(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* (n,subst_meta [i,t] tn)) !sigma) in let rec head_reduce t= (* forbids non-sigma-normal meta in head position*) match kind_of_term t with Meta i-> (try head_reduce (List.assoc i !sigma) with Not_found->t) | _->t in Queue.add (t1,t2) bige; try while true do let t1,t2=Queue.take bige in let nt1=head_reduce (whd_betaiotazeta t1) and nt2=head_reduce (whd_betaiotazeta t2) in match (kind_of_term nt1),(kind_of_term nt2) with Meta i,Meta j-> if i<>j then if i let t=subst_meta !sigma nt2 in if Intset.is_empty (free_rels t) && not (occur_term (mkMeta i) t) then bind i t else raise (UFAIL(nt1,nt2)) | _,Meta i -> let t=subst_meta !sigma nt1 in if Intset.is_empty (free_rels t) && not (occur_term (mkMeta i) t) then bind i t else raise (UFAIL(nt1,nt2)) | Cast(_,_),_->Queue.add (strip_outer_cast nt1,nt2) bige | _,Cast(_,_)->Queue.add (nt1,strip_outer_cast nt2) bige | (Prod(_,a,b),Prod(_,c,d))|(Lambda(_,a,b),Lambda(_,c,d))-> Queue.add (a,c) bige;Queue.add (pop b,pop d) bige | Case (_,pa,ca,va),Case (_,pb,cb,vb)-> Queue.add (pa,pb) bige; Queue.add (ca,cb) bige; let l=Array.length va in if l<>(Array.length vb) then raise (UFAIL (nt1,nt2)) else for i=0 to l-1 do Queue.add (va.(i),vb.(i)) bige done | App(ha,va),App(hb,vb)-> Queue.add (ha,hb) bige; let l=Array.length va in if l<>(Array.length vb) then raise (UFAIL (nt1,nt2)) else for i=0 to l-1 do Queue.add (va.(i),vb.(i)) bige done | _->if not (eq_constr nt1 nt2) then raise (UFAIL (nt1,nt2)) done; assert false (* this place is unreachable but needed for the sake of typing *) with Queue.Empty-> !sigma let value i t= let add x y= if x<0 then y else if y<0 then x else x+y in let tref=mkMeta i in let rec vaux term= if term=tref then 0 else let f v t=add v (vaux t) in let vr=fold_constr f (-1) term in if vr<0 then -1 else vr+1 in vaux t type instance= Real of (int*constr)*int | Phantom of constr let mk_rel_inst t= let new_rel=ref 1 in let rel_env=ref [] in let rec renum_rec d t= match kind_of_term t with Meta n-> (try mkRel (d+(List.assoc n !rel_env)) with Not_found-> let m= !new_rel in incr new_rel; rel_env:=(n,m) :: !rel_env; mkRel (m+d)) | _ -> map_constr_with_binders succ renum_rec d t in let nt=renum_rec 0 t in (!new_rel - 1,nt) let unif_atoms i dom t1 t2= try let t=List.assoc i (unif t1 t2) in if isMeta t then Some (Phantom dom) else Some (Real(mk_rel_inst t,value i t1)) with UFAIL(_,_) ->None | Not_found ->Some (Phantom dom) let renum_metas_from k n t= (* requires n = max (free_rels t) *) let l=list_tabulate (fun i->mkMeta (k+i)) n in substl l t let more_general (m1,t1) (m2,t2)= let mt1=renum_metas_from 0 m1 t1 and mt2=renum_metas_from m1 m2 t2 in try let sigma=unif mt1 mt2 in let p (n,t)= nfalse