(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* raise Not_found let lookup_var ids locop id = if List.mem id ids then None else begin try Some (cci_global id) with Not_found -> Perror.unbound_variable id locop end let check_ref idl loc id = if (not (List.mem id idl)) & (not (Penv.is_global id)) then Perror.unbound_reference id loc (* db types : only check the references for the moment *) let rec check_type_v refs = function | Ref v -> check_type_v refs v | Array (c,v) -> check_type_v refs v | Arrow (bl,c) -> check_binder refs c bl | TypePure _ -> () and check_type_c refs ((_,v),e,_,_) = check_type_v refs v; List.iter (check_ref refs None) (Peffect.get_reads e); List.iter (check_ref refs None) (Peffect.get_writes e) (* TODO: check_condition on p and q *) and check_binder refs c = function | [] -> check_type_c refs c | (id, BindType (Ref _ | Array _ as v)) :: bl -> check_type_v refs v; check_binder (id :: refs) c bl | (_, BindType v) :: bl -> check_type_v refs v; check_binder refs c bl | _ :: bl -> check_binder refs c bl (* db binders *) let rec db_binders ((tids,pids,refs) as idl) = function | [] -> idl, [] | (id, BindType (Ref _ | Array _ as v)) as b :: rem -> check_type_v refs v; let idl',rem' = db_binders (tids,pids,id::refs) rem in idl', b :: rem' | (id, BindType v) as b :: rem -> check_type_v refs v; let idl',rem' = db_binders (tids,id::pids,refs) rem in idl', b :: rem' | ((id, BindSet) as t) :: rem -> let idl',rem' = db_binders (id::tids,pids,refs) rem in idl', t :: rem' | a :: rem -> let idl',rem' = db_binders idl rem in idl', a :: rem' (* db programs *) let db_prog e = (* tids = type identifiers, ids = variables, refs = references and arrays *) let rec db_desc ((tids,ids,refs) as idl) = function | (Variable x) as t -> (match lookup_var ids (Some e.loc) x with None -> t | Some c -> Expression c) | (Acc x) as t -> check_ref refs (Some e.loc) x; t | Aff (x,e1) -> check_ref refs (Some e.loc) x; Aff (x, db idl e1) | TabAcc (b,x,e1) -> check_ref refs (Some e.loc) x; TabAcc(b,x,db idl e1) | TabAff (b,x,e1,e2) -> check_ref refs (Some e.loc) x; TabAff (b,x, db idl e1, db idl e2) | Seq bl -> Seq (List.map (function Statement p -> Statement (db idl p) | x -> x) bl) | If (e1,e2,e3) -> If (db idl e1, db idl e2, db idl e3) | While (b,inv,var,bl) -> let bl' = List.map (function Statement p -> Statement (db idl p) | x -> x) bl in While (db idl b, inv, var, bl') | Lam (bl,e) -> let idl',bl' = db_binders idl bl in Lam(bl', db idl' e) | Apply (e1,l) -> Apply (db idl e1, List.map (db_arg idl) l) | SApp (dl,l) -> SApp (dl, List.map (db idl) l) | LetRef (x,e1,e2) -> LetRef (x, db idl e1, db (tids,ids,x::refs) e2) | Let (x,e1,e2) -> Let (x, db idl e1, db (tids,x::ids,refs) e2) | LetRec (f,bl,v,var,e) -> let (tids',ids',refs'),bl' = db_binders idl bl in check_type_v refs' v; LetRec (f, bl, v, var, db (tids',f::ids',refs') e) | Debug (s,e1) -> Debug (s, db idl e1) | Expression _ as x -> x | PPoint (s,d) -> PPoint (s, db_desc idl d) and db_arg ((tids,_,refs) as idl) = function | Term ({ desc = Variable id } as t) -> if List.mem id refs then Refarg id else Term (db idl t) | Term t -> Term (db idl t) | Type v as ty -> check_type_v refs v; ty | Refarg _ -> assert false and db idl e = { desc = db_desc idl e.desc ; pre = e.pre; post = e.post; loc = e.loc; info = e.info } in let ids = Termops.ids_of_named_context (Global.named_context ()) in (* TODO: separer X:Set et x:V:Set virer le reste (axiomes, etc.) *) let vars,refs = all_vars (), all_refs () in db ([],vars@ids,refs) e ;;