(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* local_env -> type_v -> constr val trad_ml_type_c : Prename.t -> local_env -> type_c -> constr val trad_imp_type : Prename.t -> local_env -> type_v -> constr val trad_type_in_env : Prename.t -> local_env -> identifier -> constr val binding_of_alist : Prename.t -> local_env -> (identifier * identifier) list -> cc_binder list val make_abs : cc_binder list -> cc_term -> cc_term val abs_pre : Prename.t -> local_env -> cc_term * constr -> constr precondition list -> cc_term (* The following functions translate the main constructions *) val make_tuple : (cc_term * cc_type) list -> predicate option -> Prename.t -> local_env -> string -> cc_term val result_tuple : Prename.t -> string -> local_env -> (cc_term * constr) -> (Peffect.t * predicate option) -> cc_term * constr val let_in_pre : constr -> constr precondition -> cc_term -> cc_term val make_let_in : Prename.t -> local_env -> cc_term -> constr precondition list -> ((identifier * identifier) list * predicate option) -> identifier * constr -> cc_term * constr -> cc_term val make_block : Prename.t -> local_env -> (Prename.t -> (identifier * constr) option -> cc_term * constr) -> (cc_term * type_c, constr) block -> cc_term val make_app : local_env -> Prename.t -> (cc_term * type_c) list -> Prename.t -> cc_term * type_c -> ((type_v binder list) * type_c) * ((identifier*identifier) list) * type_c -> type_c -> cc_term val make_if : Prename.t -> local_env -> cc_term * type_c -> Prename.t -> cc_term * type_c -> cc_term * type_c -> type_c -> cc_term val make_while : Prename.t -> local_env -> (constr * constr * constr) (* typed variant *) -> cc_term * type_c -> (cc_term * type_c, constr) block -> constr assertion option * type_c -> cc_term val make_letrec : Prename.t -> local_env -> (identifier * (constr * constr * constr)) (* typed variant *) -> identifier (* the name of the function *) -> (cc_binder list) -> (cc_term * type_c) -> type_c -> cc_term (* Functions to translate array operations *) val array_info : Prename.t -> local_env -> identifier -> constr * constr * constr val make_raw_access : Prename.t -> local_env -> identifier * identifier -> constr -> constr val make_raw_store : Prename.t -> local_env -> identifier * identifier -> constr -> constr -> constr val make_pre_access : Prename.t -> local_env -> identifier -> constr -> constr