(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* [x] | (y::rem) as l -> if x = y then l else if x > y then x::l else y :: push_rec rem in push_rec l let basic_remove x l = let rec rem_rec = function [] -> [] | y::l -> if x = y then l else y :: rem_rec l in rem_rec l let mem x (r,w) = (List.mem x r) or (List.mem x w) let rec basic_union = function [], s2 -> s2 | s1, [] -> s1 | ((v1::l1) as s1), ((v2::l2) as s2) -> if v1 > v2 then v1 :: basic_union (l1,s2) else if v1 < v2 then v2 :: basic_union (s1,l2) else v1 :: basic_union (l1,l2) (* adds reads and writes variables *) let add_read id ((r,w) as e) = (* if the variable is already a RW it is ok, otherwise adds it as a RO. *) if List.mem id w then e else push id r, w let add_write id (r,w) = (* if the variable is a RO then removes it from RO. Adds it to RW. *) if List.mem id r then basic_remove id r, push id w else r, push id w (* access *) let get_reads = basic_union let get_writes = snd let get_repr e = (get_reads e, get_writes e) (* tests *) let is_read (r,_) id = List.mem id r let is_write (_,w) id = List.mem id w (* union and disjunction *) let union (r1,w1) (r2,w2) = basic_union (r1,r2), basic_union (w1,w2) let rec diff = function [], s2 -> [] | s1, [] -> s1 | ((v1::l1) as s1), ((v2::l2) as s2) -> if v1 > v2 then v1 :: diff (l1,s2) else if v1 < v2 then diff (s1,l2) else diff (l1,l2) let disj (r1,w1) (r2,w2) = let w1_w2 = diff (w1,w2) and w2_w1 = diff (w2,w1) in let r = basic_union (basic_union (r1,r2), basic_union (w1_w2,w2_w1)) and w = basic_union (w1,w2) in r,w (* comparison relation *) let le e1 e2 = failwith "effects: le: not yet implemented" let inf e1 e2 = failwith "effects: inf: not yet implemented" (* composition *) let compose (r1,w1) (r2,w2) = let r = basic_union (r1, diff (r2,w1)) in let w = basic_union (w1,w2) in r,w (* remove *) let remove (r,w) name = basic_remove name r, basic_remove name w (* substitution *) let subst_list (x,x') l = if List.mem x l then push x' (basic_remove x l) else l let subst_one (r,w) s = subst_list s r, subst_list s w let subst s e = List.fold_left subst_one e s (* pretty-print *) open Pp open Util open Himsg let pp (r,w) = hov 0 (if r<>[] then (str"reads " ++ prlist_with_sep (fun () -> (str"," ++ spc ())) pr_id r) else (mt ()) ++ spc () ++ if w<>[] then (str"writes " ++ prlist_with_sep (fun ()-> (str"," ++ spc ())) pr_id w) else (mt ()) ) let ppr e = Pp.pp (pp e)