(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* predref:=Names.KNpred.add kn !predref | _ ->() in let g _ l=List.iter f l in let h _ hdb=Auto.Hint_db.iter g hdb in Util.Stringmap.iter h !Auto.searchtable; red_flags:= Closure.RedFlags.red_add_transparent Closure.betaiotazeta (Names.Idpred.full,!predref) end *) let update_flags ()= let predref=ref Names.Cpred.empty in let f coe= try let kn=destConst (Classops.get_coercion_value coe) in predref:=Names.Cpred.add kn !predref with Invalid_argument "destConst"-> () in List.iter f (Classops.coercions ()); red_flags:= Closure.RedFlags.red_add_transparent Closure.betaiotazeta (Names.Idpred.full,Names.Cpred.complement !predref) let ground_tac solver startseq gl= update_flags (); let rec toptac skipped seq gl= if Tacinterp.get_debug()=Tactic_debug.DebugOn 0 then Pp.msgnl (Printer.pr_goal (sig_it gl)); tclORELSE (axiom_tac seq.gl seq) begin try let (hd,seq1)=take_formula seq and re_add s=re_add_formula_list skipped s in let continue=toptac [] and backtrack gl=toptac (hd::skipped) seq1 gl in match hd.pat with Right rpat-> begin match rpat with Rand-> and_tac backtrack continue (re_add seq1) | Rforall-> let backtrack1= if !qflag then tclFAIL 0 "reversible in 1st order mode" else backtrack in forall_tac backtrack continue (re_add seq1) | Rarrow-> arrow_tac backtrack continue (re_add seq1) | Ror-> or_tac backtrack continue (re_add seq1) | Rfalse->backtrack | Rexists(i,dom,triv)-> let (lfp,seq2)=collect_quantified seq in let backtrack2=toptac (lfp@skipped) seq2 in if !qflag && seq.depth>0 then quantified_tac lfp backtrack2 continue (re_add seq) else backtrack2 (* need special backtracking *) end | Left lpat-> begin match lpat with Lfalse-> left_false_tac hd.id | Land ind-> left_and_tac ind backtrack hd.id continue (re_add seq1) | Lor ind-> left_or_tac ind backtrack hd.id continue (re_add seq1) | Lforall (_,_,_)-> let (lfp,seq2)=collect_quantified seq in let backtrack2=toptac (lfp@skipped) seq2 in if !qflag && seq.depth>0 then quantified_tac lfp backtrack2 continue (re_add seq) else backtrack2 (* need special backtracking *) | Lexists ind -> if !qflag then left_exists_tac ind backtrack hd.id continue (re_add seq1) else backtrack | LA (typ,lap)-> let la_tac= begin match lap with LLatom -> backtrack | LLand (ind,largs) | LLor(ind,largs) | LLfalse (ind,largs)-> (ll_ind_tac ind largs backtrack hd.id continue (re_add seq1)) | LLforall p -> if seq.depth>0 && !qflag then (ll_forall_tac p backtrack hd.id continue (re_add seq1)) else backtrack | LLexists (ind,l) -> if !qflag then ll_ind_tac ind l backtrack hd.id continue (re_add seq1) else backtrack | LLarrow (a,b,c) -> (ll_arrow_tac a b c backtrack hd.id continue (re_add seq1)) end in ll_atom_tac typ la_tac hd.id continue (re_add seq1) end with Heap.EmptyHeap->solver end gl in wrap (List.length (pf_hyps gl)) true (toptac []) (startseq gl) gl