(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* (try CC_expr (List.assoc id subst) with Not_found -> c) | CC_letin (b,ty,bl,c1,c2) -> CC_letin (b, real_subst_in_constr subst ty, cc_subst_binders subst bl, cc_subst subst c1, cc_subst (cc_cross_binders subst bl) c2) | CC_lam (bl, c) -> CC_lam (cc_subst_binders subst bl, cc_subst (cc_cross_binders subst bl) c) | CC_app (c, cl) -> CC_app (cc_subst subst c, List.map (cc_subst subst) cl) | CC_tuple (b, tl, cl) -> CC_tuple (b, List.map (real_subst_in_constr subst) tl, List.map (cc_subst subst) cl) | CC_case (ty, c, cl) -> CC_case (real_subst_in_constr subst ty, cc_subst subst c, List.map (cc_subst subst) cl) | CC_expr c -> CC_expr (real_subst_in_constr subst c) | CC_hole ty -> CC_hole (real_subst_in_constr subst ty) and cc_subst_binders subst = List.map (cc_subst_binder subst) and cc_subst_binder subst = function | id,CC_typed_binder c -> id,CC_typed_binder (real_subst_in_constr subst c) | b -> b and cc_cross_binders subst = function | [] -> subst | (id,_) :: bl -> cc_cross_binders (List.remove_assoc id subst) bl (* here we only perform eta-reductions on programs to eliminate * redexes of the kind * * let (x1,...,xn) = e in (x1,...,xn) --> e * *) let is_eta_redex bl al = try List.for_all2 (fun (id,_) t -> match t with CC_var id' -> id=id' | _ -> false) bl al with Invalid_argument("List.for_all2") -> false let rec red = function | CC_letin (_, _, [id,_], CC_expr c1, e2) -> red (cc_subst [id,c1] e2) | CC_letin (dep, ty, bl, e1, e2) -> begin match red e2 with | CC_tuple (false,tl,al) -> if is_eta_redex bl al then red e1 else CC_letin (dep, ty, bl, red e1, CC_tuple (false,tl,List.map red al)) | e -> CC_letin (dep, ty, bl, red e1, e) end | CC_lam (bl, e) -> CC_lam (bl, red e) | CC_app (e, al) -> CC_app (red e, List.map red al) | CC_case (ty, e1, el) -> CC_case (ty, red e1, List.map red el) | CC_tuple (dep, tl, al) -> CC_tuple (dep, tl, List.map red al) | e -> e (* How to reduce uncomplete proof terms when they have become constr *) open Term open Reductionops (* Il ne faut pas reduire de redexe (beta/iota) qui impliquerait * la substitution d'une métavariable. * * On commence par rendre toutes les applications binaire (strong bin_app) * puis on applique la reduction spéciale programmes définie dans * typing/reduction *) (*i let bin_app = function | DOPN(AppL,v) as c -> (match Array.length v with | 1 -> v.(0) | 2 -> c | n -> let f = DOPN(AppL,Array.sub v 0 (pred n)) in DOPN(AppL,[|f;v.(pred n)|])) | c -> c i*) let red_cci c = (*i let c = strong bin_app c in i*) strong whd_programs (Global.env ()) Evd.empty c