(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* raise Not_found | (y,v)::rem -> if y = x then v else find_in_one rem in let rec find_in_all = function [] -> raise Not_found | (_,l)::rem -> try find_in_one l with Not_found -> find_in_all rem in find_in_all r.levels let current_var = find let current_vars r ids = List.map (fun id -> id,current_var r id) ids let avoid r ids = { levels = r.levels; avoid = r.avoid @ ids; cpt = r.cpt } let fresh r ids = fst (renaming_of_ids r.avoid ids) let current_date r = match r.levels with [] -> invalid_arg "Renamings.current_date" | (d,_)::_ -> d let all_dates r = List.map fst r.levels let rec valid_date da r = let rec valid = function [] -> false | (d,_)::rem -> (d=da) or (valid rem) in valid r.levels (* [until d r] selects the part of the renaming [r] starting from date [d] *) let rec until da r = let rec cut = function [] -> invalid_arg "Renamings.until" | (d,_)::rem as r -> if d=da then r else cut rem in { avoid = r.avoid; levels = cut r.levels; cpt = r.cpt } let var_at_date r d id = try find (until d r) id with Not_found -> raise (UserError ("Renamings.var_at_date", hOV 0 [< 'sTR"Variable "; pr_id id; 'sTR" is unknown"; 'sPC; 'sTR"at date "; 'sTR d >])) let vars_at_date r d ids = let r' = until d r in List.map (fun id -> id,find r' id) ids (* pretty-printers *) open Pp open Util open Himsg let pp r = hOV 2 (prlist_with_sep (fun () -> [< 'fNL >]) (fun (d,l) -> [< 'sTR d; 'sTR": "; prlist_with_sep (fun () -> [< 'sPC >]) (fun (id,id') -> [< 'sTR"("; pr_id id; 'sTR","; pr_id id'; 'sTR")" >]) l >]) r.levels) let ppr e = pP (pp e)