(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* (Rlt R0 a) -> (Rlt (Rmult a x1) (Rmult a y1)). Intros x1 y1 a H H0; Try Assumption. Apply Rlt_monotony; Auto with real. Qed. Lemma Rfourier_le: (x1, y1, a : R) (Rle x1 y1) -> (Rlt R0 a) -> (Rle (Rmult a x1) (Rmult a y1)). Red. Intros. Case H; Auto with real. Qed. Lemma Rfourier_lt_lt: (x1, y1, x2, y2, a : R) (Rlt x1 y1) -> (Rlt x2 y2) -> (Rlt R0 a) -> (Rlt (Rplus x1 (Rmult a x2)) (Rplus y1 (Rmult a y2))). Intros x1 y1 x2 y2 a H H0 H1; Try Assumption. Apply Rplus_lt. Try Exact H. Apply Rfourier_lt. Try Exact H0. Try Exact H1. Qed. Lemma Rfourier_lt_le: (x1, y1, x2, y2, a : R) (Rlt x1 y1) -> (Rle x2 y2) -> (Rlt R0 a) -> (Rlt (Rplus x1 (Rmult a x2)) (Rplus y1 (Rmult a y2))). Intros x1 y1 x2 y2 a H H0 H1; Try Assumption. Case H0; Intros. Apply Rplus_lt. Try Exact H. Apply Rfourier_lt; Auto with real. Rewrite H2. Rewrite (Rplus_sym y1 (Rmult a y2)). Rewrite (Rplus_sym x1 (Rmult a y2)). Apply Rlt_compatibility. Try Exact H. Qed. Lemma Rfourier_le_lt: (x1, y1, x2, y2, a : R) (Rle x1 y1) -> (Rlt x2 y2) -> (Rlt R0 a) -> (Rlt (Rplus x1 (Rmult a x2)) (Rplus y1 (Rmult a y2))). Intros x1 y1 x2 y2 a H H0 H1; Try Assumption. Case H; Intros. Apply Rfourier_lt_le; Auto with real. Rewrite H2. Apply Rlt_compatibility. Apply Rfourier_lt; Auto with real. Qed. Lemma Rfourier_le_le: (x1, y1, x2, y2, a : R) (Rle x1 y1) -> (Rle x2 y2) -> (Rlt R0 a) -> (Rle (Rplus x1 (Rmult a x2)) (Rplus y1 (Rmult a y2))). Intros x1 y1 x2 y2 a H H0 H1; Try Assumption. Case H0; Intros. Red. Left; Try Assumption. Apply Rfourier_le_lt; Auto with real. Rewrite H2. Case H; Intros. Red. Left; Try Assumption. Rewrite (Rplus_sym x1 (Rmult a y2)). Rewrite (Rplus_sym y1 (Rmult a y2)). Apply Rlt_compatibility. Try Exact H3. Rewrite H3. Red. Right; Try Assumption. Auto with real. Qed. Lemma Rlt_zero_pos_plus1: (x : R) (Rlt R0 x) -> (Rlt R0 (Rplus R1 x)). Intros x H; Try Assumption. Rewrite Rplus_sym. Apply Rlt_r_plus_R1. Red; Auto with real. Qed. Lemma Rlt_mult_inv_pos: (x, y : R) (Rlt R0 x) -> (Rlt R0 y) -> (Rlt R0 (Rmult x (Rinv y))). Intros x y H H0; Try Assumption. Replace R0 with (Rmult x R0). Apply Rlt_monotony; Auto with real. Ring. Qed. Lemma Rlt_zero_1: (Rlt R0 R1). Exact Rlt_R0_R1. Qed. Lemma Rle_zero_pos_plus1: (x : R) (Rle R0 x) -> (Rle R0 (Rplus R1 x)). Intros x H; Try Assumption. Case H; Intros. Red. Left; Try Assumption. Apply Rlt_zero_pos_plus1; Auto with real. Rewrite <- H0. Replace (Rplus R1 R0) with R1. Red; Left. Exact Rlt_zero_1. Ring. Qed. Lemma Rle_mult_inv_pos: (x, y : R) (Rle R0 x) -> (Rlt R0 y) -> (Rle R0 (Rmult x (Rinv y))). Intros x y H H0; Try Assumption. Case H; Intros. Red; Left. Apply Rlt_mult_inv_pos; Auto with real. Rewrite <- H1. Red; Right; Ring. Qed. Lemma Rle_zero_1: (Rle R0 R1). Red; Left. Exact Rlt_zero_1. Qed. Lemma Rle_not_lt: (n, d : R) (Rle R0 (Rmult n (Rinv d))) -> ~ (Rlt R0 (Rmult (Ropp n) (Rinv d))). Intros n d H; Red; Intros H0; Try Exact H0. Generalize (Rle_not R0 (Rmult n (Rinv d))). Intros H1; Elim H1; Try Assumption. Replace (Rmult n (Rinv d)) with (Ropp (Ropp (Rmult n (Rinv d)))). Replace R0 with (Ropp (Ropp R0)). Replace (Ropp (Rmult n (Rinv d))) with (Rmult (Ropp n) (Rinv d)). Replace (Ropp R0) with R0. Red. Try Exact H0. Apply Rgt_Ropp. Replace (Ropp (Rmult n (Rinv d))) with (Rmult (Ropp n) (Rinv d)). Replace (Ropp R0) with R0. Red. Try Exact H0. Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring. Qed. Lemma Rnot_lt0: (x : R) ~ (Rlt R0 (Rmult R0 x)). Intros x; Try Assumption. Replace (Rmult R0 x) with R0. Apply Rlt_antirefl. Ring. Qed. Lemma Rlt_not_le: (n, d : R) (Rlt R0 (Rmult n (Rinv d))) -> ~ (Rle R0 (Rmult (Ropp n) (Rinv d))). Intros n d H; Try Assumption. Apply Rle_not. Replace R0 with (Ropp R0). Replace (Rmult (Ropp n) (Rinv d)) with (Ropp (Rmult n (Rinv d))). Apply Rlt_Ropp. Try Exact H. Ring. Ring. Qed. Lemma Rnot_lt_lt: (x, y : R) ~ (Rlt R0 (Rminus y x)) -> ~ (Rlt x y). Unfold not; Intros. Apply H. Apply Rlt_anti_compatibility with x. Replace (Rplus x R0) with x. Replace (Rplus x (Rminus y x)) with y. Try Exact H0. Ring. Ring. Qed. Lemma Rnot_le_le: (x, y : R) ~ (Rle R0 (Rminus y x)) -> ~ (Rle x y). Unfold not; Intros. Apply H. Case H0; Intros. Left. Apply Rlt_anti_compatibility with x. Replace (Rplus x R0) with x. Replace (Rplus x (Rminus y x)) with y. Try Exact H1. Ring. Ring. Right. Rewrite H1; Ring. Qed. Lemma Rfourier_gt_to_lt: (x, y : R) (Rgt y x) -> (Rlt x y). Unfold Rgt; Auto with *. Qed. Lemma Rfourier_ge_to_le: (x, y : R) (Rge y x) -> (Rle x y). Unfold Rge Rle; Intuition. Qed. Lemma Rfourier_eqLR_to_le: (x, y : R) x == y -> (Rle x y). Intros. Rewrite H; Red. Right; Auto with *. Qed. Lemma Rfourier_eqRL_to_le: (x, y : R) y == x -> (Rle x y). Intros. Rewrite H; Red. Right; Auto with *. Qed. Lemma Rfourier_not_ge_lt: (x, y : R) ((Rge x y) -> False) -> (Rlt x y). Intros. Unfold Rge in H. Elim (total_order x y); Intros. Try Exact H0. Intuition. Qed. Lemma Rfourier_not_gt_le: (x, y : R) ((Rgt x y) -> False) -> (Rle x y). Intros. Red. Elim (total_order x y); Intros. Intuition. Intuition. Qed. Lemma Rfourier_not_le_gt: (x, y : R) ((Rle x y) -> False) -> (Rgt x y). Unfold Rle. Intros. Red. Elim (total_order x y); Intros. Intuition. Intuition. Qed. Lemma Rfourier_not_lt_ge: (x, y : R) ((Rlt x y) -> False) -> (Rge x y). Intros. Red. Elim (total_order x y); Intros. Intuition. Intuition. Qed.