(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* j._VAL | (_,Logic) -> failwith "Prog_extract.pp: should be informative" (* les tableaux jouent un role particulier, puisqu'ils seront extraits * vers des tableaux ML *) let sp_access = coq_constant ["correctness"; "Arrays"] "access" let access = ConstRef sp_access let has_array = ref false let pp_conversions () = (str"\ let rec int_of_pos = function XH -> 1 | XI p -> 2 * (int_of_pos p) + 1 | XO p -> 2 * (int_of_pos p) ++ ++ let int_of_z = function ZERO -> 0 | POS p -> int_of_pos p | NEG p -> -(int_of_pos p) ++ ++ ") (* '"' *) (* collect all section-path in a CIC constant *) let spset_of_cci env c = let spl = Fw_env.collect (extraction env c) in let sps = List.fold_left (fun e x -> SpSet.add x e) SpSet.empty spl in has_array := !has_array or (SpSet.mem sp_access sps) ++ SpSet.remove sp_access sps (* collect all Coq constants and all pgms appearing in a given program *) let add_id env ((sp,ids) as s) id = if is_local env id then s else if is_global id then (sp,IdSet.add id ids) else try (SpSet.add (Nametab.sp_of_id FW id) sp,ids) with Not_found -> s let collect env = let rec collect_desc env s = function | Var x -> add_id env s x | Acc x -> add_id env s x | Aff (x,e1) -> add_id env (collect_rec env s e1) x | TabAcc (_,x,e1) -> has_array := true ++ add_id env (collect_rec env s e1) x | TabAff (_,x,e1,e2) -> has_array := true ++ add_id env (collect_rec env (collect_rec env s e1) e2) x | Seq bl -> List.fold_left (fun s st -> match st with Statement p -> collect_rec env s p | _ -> s) s bl | If (e1,e2,e3) -> collect_rec env (collect_rec env (collect_rec env s e1) e2) e3 | While (b,_,_,bl) -> let s = List.fold_left (fun s st -> match st with Statement p -> collect_rec env s p | _ -> s) s bl in collect_rec env s b | Lam (bl,e) -> collect_rec (traverse_binders env bl) s e | App (e1,l) -> let s = List.fold_left (fun s a -> match a with Term t -> collect_rec env s t | Type _ | Refarg _ -> s) s l in collect_rec env s e1 | SApp (_,l) -> List.fold_left (fun s a -> collect_rec env s a) s l | LetRef (x,e1,e2) -> let (_,v),_,_,_ = e1.info.kappa in collect_rec (add (x,Ref v) env) (collect_rec env s e1) e2 | LetIn (x,e1,e2) -> let (_,v),_,_,_ = e1.info.kappa in collect_rec (add (x,v) env) (collect_rec env s e1) e2 | LetRec (f,bl,_,_,e) -> let env' = traverse_binders env bl in let env'' = add (f,make_arrow bl e.info.kappa) env' in collect_rec env'' s e | Debug (_,e1) -> collect_rec env s e1 | PPoint (_,d) -> collect_desc env s d | Expression c -> let (sp,ids) = s in let sp' = spset_of_cci env c in SpSet.fold (fun s (es,ei) -> let id = basename s in if is_global id then (*SpSet.add s*)es,IdSet.add id ei else SpSet.add s es,ei) sp' (sp,ids) and collect_rec env s p = collect_desc env s p.desc in collect_rec env (SpSet.empty,IdSet.empty) (* On a besoin de faire du renommage, tout comme pour l'extraction des * termes Coq. En ce qui concerne les globaux, on utilise la table de * Fwtoml. Pour les objects locaux, on introduit la structure de * renommage rename_struct *) module Ocaml_ren = Ocaml.OCaml_renaming let rename_global id = let id' = Ocaml_ren.rename_global_term !Fwtoml.globals (Name id) in Fwtoml.add_global_renaming (id,id') ++ id' type rename_struct = { rn_map : identifier IdMap.t; rn_avoid : identifier list } let rn_empty = { rn_map = IdMap.empty; rn_avoid = [] } let rename_local rn id = let id' = Ocaml_ren.rename_term (!Fwtoml.globals@rn.rn_avoid) (Name id) in { rn_map = IdMap.add id id' rn.rn_map; rn_avoid = id' :: rn.rn_avoid }, id' let get_local_name rn id = IdMap.find id rn.rn_map let get_name env rn id = if is_local env id then get_local_name rn id else Fwtoml.get_global_name id let rec rename_binders rn = function | [] -> rn | (id,_) :: bl -> let rn',_ = rename_local rn id in rename_binders rn' bl (* on a bespoin d'un pretty-printer de constr particulier, qui reconnaisse * les acces a des references et dans des tableaux, et qui de plus n'imprime * pas de GENTERM lorsque des identificateurs ne sont pas visibles. * Il est simplifie dans la mesure ou l'on a ici que des constantes et * des applications. *) let putpar par s = if par then (str"(" ++ s ++ str")") else s let is_ref env id = try (match type_in_env env id with Ref _ -> true | _ -> false) with Not_found -> false let rec pp_constr env rn = function | VAR id -> if is_ref env id then (str"!" ++ pID (get_name env rn id)) else pID (get_name env rn id) | DOPN((Const _|MutInd _|MutConstruct _) as oper, _) -> pID (Fwtoml.name_of_oper oper) | DOPN(AppL,v) -> if Array.length v = 0 then (mt ()) else begin match v.(0) with DOPN(Const sp,_) when sp = sp_access -> (pp_constr env rn v.(3) ++ str".(int_of_z " ++ pp_constr env rn v.(4) ++ str")") | _ -> hov 2 (putpar true (prvect_with_sep (fun () -> (spc ())) (pp_constr env rn) v)) end | DOP2(Cast,c,_) -> pp_constr env rn c | _ -> failwith "Prog_extract.pp_constr: unexpected constr" (* pretty-print of imperative programs *) let collect_lambda = let rec collect acc p = match p.desc with | Lam(bl,t) -> collect (bl@acc) t | x -> acc,p in collect [] let pr_binding rn = prlist_with_sep (fun () -> (mt ())) (function | (id,(Untyped | BindType _)) -> (str" " ++ pID (get_local_name rn id)) | (id,BindSet) -> (mt ())) let pp_prog id = let rec pp_d env rn par = function | Var x -> pID (get_name env rn x) | Acc x -> (str"!" ++ pID (get_name env rn x)) | Aff (x,e1) -> (pID (get_name env rn x) ++ str" := " ++ hov 0 (pp env rn false e1)) | TabAcc (_,x,e1) -> (pID (get_name env rn x) ++ str".(int_of_z " ++ hov 0 (pp env rn true e1) ++ str")") | TabAff (_,x,e1,e2) -> (pID (get_name env rn x) ++ str".(int_of_z " ++ hov 0 (pp env rn true e1) ++ str")" ++ str" <-" ++ spc () ++ hov 2 (pp env rn false e2)) | Seq bl -> (str"begin" ++ fnl () ++ str" " ++ hov 0 (pp_block env rn bl) ++ fnl () ++ str"end") | If (e1,e2,e3) -> putpar par (str"if " ++ (pp env rn false e1) ++ str" then" ++ fnl () ++ str" " ++ hov 0 (pp env rn false e2) ++ fnl () ++ str"else" ++ fnl () ++ str" " ++ hov 0 (pp env rn false e3)) (* optimisations : then begin .... end else begin ... end *) | While (b,inv,_,bl) -> (str"while " ++ (pp env rn false b) ++ str" do" ++ fnl () ++ str" " ++ hov 0 ((match inv with None -> (mt ()) | Some c -> (str"(* invariant: " ++ pTERM c.a_value ++ str" *)" ++ fnl ())) ++ pp_block env rn bl) ++ fnl () ++ str"done") | Lam (bl,e) -> let env' = traverse_binders env bl in let rn' = rename_binders rn bl in putpar par (hov 2 (str"fun" ++ pr_binding rn' bl ++ str" ->" ++ spc () ++ pp env' rn' false e)) | SApp ((Var id)::_, [e1; e2]) when id = connective_and or id = connective_or -> let conn = if id = connective_and then "&" else "or" in putpar par (hov 0 (pp env rn true e1 ++ spc () ++ str conn ++ spc () ++ pp env rn true e2)) | SApp ((Var id)::_, [e]) when id = connective_not -> putpar par (hov 0 (str"not" ++ spc () ++ pp env rn true e)) | SApp _ -> invalid_arg "Prog_extract.pp_prog (SApp)" | App(e1,[]) -> hov 0 (pp env rn false e1) | App (e1,l) -> putpar true (hov 2 (pp env rn true e1 ++ prlist (function Term p -> (spc () ++ pp env rn true p) | Refarg x -> (spc () ++ pID (get_name env rn x)) | Type _ -> (mt ())) l)) | LetRef (x,e1,e2) -> let (_,v),_,_,_ = e1.info.kappa in let env' = add (x,Ref v) env in let rn',x' = rename_local rn x in putpar par (hov 0 (str"let " ++ pID x' ++ str" = ref " ++ pp env rn false e1 ++ str" in" ++ fnl () ++ pp env' rn' false e2)) | LetIn (x,e1,e2) -> let (_,v),_,_,_ = e1.info.kappa in let env' = add (x,v) env in let rn',x' = rename_local rn x in putpar par (hov 0 (str"let " ++ pID x' ++ str" = " ++ pp env rn false e1 ++ str" in" ++ fnl () ++ pp env' rn' false e2)) | LetRec (f,bl,_,_,e) -> let env' = traverse_binders env bl in let rn' = rename_binders rn bl in let env'' = add (f,make_arrow bl e.info.kappa) env' in let rn'',f' = rename_local rn' f in putpar par (hov 0 (str"let rec " ++ pID f' ++ pr_binding rn' bl ++ str" =" ++ fnl () ++ str" " ++ hov 0 (pp env'' rn'' false e) ++ fnl () ++ str"in " ++ pID f')) | Debug (_,e1) -> pp env rn par e1 | PPoint (_,d) -> pp_d env rn par d | Expression c -> pp_constr env rn (extraction env c) and pp_block env rn bl = let bl = map_succeed (function Statement p -> p | _ -> failwith "caught") bl in prlist_with_sep (fun () -> (str";" ++ fnl ())) (fun p -> hov 0 (pp env rn false p)) bl and pp env rn par p = (pp_d env rn par p.desc) and pp_mut v c = match v with | Ref _ -> (str"ref " ++ pp_constr empty rn_empty (extraction empty c)) | Array (n,_) -> (str"Array.create " ++ cut () ++ putpar true (str"int_of_z " ++ pp_constr empty rn_empty (extraction empty n)) ++ str" " ++ pp_constr empty rn_empty (extraction empty c)) | _ -> invalid_arg "pp_mut" in let v = lookup_global id in let id' = rename_global id in if is_mutable v then try let c = find_init id in hov 0 (str"let " ++ pID id' ++ str" = " ++ pp_mut v c) with Not_found -> errorlabstrm "Prog_extract.pp_prog" (str"The variable " ++ pID id ++ str" must be initialized first !") else match find_pgm id with | None -> errorlabstrm "Prog_extract.pp_prog" (str"The program " ++ pID id ++ str" must be realized first !") | Some p -> let bl,p = collect_lambda p in let rn = rename_binders rn_empty bl in let env = traverse_binders empty bl in hov 0 (str"let " ++ pID id' ++ pr_binding rn bl ++ str" =" ++ fnl () ++ str" " ++ hov 2 (pp env rn false p)) (* extraction des programmes impératifs/fonctionnels vers ocaml *) (* Il faut parfois importer des modules non ouverts, sinon * Ocaml.OCaml_pp_file.pp echoue en disant "machin is not a defined * informative object". Cela dit, ce n'est pas tres satisfaisant, vu que * la constante existe quand meme: il vaudrait mieux contourner l'echec * de ml_import.fwsp_of_id *) let import sp = match repr_path sp with | [m],_,_ -> begin try Library.import_export_module m true with _ -> () end | _ -> () let pp_ocaml file prm = has_array := false ++ (* on separe objects Coq et programmes *) let cic,pgms = List.fold_left (fun (sp,ids) id -> if is_global id then (sp,IdSet.add id ids) else (IdSet.add id sp,ids)) (IdSet.empty,IdSet.empty) prm.needed in (* on met les programmes dans l'ordre et pour chacun on recherche les * objects Coq necessaires, que l'on rajoute a l'ensemble cic *) let cic,_,pgms = let o_pgms = fold_all (fun (id,_) l -> id::l) empty [] in List.fold_left (fun (cic,pgms,pl) id -> if IdSet.mem id pgms then let spl,pgms' = try (match find_pgm id with | Some p -> collect empty p | None -> (try let c = find_init id in spset_of_cci empty c,IdSet.empty with Not_found -> SpSet.empty,IdSet.empty)) with Not_found -> SpSet.empty,IdSet.empty in let cic' = SpSet.fold (fun sp cic -> import sp ++ IdSet.add (basename sp) cic) spl cic in (cic',IdSet.union pgms pgms',id::pl) else (cic,pgms,pl)) (cic,pgms,[]) o_pgms in let cic = IdSet.elements cic in (* on pretty-print *) let prm' = { needed = cic ++ expand = prm.expand ++ expansion = prm.expansion ++ exact = prm.exact } in let strm = (Ocaml.OCaml_pp_file.pp_recursive prm' ++ fnl () ++ fnl () ++ if !has_array then pp_conversions() else (mt ()) ++ prlist (fun p -> (pp_prog p ++ fnl () ++ str";;" ++ fnl () ++ fnl ())) pgms ) in (* puis on ecrit dans le fichier *) let chan = open_trapping_failure open_out file ".ml" in let ft = with_output_to chan in begin try pP_with ft strm ++ pp_flush_with ft () with e -> pp_flush_with ft () ++ close_out chan ++ raise e end ++ close_out chan (* Initializations of mutable objects *) let initialize id com = let loc = Ast.loc com in let c = constr_of_com (Evd.mt_evd()) (initial_sign()) com in let ty = Reductionops.nf_betaiota (type_of (Evd.mt_evd()) (initial_sign()) c) in try let v = lookup_global id in let ety = match v with | Ref (TypePure c) -> c | Array (_,TypePure c) -> c | _ -> raise Not_found in if conv (Evd.mt_evd()) ty ety then initialize id c else errorlabstrm "Prog_extract.initialize" (str"Not the expected type for the mutable " ++ pID id) with Not_found -> errorlabstrm "Prog_extract.initialize" (pr_id id ++ str" is not a mutable") (* grammaire *) open Vernacinterp let _ = vinterp_add "IMPERATIVEEXTRACTION" (function | VARG_STRING file :: rem -> let prm = parse_param rem in (fun () -> pp_ocaml file prm) | _ -> assert false) let _ = vinterp_add "INITIALIZE" (function | [VARG_IDENTIFIER id; VARG_COMMAND com] -> (fun () -> initialize id com) | _ -> assert false)