(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* Environ.add_constant con cb env | SEBmind mib -> Environ.add_mind kn mib env | SEBmodule mb -> Modops.add_module (MPdot (mp,l)) mb env | SEBmodtype mtb -> Environ.add_modtype kn mtb env in List.fold_left add_one env msb (*s Apply a module path substitution on a module. Build on the [Modops.subst_modtype] model. *) let rec subst_module sub mb = let mtb' = Modops.subst_modtype sub mb.mod_type and meb' = option_smartmap (subst_meb sub) mb.mod_expr and mtb'' = option_smartmap (Modops.subst_modtype sub) mb.mod_user_type and mpo' = option_smartmap (subst_mp sub) mb.mod_equiv in if (mtb'==mb.mod_type) && (meb'==mb.mod_expr) && (mtb''==mb.mod_user_type) && (mpo'==mb.mod_equiv) then mb else { mod_expr= meb'; mod_type=mtb'; mod_user_type=mtb''; mod_equiv=mpo'; mod_constraints=mb.mod_constraints; mod_retroknowledge=[] } (* spiwack: since I'm lazy and it's unused at this point. I forget about retroknowledge, this may need a change later *) and subst_meb sub = function | MEBident mp -> MEBident (subst_mp sub mp) | MEBfunctor (mbid, mtb, meb) -> assert (not (occur_mbid mbid sub)); MEBfunctor (mbid, Modops.subst_modtype sub mtb, subst_meb sub meb) | MEBstruct (msid, msb) -> assert (not (occur_msid msid sub)); MEBstruct (msid, subst_msb sub msb) | MEBapply (meb, meb', c) -> MEBapply (subst_meb sub meb, subst_meb sub meb', c) and subst_msb sub msb = let subst_body = function | SEBconst cb -> SEBconst (subst_const_body sub cb) | SEBmind mib -> SEBmind (subst_mind sub mib) | SEBmodule mb -> SEBmodule (subst_module sub mb) | SEBmodtype mtb -> SEBmodtype (Modops.subst_modtype sub mtb) in List.map (fun (l,b) -> (l,subst_body b)) msb (*s Change a msid in a module type, to follow a module expr. Because of the "with" construct, the module type of a module can be a [MTBsig] with a msid different from the one of the module. *) let rec replicate_msid meb mtb = match meb,mtb with | MEBfunctor (_, _, meb), MTBfunsig (mbid, mtb1, mtb2) -> let mtb' = replicate_msid meb mtb2 in if mtb' == mtb2 then mtb else MTBfunsig (mbid, mtb1, mtb') | MEBstruct (msid, _), MTBsig (msid1, msig) when msid <> msid1 -> let msig' = Modops.subst_signature_msid msid1 (MPself msid) msig in if msig' == msig then MTBsig (msid, msig) else MTBsig (msid, msig') | _ -> mtb (*S Functions upon ML modules. *) (*s Apply some functions upon all [ml_decl] and [ml_spec] found in a [ml_structure]. *) let struct_iter do_decl do_spec s = let rec mt_iter = function | MTident _ -> () | MTfunsig (_,mt,mt') -> mt_iter mt; mt_iter mt' | MTsig (_, sign) -> List.iter spec_iter sign and spec_iter = function | (_,Spec s) -> do_spec s | (_,Smodule mt) -> mt_iter mt | (_,Smodtype mt) -> mt_iter mt in let rec se_iter = function | (_,SEdecl d) -> do_decl d | (_,SEmodule m) -> me_iter m.ml_mod_expr; mt_iter m.ml_mod_type | (_,SEmodtype m) -> mt_iter m and me_iter = function | MEident _ -> () | MEfunctor (_,mt,me) -> me_iter me; mt_iter mt | MEapply (me,me') -> me_iter me; me_iter me' | MEstruct (msid, sel) -> List.iter se_iter sel in List.iter (function (_,sel) -> List.iter se_iter sel) s (*s Apply some fonctions upon all references in [ml_type], [ml_ast], [ml_decl], [ml_spec] and [ml_structure]. *) type do_ref = global_reference -> unit let record_iter_references do_term = function | Record l -> List.iter do_term l | _ -> () let type_iter_references do_type t = let rec iter = function | Tglob (r,l) -> do_type r; List.iter iter l | Tarr (a,b) -> iter a; iter b | _ -> () in iter t let ast_iter_references do_term do_cons do_type a = let rec iter a = ast_iter iter a; match a with | MLglob r -> do_term r | MLcons (i,r,_) -> if lang () = Ocaml then record_iter_references do_term i; do_cons r | MLcase (i,_,v) -> if lang () = Ocaml then record_iter_references do_term (fst i); Array.iter (fun (r,_,_) -> do_cons r) v | _ -> () in iter a let ind_iter_references do_term do_cons do_type kn ind = let type_iter = type_iter_references do_type in let cons_iter cp l = do_cons (ConstructRef cp); List.iter type_iter l in let packet_iter ip p = do_type (IndRef ip); if lang () = Ocaml then (match ind.ind_equiv with | Equiv kne -> do_type (IndRef (kne, snd ip)); | _ -> ()); Array.iteri (fun j -> cons_iter (ip,j+1)) p.ip_types in if lang () = Ocaml then record_iter_references do_term ind.ind_info; Array.iteri (fun i -> packet_iter (kn,i)) ind.ind_packets let decl_iter_references do_term do_cons do_type = let type_iter = type_iter_references do_type and ast_iter = ast_iter_references do_term do_cons do_type in function | Dind (kn,ind) -> ind_iter_references do_term do_cons do_type kn ind | Dtype (r,_,t) -> do_type r; type_iter t | Dterm (r,a,t) -> do_term r; ast_iter a; type_iter t | Dfix(rv,c,t) -> Array.iter do_term rv; Array.iter ast_iter c; Array.iter type_iter t let spec_iter_references do_term do_cons do_type = function | Sind (kn,ind) -> ind_iter_references do_term do_cons do_type kn ind | Stype (r,_,ot) -> do_type r; option_iter (type_iter_references do_type) ot | Sval (r,t) -> do_term r; type_iter_references do_type t let struct_iter_references do_term do_cons do_type = struct_iter (decl_iter_references do_term do_cons do_type) (spec_iter_references do_term do_cons do_type) (*s Get all references used in one [ml_structure], either in [list] or [set]. *) type 'a kinds = { mutable typ : 'a ; mutable trm : 'a; mutable cons : 'a } let struct_get_references empty add struc = let o = { typ = empty ; trm = empty ; cons = empty } in let do_type r = o.typ <- add r o.typ in let do_term r = o.trm <- add r o.trm in let do_cons r = o.cons <- add r o.cons in struct_iter_references do_term do_cons do_type struc; o let struct_get_references_set = struct_get_references Refset.empty Refset.add module Orefset = struct type t = { set : Refset.t ; list : global_reference list } let empty = { set = Refset.empty ; list = [] } let add r o = if Refset.mem r o.set then o else { set = Refset.add r o.set ; list = r :: o.list } let set o = o.set let list o = o.list end let struct_get_references_list struc = let o = struct_get_references Orefset.empty Orefset.add struc in { typ = Orefset.list o.typ; trm = Orefset.list o.trm; cons = Orefset.list o.cons } (*s Searching occurrences of a particular term (no lifting done). *) exception Found let rec ast_search f a = if f a then raise Found else ast_iter (ast_search f) a let decl_ast_search f = function | Dterm (_,a,_) -> ast_search f a | Dfix (_,c,_) -> Array.iter (ast_search f) c | _ -> () let struct_ast_search f s = try struct_iter (decl_ast_search f) (fun _ -> ()) s; false with Found -> true let rec type_search f = function | Tarr (a,b) -> type_search f a; type_search f b | Tglob (r,l) -> List.iter (type_search f) l | u -> if f u then raise Found let decl_type_search f = function | Dind (_,{ind_packets=p}) -> Array.iter (fun {ip_types=v} -> Array.iter (List.iter (type_search f)) v) p | Dterm (_,_,u) -> type_search f u | Dfix (_,_,v) -> Array.iter (type_search f) v | Dtype (_,_,u) -> type_search f u let spec_type_search f = function | Sind (_,{ind_packets=p}) -> Array.iter (fun {ip_types=v} -> Array.iter (List.iter (type_search f)) v) p | Stype (_,_,ot) -> option_iter (type_search f) ot | Sval (_,u) -> type_search f u let struct_type_search f s = try struct_iter (decl_type_search f) (spec_type_search f) s; false with Found -> true (*s Generating the signature. *) let rec msig_of_ms = function | [] -> [] | (l,SEdecl (Dind (kn,i))) :: ms -> (l,Spec (Sind (kn,i))) :: (msig_of_ms ms) | (l,SEdecl (Dterm (r,_,t))) :: ms -> (l,Spec (Sval (r,t))) :: (msig_of_ms ms) | (l,SEdecl (Dtype (r,v,t))) :: ms -> (l,Spec (Stype (r,v,Some t))) :: (msig_of_ms ms) | (l,SEdecl (Dfix (rv,_,tv))) :: ms -> let msig = ref (msig_of_ms ms) in for i = Array.length rv - 1 downto 0 do msig := (l,Spec (Sval (rv.(i),tv.(i))))::!msig done; !msig | (l,SEmodule m) :: ms -> (l,Smodule m.ml_mod_type) :: (msig_of_ms ms) | (l,SEmodtype m) :: ms -> (l,Smodtype m) :: (msig_of_ms ms) let signature_of_structure s = List.map (fun (mp,ms) -> mp,msig_of_ms ms) s (*s Searching one [ml_decl] in a [ml_structure] by its [global_reference] *) let get_decl_in_structure r struc = try let base_mp,ll = labels_of_ref r in if not (at_toplevel base_mp) then error_not_visible r; let sel = List.assoc base_mp struc in let rec go ll sel = match ll with | [] -> assert false | l :: ll -> match List.assoc l sel with | SEdecl d -> d | SEmodtype m -> assert false | SEmodule m -> match m.ml_mod_expr with | MEstruct (_,sel) -> go ll sel | _ -> error_not_visible r in go ll sel with Not_found -> assert false (*s Optimization of a [ml_structure]. *) (* Some transformations of ML terms. [optimize_struct] simplify all beta redexes (when the argument does not occur, it is just thrown away; when it occurs exactly once it is substituted; otherwise a let-in redex is created for clarity) and iota redexes, plus some other optimizations. *) let dfix_to_mlfix rv av i = let rec make_subst n s = if n < 0 then s else make_subst (n-1) (Refmap.add rv.(n) (n+1) s) in let s = make_subst (Array.length rv - 1) Refmap.empty in let rec subst n t = match t with | MLglob ((ConstRef kn) as refe) -> (try MLrel (n + (Refmap.find refe s)) with Not_found -> t) | _ -> ast_map_lift subst n t in let ids = Array.map (fun r -> id_of_label (label_of_r r)) rv in let c = Array.map (subst 0) av in MLfix(i, ids, c) let rec optim to_appear s = function | [] -> [] | (Dtype (r,_,Tdummy _) | Dterm(r,MLdummy,_)) as d :: l -> if List.mem r to_appear then d :: (optim to_appear s l) else optim to_appear s l | Dterm (r,t,typ) :: l -> let t = normalize (ast_glob_subst !s t) in let i = inline r t in if i then s := Refmap.add r t !s; if not i || modular () || List.mem r to_appear then let d = match optimize_fix t with | MLfix (0, _, [|c|]) -> Dfix ([|r|], [|ast_subst (MLglob r) c|], [|typ|]) | t -> Dterm (r, t, typ) in d :: (optim to_appear s l) else optim to_appear s l | d :: l -> d :: (optim to_appear s l) let rec optim_se top to_appear s = function | [] -> [] | (l,SEdecl (Dterm (r,a,t))) :: lse -> let a = normalize (ast_glob_subst !s a) in let i = inline r a in if i then s := Refmap.add r a !s; if top && i && not (modular ()) && not (List.mem r to_appear) then optim_se top to_appear s lse else let d = match optimize_fix a with | MLfix (0, _, [|c|]) -> Dfix ([|r|], [|ast_subst (MLglob r) c|], [|t|]) | a -> Dterm (r, a, t) in (l,SEdecl d) :: (optim_se top to_appear s lse) | (l,SEdecl (Dfix (rv,av,tv))) :: lse -> let av = Array.map (fun a -> normalize (ast_glob_subst !s a)) av in let all = ref true in (* This fake body ensures that no fixpoint will be auto-inlined. *) let fake_body = MLfix (0,[||],[||]) in for i = 0 to Array.length rv - 1 do if inline rv.(i) fake_body then s := Refmap.add rv.(i) (dfix_to_mlfix rv av i) !s else all := false done; if !all && top && not (modular ()) && (array_for_all (fun r -> not (List.mem r to_appear)) rv) then optim_se top to_appear s lse else (l,SEdecl (Dfix (rv, av, tv))) :: (optim_se top to_appear s lse) | (l,SEmodule m) :: lse -> let m = { m with ml_mod_expr = optim_me to_appear s m.ml_mod_expr} in (l,SEmodule m) :: (optim_se top to_appear s lse) | se :: lse -> se :: (optim_se top to_appear s lse) and optim_me to_appear s = function | MEstruct (msid, lse) -> MEstruct (msid, optim_se false to_appear s lse) | MEident mp as me -> me | MEapply (me, me') -> MEapply (optim_me to_appear s me, optim_me to_appear s me') | MEfunctor (mbid,mt,me) -> MEfunctor (mbid,mt, optim_me to_appear s me) let optimize_struct to_appear struc = let subst = ref (Refmap.empty : ml_ast Refmap.t) in List.map (fun (mp,lse) -> (mp, optim_se true to_appear subst lse)) struc