(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* identifier val pr_global : global_reference -> Pp.std_ppcmds (*s Warning and Error messages. *) val error_axiom_scheme : global_reference -> 'a val error_axiom : global_reference -> 'a val warning_axiom : global_reference -> unit val error_section : unit -> 'a val error_constant : global_reference -> 'a val error_fixpoint : global_reference -> 'a val error_type_scheme : global_reference -> 'a val error_inductive : global_reference -> 'a val error_nb_cons : unit -> 'a val error_module_clash : string -> 'a val error_unknown_module : identifier -> 'a val error_toplevel : unit -> 'a val error_scheme : unit -> 'a val error_not_visible : global_reference -> 'a val error_unqualified_name : string -> string -> 'a (*s utilities concerning [module_path]. *) val current_toplevel : unit -> module_path val is_toplevel : module_path -> bool val at_toplevel : module_path -> bool val base_mp : module_path -> module_path val prefixes_mp : module_path -> MPset.t val is_modfile : module_path -> bool val modfile_of_mp : module_path -> module_path val fst_level_module_of_mp : module_path -> module_path * label val labels_of_mp : module_path -> module_path * label list val labels_of_kn : kernel_name -> module_path * label list val is_something_opened : unit -> bool (*s Some table-related operations *) val add_term : kernel_name -> ml_decl -> unit val lookup_term : kernel_name -> ml_decl val add_type : kernel_name -> ml_schema -> unit val lookup_type : kernel_name -> ml_schema val add_ind : kernel_name -> ml_ind -> unit val lookup_ind : kernel_name -> ml_ind val add_recursors : Environ.env -> kernel_name -> unit val is_recursor : global_reference -> bool val add_record : kernel_name -> global_reference list -> unit val find_projections : kernel_name -> global_reference list val is_projection : global_reference -> bool val add_aliases : module_path -> module_path -> unit val long_mp : module_path -> module_path val long_kn : kernel_name -> kernel_name val long_r : global_reference -> global_reference val reset_tables : unit -> unit (*s AutoInline parameter *) val auto_inline : unit -> bool (*s Optimize parameter *) val optim : unit -> bool (*s Target language. *) type lang = Ocaml | Haskell | Scheme | Toplevel val lang : unit -> lang (*s Table for custom inlining *) val to_inline : global_reference -> bool val to_keep : global_reference -> bool (*s Table for user-given custom ML extractions. *) val is_custom : global_reference -> bool val is_inline_custom : global_reference -> bool val find_custom : global_reference -> string val all_customs : unit -> Refset.t val type_customs : unit -> (global_reference * string) list val term_customs : unit -> (global_reference * string) list (*s Extraction commands. *) val extraction_language : lang -> unit val extraction_inline : bool -> reference list -> unit val print_extraction_inline : unit -> unit val reset_extraction_inline : unit -> unit val extract_constant_inline : bool -> reference -> string -> unit val extract_inductive : reference -> string * string list -> unit