fun g -> (* if Tacinterp.get_debug () <> Tactic_debug.DebugOff *) (* then msgnl (str "build_proof_args with " ++ *) (* pr_lconstr_env (pf_env g) f_args' *) (* ); *) let (f_args',args) = in let tac : tactic = fun g -> match args with | [] -> do_finalize {dyn_infos with info = f_args'} g | arg::args -> (* observe (str "build_proof_args with arg := "++ pr_lconstr_env (pf_env g) arg++ *) (* fnl () ++ *) (* pr_goal (Tacmach.sig_it g) *) (* ); *) let do_finalize dyn_infos = let new_arg = in (* tclTRYD *) (build_proof_args do_finalize {dyn_infos with info = (mkApp(f_args',[|new_arg|])), args} ) in build_proof do_finalize {dyn_infos with info = arg } g in observe_tac "build_proof_args" (tac ) g in let do_finish_proof dyn_infos = (* tclTRYD *) (clean_goal_with_heq ptes_infos finish_proof dyn_infos) in observe_tac "build_proof" (build_proof do_finish_proof dyn_infos) (* Proof of principles from structural functions *) let is_pte_type t = isSort (snd (decompose_prod t)) let is_pte (_,_,t) = is_pte_type t type static_fix_info = { idx : int; name : identifier; types : types; offset : int; nb_realargs : int; body_with_param : constr; num_in_block : int } let prove_rec_hyp_for_struct fix_info = (fun eq_hyps -> tclTHEN (rewrite_until_var (fix_info.idx) eq_hyps) (fun g -> let _,pte_args = destApp (pf_concl g) in let rec_hyp_proof = mkApp(mkVar,array_get_start pte_args) in refine rec_hyp_proof g )) let prove_rec_hyp fix_info = { proving_tac = prove_rec_hyp_for_struct fix_info ; is_valid = fun _ -> true } exception Not_Rec let generalize_non_dep hyp g = (* observe (str "rec id := " ++ Ppconstr.pr_id hyp); *) let hyps = [hyp] in let env = Global.env () in let hyp_typ = pf_type_of g (mkVar hyp) in let to_revert,_ = Environ.fold_named_context_reverse (fun (clear,keep) (hyp,_,_ as decl) -> if List.mem hyp hyps or List.exists (occur_var_in_decl env hyp) keep or occur_var env hyp hyp_typ or Termops.is_section_variable hyp (* should be dangerous *) then (clear,decl::keep) else (hyp::clear,keep)) ~init:([],[]) (pf_env g) in (* observe (str "to_revert := " ++ prlist_with_sep spc Ppconstr.pr_id to_revert); *) tclTHEN (observe_tac "h_generalize" (h_generalize ( mkVar to_revert) )) (observe_tac "thin" (thin to_revert)) g let id_of_decl (na,_,_) = (Nameops.out_name na) let var_of_decl decl = mkVar (id_of_decl decl) let revert idl = tclTHEN (generalize ( mkVar idl)) (thin idl) let generate_equation_lemma fnames f fun_num nb_params nb_args rec_args_num = (* observe (str "nb_args := " ++ str (string_of_int nb_args)); *) (* observe (str "nb_params := " ++ str (string_of_int nb_params)); *) (* observe (str "rec_args_num := " ++ str (string_of_int (rec_args_num + 1) )); *) let f_def = Global.lookup_constant (destConst f) in let eq_lhs = mkApp(f,Array.init (nb_params + nb_args) (fun i -> mkRel(nb_params + nb_args - i))) in let f_body = force (out_some f_def.const_body) in let params,f_body_with_params = decompose_lam_n nb_params f_body in let (_,num),(_,_,bodies) = destFix f_body_with_params in let fnames_with_params = let params = Array.init nb_params (fun i -> mkRel(nb_params - i)) in let fnames = List.rev (Array.to_list ( (fun f -> mkApp(f,params)) fnames)) in fnames in (* observe (str "fnames_with_params " ++ prlist_with_sep fnl pr_lconstr fnames_with_params); *) (* observe (str "body " ++ pr_lconstr bodies.(num)); *) let f_body_with_params_and_other_fun = substl fnames_with_params bodies.(num) in (* observe (str "f_body_with_params_and_other_fun " ++ pr_lconstr f_body_with_params_and_other_fun); *) let eq_rhs = nf_betaiotazeta (mkApp(compose_lam params f_body_with_params_and_other_fun,Array.init (nb_params + nb_args) (fun i -> mkRel(nb_params + nb_args - i)))) in (* observe (str "eq_rhs " ++ pr_lconstr eq_rhs); *) let type_ctxt,type_of_f = Sign.decompose_prod_n_assum (nb_params + nb_args) f_def.const_type in let eqn = mkApp(Lazy.force eq,[|type_of_f;eq_lhs;eq_rhs|]) in let lemma_type = it_mkProd_or_LetIn ~init:eqn type_ctxt in let f_id = id_of_label (con_label (destConst f)) in let prove_replacement = tclTHENSEQ [ tclDO (nb_params + rec_args_num + 1) intro; observe_tac "" (fun g -> let rec_id = pf_nth_hyp_id g 1 in tclTHENSEQ [observe_tac "generalize_non_dep in generate_equation_lemma" (generalize_non_dep rec_id); observe_tac "h_case" (h_case(mkVar rec_id,Rawterm.NoBindings)); intros_reflexivity] g ) ] in Command.start_proof (mk_equation_id f_id) (Decl_kinds.Global,(Decl_kinds.Proof Decl_kinds.Theorem)) lemma_type (fun _ _ -> ()); (prove_replacement); Command.save_named false let do_replace params rec_arg_num rev_args_id f fun_num all_funs g = let f_id = id_of_label (con_label (destConst f)) in let equation_lemma_id = (mk_equation_id f_id) in let equation_lemma = try Tacinterp.constr_of_id (pf_env g) equation_lemma_id with Not_found -> generate_equation_lemma all_funs f fun_num (List.length params) (List.length rev_args_id) rec_arg_num; Tacinterp.constr_of_id (pf_env g) equation_lemma_id in (* observe (Ppconstr.pr_id equation_lemma_id ++ str " has type " ++ pr_lconstr_env (pf_env g) (pf_type_of g equation_lemma)); *) let nb_intro_to_do = nb_prod (pf_concl g) in tclTHEN (tclDO nb_intro_to_do intro) ( fun g' -> let just_introduced = nLastHyps nb_intro_to_do g' in let just_introduced_id = (fun (id,_,_) -> id) just_introduced in tclTHEN (Equality.rewriteLR equation_lemma) (revert just_introduced_id) g' ) g let prove_princ_for_struct interactive_proof fun_num fnames all_funs _nparams : tactic = fun g -> let princ_type = pf_concl g in let princ_info = compute_elim_sig princ_type in let fresh_id = let avoid = ref (pf_ids_of_hyps g) in (fun na -> let new_id = match na with Name id -> fresh_id !avoid (string_of_id id) | Anonymous -> fresh_id !avoid "H" in avoid := new_id :: !avoid; (Name new_id) ) in let fresh_decl = (fun (na,b,t) -> (fresh_id na,b,t) ) in let princ_info : elim_scheme = { princ_info with params = fresh_decl princ_info.params; predicates = fresh_decl princ_info.predicates; branches = fresh_decl princ_info.branches; args = fresh_decl princ_info.args } in let get_body const = match (Global.lookup_constant const ).const_body with | Some b -> let body = force b in Tacred.cbv_norm_flags (Closure.RedFlags.mkflags [Closure.RedFlags.fZETA]) (Global.env ()) (Evd.empty) body | None -> error ( "Cannot define a principle over an axiom ") in let fbody = get_body fnames.(fun_num) in let f_ctxt,f_body = decompose_lam fbody in let f_ctxt_length = List.length f_ctxt in let diff_params = princ_info.nparams - f_ctxt_length in let full_params,princ_params,fbody_with_full_params = if diff_params > 0 then let princ_params,full_params = list_chop diff_params princ_info.params in (full_params, (* real params *) princ_params, (* the params of the principle which are not params of the function *) substl (* function instanciated with real params *) ( var_of_decl full_params) f_body ) else let f_ctxt_other,f_ctxt_params = list_chop (- diff_params) f_ctxt in let f_body = compose_lam f_ctxt_other f_body in (princ_info.params, (* real params *) [],(* all params are full params *) substl (* function instanciated with real params *) ( var_of_decl princ_info.params) f_body ) in (* observe (str "full_params := " ++ *) (* prlist_with_sep spc (fun (na,_,_) -> Ppconstr.pr_id (Nameops.out_name na)) *) (* full_params *) (* ); *) (* observe (str "princ_params := " ++ *) (* prlist_with_sep spc (fun (na,_,_) -> Ppconstr.pr_id (Nameops.out_name na)) *) (* princ_params *) (* ); *) (* observe (str "fbody_with_full_params := " ++ *) (* pr_lconstr fbody_with_full_params *) (* ); *) let all_funs_with_full_params = (fun f -> applist(f, List.rev_map var_of_decl full_params)) all_funs in let fix_offset = List.length princ_params in let ptes_to_fix,infos = match kind_of_term fbody_with_full_params with | Fix((idxs,i),(names,typess,bodies)) -> let bodies_with_all_params = (fun body -> Reductionops.nf_betaiota (applist(substl (List.rev (Array.to_list all_funs_with_full_params)) body, List.rev_map var_of_decl princ_params)) ) bodies in let info_array = Array.mapi (fun i types -> let types = prod_applist types (List.rev_map var_of_decl princ_params) in { idx = idxs.(i) - fix_offset; name = Nameops.out_name (fresh_id names.(i)); types = types; offset = fix_offset; nb_realargs = List.length (fst (decompose_lam bodies.(i))) - fix_offset; body_with_param = bodies_with_all_params.(i); num_in_block = i } ) typess in let pte_to_fix,rev_info = list_fold_left_i (fun i (acc_map,acc_info) (pte,_,_) -> let infos = info_array.(i) in let type_args,_ = decompose_prod infos.types in let nargs = List.length type_args in let f = applist(mkConst fnames.(i), List.rev_map var_of_decl princ_info.params) in let first_args = Array.init nargs (fun i -> mkRel (nargs -i)) in let app_f = mkApp(f,first_args) in let pte_args = (Array.to_list first_args)@[app_f] in let app_pte = applist(mkVar (Nameops.out_name pte),pte_args) in let body_with_param,num = let body = get_body fnames.(i) in let body_with_full_params = Reductionops.nf_betaiota ( applist(body,List.rev_map var_of_decl full_params)) in match kind_of_term body_with_full_params with | Fix((_,num),(_,_,bs)) -> Reductionops.nf_betaiota ( (applist (substl (List.rev (Array.to_list all_funs_with_full_params)) bs.(num), List.rev_map var_of_decl princ_params)) ),num | _ -> error "Not a mutual block" in let info = {infos with types = compose_prod type_args app_pte; body_with_param = body_with_param; num_in_block = num } in (* observe (str "binding " ++ Ppconstr.pr_id (Nameops.out_name pte) ++ *) (* str " to " ++ Ppconstr.pr_id; *) (Idmap.add (Nameops.out_name pte) info acc_map,info::acc_info) ) 0 (Idmap.empty,[]) (List.rev princ_info.predicates) in pte_to_fix,List.rev rev_info | _ -> Idmap.empty,[] in let mk_fixes : tactic = let pre_info,infos = list_chop fun_num infos in match pre_info,infos with | [],[] -> tclIDTAC | _, this_fix_info::others_infos -> let other_fix_infos = (fun fi ->,fi.idx + 1 ,fi.types) (pre_info@others_infos) in if other_fix_infos = [] then observe_tac ("h_fix") (h_fix (Some (this_fix_info.idx +1)) else h_mutual_fix (this_fix_info.idx + 1) other_fix_infos | _ -> anomaly "Not a valid information" in let first_tac : tactic = (* every operations until fix creations *) tclTHENSEQ [ observe_tac "introducing params" (intros_using (List.rev_map id_of_decl princ_info.params)); observe_tac "introducing predictes" (intros_using (List.rev_map id_of_decl princ_info.predicates)); observe_tac "introducing branches" (intros_using (List.rev_map id_of_decl princ_info.branches)); observe_tac "building fixes" mk_fixes; ] in let intros_after_fixes : tactic = fun gl -> let ctxt,pte_app = (Sign.decompose_prod_assum (pf_concl gl)) in let pte,pte_args = (decompose_app pte_app) in try let pte = try destVar pte with _ -> anomaly "Property is not a variable" in let fix_info = Idmap.find pte ptes_to_fix in let nb_args = fix_info.nb_realargs in tclTHENSEQ [ observe_tac ("introducing args") (tclDO nb_args intro); (fun g -> (* replacement of the function by its body *) let args = nLastHyps nb_args g in let fix_body = fix_info.body_with_param in (* observe (str "fix_body := "++ pr_lconstr_env (pf_env gl) fix_body); *) let args_id = (fun (id,_,_) -> id) args in let dyn_infos = { nb_rec_hyps = -100; rec_hyps = []; info = Reductionops.nf_betaiota (applist(fix_body,List.rev_map mkVar args_id)); eq_hyps = [] } in tclTHENSEQ [ observe_tac "do_replace" (do_replace full_params (fix_info.idx + List.length princ_params) (args_id@( (fun (id,_,_) -> Nameops.out_name id ) princ_params)) (all_funs.(fix_info.num_in_block)) fix_info.num_in_block all_funs ); (* observe_tac "do_replace" *) (* (do_replace princ_info.params fix_info.idx args_id *) (* (List.hd (List.rev pte_args)) fix_body); *) let do_prove = build_proof interactive_proof (Array.to_list fnames) ( prove_rec_hyp ptes_to_fix) in let prove_tac branches = let dyn_infos = {dyn_infos with rec_hyps = branches; nb_rec_hyps = List.length branches } in observe_tac "cleaning" (clean_goal_with_heq ( prove_rec_hyp ptes_to_fix) do_prove dyn_infos) in (* observe (str "branches := " ++ *) (* prlist_with_sep spc (fun decl -> Ppconstr.pr_id (id_of_decl decl)) princ_info.branches ++ fnl () ++ *) (* str "args := " ++ prlist_with_sep spc Ppconstr.pr_id args_id *) (* ); *) observe_tac "instancing" (instanciate_hyps_with_args prove_tac (List.rev_map id_of_decl princ_info.branches) (List.rev args_id)) ] g ); ] gl with Not_found -> let nb_args = min (princ_info.nargs) (List.length ctxt) in tclTHENSEQ [ tclDO nb_args intro; (fun g -> (* replacement of the function by its body *) let args = nLastHyps nb_args g in let args_id = (fun (id,_,_) -> id) args in let dyn_infos = { nb_rec_hyps = -100; rec_hyps = []; info = Reductionops.nf_betaiota (applist(fbody_with_full_params, (List.rev_map var_of_decl princ_params)@ (List.rev_map mkVar args_id) )); eq_hyps = [] } in let fname = destConst (fst (decompose_app (List.hd (List.rev pte_args)))) in tclTHENSEQ [unfold_in_concl [([],Names.EvalConstRef fname)]; let do_prove = build_proof interactive_proof (Array.to_list fnames) ( prove_rec_hyp ptes_to_fix) in let prove_tac branches = let dyn_infos = {dyn_infos with rec_hyps = branches; nb_rec_hyps = List.length branches } in clean_goal_with_heq ( prove_rec_hyp ptes_to_fix) do_prove dyn_infos in instanciate_hyps_with_args prove_tac (List.rev_map id_of_decl princ_info.branches) (List.rev args_id) ] g ) ] gl in tclTHEN first_tac intros_after_fixes g (* Proof of principles of general functions *) let h_id = Recdef.h_id and hrec_id = Recdef.hrec_id and acc_inv_id = Recdef.acc_inv_id and ltof_ref = Recdef.ltof_ref and acc_rel = Recdef.acc_rel and well_founded = Recdef.well_founded and delayed_force = Recdef.delayed_force and h_intros = Recdef.h_intros and list_rewrite = Recdef.list_rewrite and evaluable_of_global_reference = Recdef.evaluable_of_global_reference let prove_with_tcc tcc_lemma_constr eqs : tactic = match !tcc_lemma_constr with | None -> anomaly "No tcc proof !!" | Some lemma -> fun gls -> let hid = next_global_ident_away true h_id (pf_ids_of_hyps gls) in tclTHENSEQ [ generalize [lemma]; h_intro hid; Elim.h_decompose_and (mkVar hid); tclTRY(list_rewrite true eqs); Eauto.gen_eauto false (false,5) [] (Some []) ] gls let backtrack_eqs_until_hrec hrec eqs : tactic = fun gls -> let rewrite = tclFIRST ( Equality.rewriteRL eqs ) in let _,hrec_concl = decompose_prod (pf_type_of gls (mkVar hrec)) in let f_app = array_last (snd (destApp hrec_concl)) in let f = (fst (destApp f_app)) in let rec backtrack : tactic = fun g -> let f_app = array_last (snd (destApp (pf_concl g))) in match kind_of_term f_app with | App(f',_) when eq_constr f' f -> tclIDTAC g | _ -> tclTHEN rewrite backtrack g in backtrack gls let new_prove_with_tcc is_mes acc_inv hrec tcc_lemma_constr eqs : tactic = match !tcc_lemma_constr with | None -> tclIDTAC_MESSAGE (str "No tcc proof !!") | Some lemma -> fun gls -> let hid = next_global_ident_away true Recdef.h_id (pf_ids_of_hyps gls) in (tclTHENSEQ [ generalize [lemma]; h_intro hid; Elim.h_decompose_and (mkVar hid); backtrack_eqs_until_hrec hrec eqs; tclCOMPLETE (tclTHENS (* We must have exactly ONE subgoal !*) (apply (mkVar hrec)) [ tclTHENSEQ [ thin [hrec]; apply (Lazy.force acc_inv); (fun g -> if is_mes then unfold_in_concl [([], evaluable_of_global_reference (delayed_force ltof_ref))] g else tclIDTAC g ); tclTRY(Recdef.list_rewrite true eqs); observe_tac "finishing" (tclCOMPLETE (Eauto.gen_eauto false (false,5) [] (Some []))) ] ] ) ]) gls let is_valid_hypothesis predicates_name = let predicates_name = List.fold_right Idset.add predicates_name Idset.empty in let is_pte typ = if isApp typ then let pte,_ = destApp typ in if isVar pte then Idset.mem (destVar pte) predicates_name else false else false in let rec is_valid_hypothesis typ = is_pte typ || match kind_of_term typ with | Prod(_,pte,typ') -> is_pte pte && is_valid_hypothesis typ' | _ -> false in is_valid_hypothesis let fresh_id avoid na = let id = match na with | Name id -> id | Anonymous -> h_id in next_global_ident_away true id avoid let prove_principle_for_gen (f_ref,functional_ref,eq_ref) tcc_lemma_ref is_mes rec_arg_num rec_arg_type relation = fun g -> let type_of_goal = pf_concl g in let goal_ids = pf_ids_of_hyps g in let goal_elim_infos = compute_elim_sig type_of_goal in let params_names,ids = List.fold_left (fun (params_names,avoid) (na,_,_) -> let new_id = fresh_id avoid na in (new_id::params_names,new_id::avoid) ) ([],goal_ids) goal_elim_infos.params in let predicates_names,ids = List.fold_left (fun (predicates_names,avoid) (na,_,_) -> let new_id = fresh_id avoid na in (new_id::predicates_names,new_id::avoid) ) ([],ids) goal_elim_infos.predicates in let branches_names,ids = List.fold_left (fun (branches_names,avoid) (na,_,_) -> let new_id = fresh_id avoid na in (new_id::branches_names,new_id::avoid) ) ([],ids) goal_elim_infos.branches in let to_intro = params_names@predicates_names@branches_names in let nparams = List.length params_names in let rec_arg_num = rec_arg_num - nparams in let tac_intro_static = h_intros to_intro in let args_info = ref None in let arg_tac g = (* introducing args *) let ids = pf_ids_of_hyps g in let func_body = def_of_const (mkConst functional_ref) in (* let _ = Pp.msgnl (Printer.pr_lconstr func_body) in *) let (f_name, _, body1) = destLambda func_body in let f_id = match f_name with | Name f_id -> next_global_ident_away true f_id ids | Anonymous -> anomaly "anonymous function" in let n_names_types,_ = decompose_lam body1 in let n_ids,ids = List.fold_left (fun (n_ids,ids) (n_name,_) -> match n_name with | Name id -> let n_id = next_global_ident_away true id ids in n_id::n_ids,n_id::ids | _ -> anomaly "anonymous argument" ) ([],(f_id::ids)) n_names_types in let rec_arg_id = List.nth n_ids (rec_arg_num - 1 ) in let args_ids = snd (list_chop nparams n_ids) in args_info := Some (ids,args_ids,rec_arg_id); h_intros args_ids g in let wf_tac = if is_mes then Recdef.tclUSER_if_not_mes else fun _ -> prove_with_tcc tcc_lemma_ref [] in let start_tac g = let ids,args_ids,rec_arg_id = out_some !args_info in let nargs = List.length args_ids in let pre_rec_arg = List.rev_map mkVar (fst (list_chop (rec_arg_num - 1) args_ids)) in let args_before_rec = pre_rec_arg@( mkVar params_names) in let relation = substl args_before_rec relation in let input_type = substl args_before_rec rec_arg_type in let wf_thm = next_global_ident_away true (id_of_string ("wf_R")) ids in let wf_rec_arg = next_global_ident_away true (id_of_string ("Acc_"^(string_of_id rec_arg_id))) (wf_thm::ids) in let hrec = next_global_ident_away true hrec_id (wf_rec_arg::wf_thm::ids) in let acc_inv = lazy ( mkApp ( delayed_force acc_inv_id, [|input_type;relation;mkVar rec_arg_id|] ) ) in (tclTHENS (observe_tac "first assert" (assert_tac true (* the assert thm is in first subgoal *) (Name wf_rec_arg) (mkApp (delayed_force acc_rel, [|input_type;relation;mkVar rec_arg_id|]) ) ) ) [ (* accesibility proof *) tclTHENS (observe_tac "second assert" (assert_tac true (Name wf_thm) (mkApp (delayed_force well_founded,[|input_type;relation|])) ) ) [ (* interactive proof of the well_foundness of the relation *) wf_tac is_mes; (* well_foundness -> Acc for any element *) observe_tac "apply wf_thm" (h_apply ((mkApp(mkVar wf_thm, [|mkVar rec_arg_id |])),Rawterm.NoBindings) ) ] ; (* rest of the proof *) tclTHENSEQ [ observe_tac "generalize" (fun g -> let to_thin = fst (list_chop ( nargs + 1) (pf_ids_of_hyps g)) in let to_thin_c = List.rev_map mkVar to_thin in tclTHEN (generalize to_thin_c) (observe_tac "thin" (h_clear false to_thin)) g ); observe_tac "h_fix" (h_fix (Some hrec) (nargs+1)); h_intros args_ids; h_intro wf_rec_arg; Equality.rewriteLR (mkConst eq_ref); (fun g' -> let body = let _,args = destApp (pf_concl g') in array_last args in let body_info rec_hyps = { nb_rec_hyps = List.length rec_hyps; rec_hyps = rec_hyps; eq_hyps = []; info = body } in let acc_inv = lazy (mkApp(Lazy.force acc_inv, [|mkVar wf_rec_arg|]) ) in let pte_info = { proving_tac = (fun eqs -> observe_tac "prove_with_tcc" (new_prove_with_tcc is_mes acc_inv hrec tcc_lemma_ref ( mkVar eqs)) ); is_valid = is_valid_hypothesis predicates_names } in let ptes_info : pte_info Idmap.t = List.fold_left (fun map pte_id -> Idmap.add pte_id pte_info map ) Idmap.empty predicates_names in let make_proof rec_hyps = build_proof false [f_ref] ptes_info (body_info rec_hyps) in instanciate_hyps_with_args make_proof branches_names args_ids g' ) ] ] g ) in tclTHENSEQ [tac_intro_static; arg_tac; start_tac ] g