(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* false let ast_set = CSort (dummy_loc,RProp Pos) let tuple_n n = let id = make_ident "tuple_" (Some n) in let l1n = Util.interval 1 n in let params = List.map (fun i -> (LocalRawAssum ([dummy_loc,Name (make_ident "T" (Some i))], ast_set))) l1n in let fields = List.map (fun i -> let id = make_ident ("proj_" ^ string_of_int n ^ "_") (Some i) in let id' = make_ident "T" (Some i) in (false, Vernacexpr.AssumExpr (id, mkIdentC id'))) l1n in let cons = make_ident "Build_tuple_" (Some n) in Record.definition_structure ((false, id), params, fields, cons, mk_Set) (*s [(sig_n n)] generates the inductive \begin{verbatim} Inductive sig_n [T1,...,Tn:Set; P:T1->...->Tn->Prop] : Set := exist_n : (x1:T1)...(xn:Tn)(P x1 ... xn) -> (sig_n T1 ... Tn P). \end{verbatim} *) let sig_n n = let id = make_ident "sig_" (Some n) in let l1n = Util.interval 1 n in let lT = List.map (fun i -> make_ident "T" (Some i)) l1n in let lx = List.map (fun i -> make_ident "x" (Some i)) l1n in let idp = make_ident "P" None in let params = let typ = List.fold_right (fun _ c -> mkArrow (mkRel n) c) lT mkProp in (idp, LocalAssum typ) :: (List.rev_map (fun id -> (id, LocalAssum mkSet)) lT) in let lc = let app_sig = mkApp(mkRel (2*n+3), Array.init (n+1) (fun i -> mkRel (2*n+2-i))) in let app_p = mkApp(mkRel (n+1), Array.init n (fun i -> mkRel (n-i))) in let c = mkArrow app_p app_sig in List.fold_right (fun id c -> mkProd (Name id, mkRel (n+1), c)) lx c in let cname = make_ident "exist_" (Some n) in Declare.declare_mind { mind_entry_finite = true; mind_entry_inds = [ { mind_entry_params = params; mind_entry_typename = id; mind_entry_arity = mkSet; mind_entry_consnames = [ cname ]; mind_entry_lc = [ lc ] } ] } (*s On the fly generation of needed (possibly dependent) tuples. *) let check_product_n n = if n > 2 then let s = Printf.sprintf "tuple_%d" n in if not (tuple_exists (id_of_string s)) then tuple_n n let check_dep_product_n n = if n > 1 then let s = Printf.sprintf "sig_%d" n in if not (tuple_exists (id_of_string s)) then ignore (sig_n n) (*s Constructors for the tuples. *) let pair = ConstructRef ((coq_constant ["Init"; "Datatypes"] "prod",0),1) let exist = ConstructRef ((coq_constant ["Init"; "Specif"] "sig",0),1) let tuple_ref dep n = if n = 2 & not dep then pair else let n = n - (if dep then 1 else 0) in if dep then if n = 1 then exist else begin let id = make_ident "exist_" (Some n) in if not (tuple_exists id) then ignore (sig_n n); Nametab.locate (make_short_qualid id) end else begin let id = make_ident "Build_tuple_" (Some n) in if not (tuple_exists id) then tuple_n n; Nametab.locate (make_short_qualid id) end (* Binders. *) let trad_binder avoid nenv id = function | CC_untyped_binder -> RHole (dummy_loc,BinderType (Name id)) | CC_typed_binder ty -> Detyping.detype (false,Global.env()) avoid nenv ty let rec push_vars avoid nenv = function | [] -> ([],avoid,nenv) | (id,b) :: bl -> let b' = trad_binder avoid nenv id b in let bl',avoid',nenv' = push_vars (id :: avoid) (add_name (Name id) nenv) bl in ((id,b') :: bl', avoid', nenv') let rec raw_lambda bl v = match bl with | [] -> v | (id,ty) :: bl' -> RLambda (dummy_loc, Name id, ty, raw_lambda bl' v) (* The translation itself is quite easy. letin are translated into Cases constructions *) let rawconstr_of_prog p = let rec trad avoid nenv = function | CC_var id -> RVar (dummy_loc, id) (*i optimisation : let x = in e2 => e2[x<-constr] | CC_letin (_,_,[id,_],CC_expr c,e2) -> real_subst_in_constr [id,c] (trad e2) | CC_letin (_,_,([_] as b),CC_expr e1,e2) -> let (b',avoid',nenv') = push_vars avoid nenv b in let c1 = Detyping.detype avoid nenv e1 and c2 = trad avoid' nenv' e2 in let id = Name (fst (List.hd b')) in RLetIn (dummy_loc, id, c1, c2) i*) | CC_letin (_,_,([_] as b),e1,e2) -> let (b',avoid',nenv') = push_vars avoid nenv b in let c1 = trad avoid nenv e1 and c2 = trad avoid' nenv' e2 in RApp (dummy_loc, raw_lambda b' c2, [c1]) | CC_letin (dep,ty,bl,e1,e2) -> let (bl',avoid',nenv') = push_vars avoid nenv bl in let c1 = trad avoid nenv e1 and c2 = trad avoid' nenv' e2 in ROrderedCase (dummy_loc, LetStyle, None, c1, [| raw_lambda bl' c2 |], ref None) | CC_lam (bl,e) -> let bl',avoid',nenv' = push_vars avoid nenv bl in let c = trad avoid' nenv' e in raw_lambda bl' c | CC_app (f,args) -> let c = trad avoid nenv f and cargs = List.map (trad avoid nenv) args in RApp (dummy_loc, c, cargs) | CC_tuple (_,_,[e]) -> trad avoid nenv e | CC_tuple (false,_,[e1;e2]) -> let c1 = trad avoid nenv e1 and c2 = trad avoid nenv e2 in RApp (dummy_loc, RRef (dummy_loc,pair), [RHole (dummy_loc,ImplicitArg (pair,1)); RHole (dummy_loc,ImplicitArg (pair,2));c1;c2]) | CC_tuple (dep,tyl,l) -> let n = List.length l in let cl = List.map (trad avoid nenv) l in let tuple = tuple_ref dep n in let tyl = List.map (Detyping.detype (false,Global.env()) avoid nenv) tyl in let args = tyl @ cl in RApp (dummy_loc, RRef (dummy_loc, tuple), args) | CC_case (ty,b,el) -> let c = trad avoid nenv b in let cl = List.map (trad avoid nenv) el in let ty = Detyping.detype (false,Global.env()) avoid nenv ty in ROrderedCase (dummy_loc, RegularStyle, Some ty, c, Array.of_list cl, ref None) | CC_expr c -> Detyping.detype (false,Global.env()) avoid nenv c | CC_hole c -> RCast (dummy_loc, RHole (dummy_loc, QuestionMark), Detyping.detype (false,Global.env()) avoid nenv c) in trad [] empty_names_context p