(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* constr * constr] * Traduction d'un programme impératif en un but (second constr) * et un terme de preuve partiel pour ce but (premier constr) *) let coqast_of_prog p = (* 1. db : séparation dB/var/const *) let p = Pdb.db_prog p in (* 2. typage avec effets *) deb_mess [< 'sTR"Ptyping.states: Typing with effects..."; 'fNL >]; let env = Penv.empty in let ren = initial_renaming env in let p = Ptyping.states ren env p in let ((_,v),_,_,_) as c = p.info.kappa in Perror.check_for_not_mutable p.loc v; deb_mess (pp_type_c c); (* 3. propagation annotations *) let p = Pwp.propagate ren p in (* 4a. traduction type *) let ty = Pmonad.trad_ml_type_c ren env c in deb_mess (Printer.prterm ty); (* 4b. traduction terme (terme intermédiaire de type cc_term) *) deb_mess [< 'fNL; 'sTR"Mlize.trad: Translation program -> cc_term..."; 'fNL >]; let cc = Pmlize.trans ren p in let cc = Pred.red cc in deb_mess (Putil.pp_cc_term cc); (* 5. traduction en constr *) deb_mess [< 'fNL; 'sTR"Pcic.constr_of_prog: Translation cc_term -> rawconstr..."; 'fNL >]; let r = Pcic.rawconstr_of_prog cc in deb_mess (Printer.pr_rawterm r); (* 6. résolution implicites *) deb_mess [< 'fNL; 'sTR"Resolution implicits (? => Meta(n))..."; 'fNL >]; let oc = understand_gen_tcc Evd.empty (Global.env()) [] [] None r in deb_mess (Printer.prterm (snd oc)); p,oc,ty,v (* [automatic : tactic] * * Certains buts engendrés par "correctness" (ci-dessous) * sont réellement triviaux. On peut les résoudre aisément, sans pour autant * tomber dans la solution trop lourde qui consiste à faire "; Auto." * * Cette tactique fait les choses suivantes : * o elle élimine les hypothèses de nom loop * o sur G |- (well_founded nat lt) ==> Exact lt_wf. * o sur G |- (well_founded Z (Zwf c)) ==> Exact (Zwf_well_founded c) * o sur G |- e = e' ==> Reflexivity. (arg. de decr. des boucles) * sinon Try Assumption. * o sur G |- P /\ Q ==> Try (Split; Assumption). (sortie de boucle) * o sinon, Try AssumptionBis (= Assumption + décomposition /\ dans hyp.) * (pour entrée dans corps de boucle par ex.) *) open Pattern open Tacmach open Tactics open Tacticals open Equality let nat = IndRef (coq_constant ["Init";"Datatypes"] "nat", 0) let lt = ConstRef (coq_constant ["Init";"Peano"] "lt") let well_founded = ConstRef (coq_constant ["Init";"Wf"] "well_founded") let z = IndRef (coq_constant ["ZArith";"fast_integer"] "Z", 0) let and_ = IndRef (coq_constant ["Init";"Logic"] "and", 0) let eq = IndRef (coq_constant ["Init";"Logic"] "eq", 0) (* ["(well_founded nat lt)"] *) let wf_nat_pattern = PApp (PRef well_founded, [| PRef nat; PRef lt |]) (* ["((well_founded Z (Zwf ?1))"] *) let wf_z_pattern = let zwf = ConstRef (coq_constant ["correctness";"ProgWf"] "Zwf") in PApp (PRef well_founded, [| PRef z; PApp (PRef zwf, [| PMeta (Some 1) |]) |]) (* ["(and ?1 ?2)"] *) let and_pattern = PApp (PRef and_, [| PMeta (Some 1); PMeta (Some 2) |]) (* ["(eq ?1 ?2 ?3)"] *) let eq_pattern = PApp (PRef eq, [| PMeta (Some 1); PMeta (Some 2); PMeta (Some 3) |]) (* loop_ids: remove loop hypotheses from the context, and rewrite * using Variant hypotheses when needed. *) let (loop_ids : tactic) = fun gl -> let rec arec hyps gl = let concl = pf_concl gl in match hyps with | [] -> tclIDTAC gl | (id,a) :: al -> let s = string_of_id id in let n = String.length s in if n >= 4 & (let su = String.sub s 0 4 in su="loop" or su="Bool") then tclTHEN (clear [id]) (arec al) gl else if n >= 7 & String.sub s 0 7 = "Variant" then begin match pf_matches gl eq_pattern (body_of_type a) with | [_; _,varphi; _] when isVar varphi -> let phi = destVar varphi in if occur_var phi concl then tclTHEN (rewriteLR (mkVar id)) (arec al) gl else arec al gl | _ -> assert false end else arec al gl in arec (pf_hyps_types gl) gl (* assumption_bis: like assumption, but also solves ... h:A/\B ... |- A * (resp. B) *) let (assumption_bis : tactic) = fun gl -> let concl = pf_concl gl in let rec arec = function | [] -> Util.error "No such assumption" | (s,a) :: al -> let a = body_of_type a in if pf_conv_x_leq gl a concl then refine (mkVar s) gl else if pf_is_matching gl and_pattern a then match pf_matches gl and_pattern a with | [_,c1; _,c2] -> if pf_conv_x_leq gl c1 concl then exact_check (applistc (constant "proj1") [c1;c2;mkVar s]) gl else if pf_conv_x_leq gl c2 concl then exact_check (applistc (constant "proj2") [c1;c2;mkVar s]) gl else arec al | _ -> assert false else arec al in arec (pf_hyps_types gl) (* automatic: see above *) let (automatic : tactic) = tclTHEN loop_ids (fun gl -> let c = pf_concl gl in if pf_is_matching gl wf_nat_pattern c then exact_check (constant "lt_wf") gl else if pf_is_matching gl wf_z_pattern c then let (_,z) = List.hd (pf_matches gl wf_z_pattern c) in exact_check (Term.applist (constant "Zwf_well_founded",[z])) gl else if pf_is_matching gl and_pattern c then (tclORELSE assumption_bis (tclTRY (tclTHEN simplest_split assumption))) gl else if pf_is_matching gl eq_pattern c then (tclORELSE reflexivity (tclTRY assumption_bis)) gl else tclTRY assumption_bis gl) (* [correctness s p] : string -> program -> tactic option -> unit * * Vernac: Correctness [; ]. *) let reduce_open_constr (em,c) = let existential_map_of_constr = let rec collect em c = match kind_of_term c with | IsCast (c',t) -> (match kind_of_term c' with | IsEvar ev -> (ev,t) :: em | _ -> fold_constr collect em c) | IsEvar _ -> assert false (* all existentials should be casted *) | _ -> fold_constr collect em c in collect [] in let c = Pred.red_cci c in let em = existential_map_of_constr c in (em,c) let correctness s p opttac = Pmisc.reset_names(); let p,oc,cty,v = coqast_of_prog p in let env = Global.env () in let sign = Global.named_context () in let sigma = Evd.empty in let cty = Reduction.nf_betaiota cty in let id = id_of_string s in start_proof id Declare.NeverDischarge sign cty; Penv.new_edited id (v,p); if !debug then show_open_subgoals(); deb_mess [< 'sTR"Pred.red_cci: Reduction..."; 'fNL >]; let oc = reduce_open_constr oc in deb_mess [< 'sTR"AFTER REDUCTION:"; 'fNL >]; deb_mess (Printer.prterm (snd oc)); let tac = (tclTHEN (Refine.refine_tac oc) automatic) in let tac = match opttac with | None -> tac | Some t -> tclTHEN tac t in solve_nth 1 tac; if_verbose show_open_subgoals () (* On redéfinit la commande "Save" pour enregistrer les nouveaux programmes *) open Vernacinterp let add = Vernacinterp.overwriting_vinterp_add let register id n = let id' = match n with None -> id | Some id' -> id' in Penv.register id id' let _ = let current_save = Vernacinterp.vinterp_map "SaveNamed" in add "SaveNamed" (function [] -> (fun () -> let pf_id = Pfedit.get_current_proof_name () in current_save [] (); register pf_id None) | _ -> assert false) let _ = let current_defined = Vernacinterp.vinterp_map "DefinedNamed" in add "DefinedNamed" (function [] -> (fun () -> let pf_id = Pfedit.get_current_proof_name () in current_defined [] (); register pf_id None) | _ -> assert false) let _ = let current_saveanonymous = Vernacinterp.vinterp_map "SaveAnonymous" in add "SaveAnonymous" (function [VARG_IDENTIFIER id] -> (fun () -> let pf_id = Pfedit.get_current_proof_name () in current_saveanonymous [VARG_IDENTIFIER id] (); register pf_id (Some id)) | _ -> assert false)