(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* ] let open_par = function true -> string "(" | false -> [< >] let close_par = function true -> string ")" | false -> [< >] let rec collapse_type_app = function | (Tapp l1) :: l2 -> collapse_type_app (l1 @ l2) | l -> l let pp_tuple f = function | [] -> [< >] | [x] -> f x | l -> [< 'sTR "("; prlist_with_sep (fun () -> [< 'sTR ","; 'sPC >]) f l; 'sTR ")" >] let pp_boxed_tuple f = function | [] -> [< >] | [x] -> f x | l -> [< 'sTR "("; hOV 0 [< prlist_with_sep (fun () -> [< 'sTR ","; 'sPC >]) f l; 'sTR ")" >] >] let space_if = function true -> [< 'sTR " " >] | false -> [< >] let sec_space_if = function true -> [< 'sPC >] | false -> [< >] (*s Ocaml renaming issues. *) let ocaml_keywords = List.fold_right (fun s -> Idset.add (id_of_string s)) [ "and"; "as"; "assert"; "begin"; "class"; "constraint"; "do"; "done"; "downto"; "else"; "end"; "exception"; "external"; "false"; "for"; "fun"; "function"; "functor"; "if"; "in"; "include"; "inherit"; "initializer"; "lazy"; "let"; "match"; "method"; "module"; "mutable"; "new"; "object"; "of"; "open"; "or"; "parser"; "private"; "rec"; "sig"; "struct"; "then"; "to"; "true"; "try"; "type"; "val"; "virtual"; "when"; "while"; "with"; "mod"; "land"; "lor"; "lxor"; "lsl"; "lsr"; "asr" ] Idset.empty let current_ids = ref ocaml_keywords let rec rename_id id avoid = if Idset.mem id avoid then rename_id (lift_ident id) avoid else id let rename_global id = let id' = rename_id id !current_ids in current_ids := Idset.add id' !current_ids; id' let lowercase_id id = id_of_string (String.uncapitalize (string_of_id id)) let uppercase_id id = id_of_string (String.capitalize (string_of_id id)) let rename_lower_global id = rename_global (lowercase_id id) let rename_upper_global id = rename_global (uppercase_id id) (*s de Bruijn environments for programs *) type env = identifier list * Idset.t let rec rename_vars avoid = function | [] -> [], avoid | id :: idl -> let id' = rename_id (lowercase_id id) avoid in let (idl', avoid') = rename_vars (Idset.add id' avoid) idl in (id' :: idl', avoid') let push_vars ids (db,avoid) = let ids',avoid' = rename_vars avoid ids in ids', (ids' @ db, avoid') let empty_env () = ([], !current_ids) let get_db_name n (db,_) = List.nth db (pred n) (*s [collect_lambda MLlam(id1,...MLlam(idn,t)...)] returns the list [id1;...;idn] and the term [t]. *) let collect_lambda = let rec collect acc = function | MLlam(id,t) -> collect (id::acc) t | x -> acc,x in collect [] let abst = function | [] -> [< >] | l -> [< 'sTR "fun "; prlist_with_sep (fun ()-> [< 'sTR " " >]) pr_id l; 'sTR " ->"; 'sPC >] let pr_binding = function | [] -> [< >] | l -> [< 'sTR " "; prlist_with_sep (fun () -> [< 'sTR " " >]) pr_id l >] (*s The pretty-printing functor. *) module Make = functor(P : Mlpp_param) -> struct (*s Pretty-printing of types. [par] is a boolean indicating whether parentheses are needed or not. *) let pp_type t = let rec pp_rec par = function | Tvar id -> string ("'" ^ string_of_id id) | Tapp l -> (match collapse_type_app l with | [] -> assert false | [t] -> pp_rec par t | t::l -> [< open_par par; pp_tuple (pp_rec false) l; sec_space_if (l <>[]); pp_rec false t; close_par par >]) | Tarr (t1,t2) -> [< open_par par; pp_rec true t1; 'sPC; 'sTR "->"; 'sPC; pp_rec false t2; close_par par >] | Tglob r -> P.pp_type_global r | Tprop -> string "prop" | Tarity -> string "arity" in hOV 0 (pp_rec false t) (*s Pretty-printing of expressions. [par] indicates whether parentheses are needed or not. [env] is the list of names for the de Bruijn variables. [args] is the list of collected arguments (already pretty-printed). *) let rec pp_expr par env args = let apply st = match args with | [] -> st | _ -> hOV 2 [< open_par par; st; 'sPC; prlist_with_sep (fun () -> [< 'sPC >]) (fun s -> s) args; close_par par >] in function | MLrel n -> apply (pr_id (get_db_name n env)) | MLapp (f,args') -> let stl = List.map (pp_expr true env []) args' in pp_expr par env (stl @ args) f | MLlam _ as a -> let fl,a' = collect_lambda a in let fl,env' = push_vars fl env in let st = [< abst (List.rev fl); pp_expr false env' [] a' >] in if args = [] then [< open_par par; st; close_par par >] else apply [< 'sTR "("; st; 'sTR ")" >] | MLletin (id,a1,a2) -> let id',env' = push_vars [id] env in hOV 0 [< hOV 2 [< 'sTR "let "; pr_id (List.hd id'); 'sTR " ="; 'sPC; pp_expr false env [] a1; 'sPC; 'sTR "in" >]; 'sPC; pp_expr false env' [] a2 >] | MLglob r -> apply (P.pp_global r) | MLcons (r,_,[]) -> P.pp_global r | MLcons (r,_,[a]) -> [< open_par par; P.pp_global r; 'sPC; pp_expr true env [] a; close_par par >] | MLcons (r,_,args') -> [< open_par par; P.pp_global r; 'sPC; pp_tuple (pp_expr true env []) args'; close_par par >] | MLcase (t, pv) -> apply [< if args <> [] then [< 'sTR "(" >] else open_par par; v 0 [< 'sTR "match "; pp_expr false env [] t; 'sTR " with"; 'fNL; 'sTR " "; pp_pat env pv >]; if args <> [] then [< 'sTR ")" >] else close_par par >] | MLfix (i,ids,defs) -> let ids',env' = push_vars ids env in pp_fix par env' (Some i) (ids',defs) args | MLexn id -> [< open_par par; 'sTR "failwith"; 'sPC; 'qS (string_of_id id); close_par par >] | MLprop -> string "Prop" | MLarity -> string "Arity" | MLcast (a,t) -> [< open_par true; pp_expr false env args a; 'sPC; 'sTR ":"; 'sPC; pp_type t; close_par true >] | MLmagic a -> [< open_par true; 'sTR "Obj.magic"; 'sPC; pp_expr false env args a; close_par true >] and pp_pat env pv = let pp_one_pat (name,ids,t) = let ids,env' = push_vars (List.rev ids) env in let par = match t with | MLlam _ -> true | MLcase _ -> true | _ -> false in hOV 2 [< P.pp_global name; begin match ids with | [] -> [< >] | _ -> [< 'sTR " "; pp_boxed_tuple pr_id (List.rev ids) >] end; 'sTR " ->"; 'sPC; pp_expr par env' [] t >] in [< prvect_with_sep (fun () -> [< 'fNL; 'sTR "| " >]) pp_one_pat pv >] (*s names of the functions ([ids]) are already pushed in [env], and passed here just for convenience. *) and pp_fix par env in_p (ids,bl) args = [< open_par par; v 0 [< 'sTR "let rec " ; prlist_with_sep (fun () -> [< 'fNL; 'sTR "and " >]) (fun (fi,ti) -> pp_function env (pr_id fi) ti) (List.combine ids bl); 'fNL; match in_p with | Some j -> hOV 2 [< 'sTR "in "; pr_id (List.nth ids j); if args <> [] then [< 'sTR " "; prlist_with_sep (fun () -> [<'sTR " ">]) (fun s -> s) args >] else [< >] >] | None -> [< >] >]; close_par par >] and pp_function env f t = let bl,t' = collect_lambda t in let bl,env' = push_vars bl env in let is_function pv = let ktl = array_map_to_list (fun (_,l,t0) -> (List.length l,t0)) pv in not (List.exists (fun (k,t0) -> Mlutil.occurs (k+1) t0) ktl) in match t' with | MLcase(MLrel 1,pv) -> if is_function pv then [< f; pr_binding (List.rev (List.tl bl)) ; 'sTR " = function"; 'fNL; v 0 [< 'sTR " "; pp_pat env' pv >] >] else [< f; pr_binding (List.rev bl); 'sTR " = match "; pr_id (List.hd bl); 'sTR " with"; 'fNL; v 0 [< 'sTR " "; pp_pat env' pv >] >] | _ -> [< f; pr_binding (List.rev bl); 'sTR " ="; 'fNL; 'sTR " "; hOV 2 (pp_expr false env' [] t') >] let pp_ast a = hOV 0 (pp_expr false (empty_env ()) [] a) (*s Pretty-printing of inductive types declaration. *) let pp_parameters l = [< pp_tuple (fun id -> string ("'" ^ string_of_id id)) l; space_if (l<>[]) >] let pp_one_inductive (pl,name,cl) = let pp_constructor (id,l) = [< P.pp_global id; match l with | [] -> [< >] | _ -> [< 'sTR " of " ; prlist_with_sep (fun () -> [< 'sPC ; 'sTR "* " >]) pp_type l >] >] in [< pp_parameters pl; P.pp_global name; 'sTR " ="; 'fNL; v 0 [< 'sTR " "; prlist_with_sep (fun () -> [< 'fNL; 'sTR " | " >]) (fun c -> hOV 2 (pp_constructor c)) cl >] >] let pp_inductive il = [< 'sTR "type " ; prlist_with_sep (fun () -> [< 'fNL; 'sTR "and " >]) (fun i -> pp_one_inductive i) il; 'fNL >] (*s Pretty-printing of a declaration. *) let pp_decl = function | Dtype [] -> [< >] | Dtype i -> hOV 0 (pp_inductive i) | Dabbrev (r, l, t) -> hOV 0 [< 'sTR "type"; 'sPC; pp_parameters l; P.pp_type_global r; 'sPC; 'sTR "="; 'sPC; pp_type t; 'fNL >] | Dglob (r, MLfix (_,[_],[def])) -> let id = P.rename_global r in let env' = ([id], !current_ids) in [< hOV 2 (pp_fix false env' None ([id],[def]) []) >] | Dglob (r, MLfix (n,ids,defs)) -> let ids',env' = push_vars ids (empty_env ()) in [< 'sTR "let "; P.pp_global r; 'sTR " ="; 'fNL; v 0 [< 'sTR " "; hOV 2 (pp_fix false env' (Some n) (ids',defs) []); 'fNL >] >] | Dglob (r, a) -> hOV 0 [< 'sTR "let "; pp_function (empty_env ()) (P.pp_global r) a; 'fNL >] end (*s Renaming issues. *) module OcamlParams = struct let renamings = Hashtbl.create 97 let cache r f = try Hashtbl.find renamings r with Not_found -> let id = f r in Hashtbl.add renamings r id; id let rename_type_global r = cache r (fun r -> let id = Environ.id_of_global (Global.env()) r in rename_lower_global id) let pp_type_global r = pr_id (rename_type_global r) let rename_global r = cache r (fun r -> let id = Environ.id_of_global (Global.env()) r in match r with | ConstructRef _ -> rename_upper_global id | _ -> rename_lower_global id) let pp_global r = pr_id (rename_global r) end (*s The ocaml pretty-printing module. *) module Pp = Make(OcamlParams) let ocaml_preamble () = [< 'sTR "type prop = Prop"; 'fNL; 'fNL; 'sTR "type arity = Arity"; 'fNL; 'fNL >] let extract_to_file f decls = let cout = open_out f in let ft = Pp_control.with_output_to cout in pP_with ft (hV 0 (ocaml_preamble ())); begin try List.iter (fun d -> mSGNL_with ft (Pp.pp_decl d)) decls with e -> pp_flush_with ft (); close_out cout; raise e end; pp_flush_with ft (); close_out cout