(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* (x:Z) `x>=deb` -> `x (Zle #A[x] #A[`x+1`]). (* Elements of a sorted sub-array are in increasing order *) (* one element and the next one *) Lemma sorted_elements_1 : (N:Z)(A:(array N Z))(n:Z)(m:Z) (sorted_array A n m) -> (k:Z)`k>=n` -> (i:Z) `0<=i` -> `k+i<=m` -> (Zle (access A k) (access A `k+i`)). Proof. Intros N A n m H_sorted k H_k i H_i. Pattern i. Apply natlike_ind. Intro. Replace `k+0` with k; Omega. (*** Ring `k+0` => BUG ***) Intros. Apply Zle_trans with m:=(access A `k+x`). Apply H0 ; Omega. Unfold Zs. Replace `k+(x+1)` with `(k+x)+1`. Unfold sorted_array in H_sorted. Apply H_sorted ; Omega. Omega. Assumption. Save. (* one element and any of the following *) Lemma sorted_elements : (N:Z)(A:(array N Z))(n:Z)(m:Z)(k:Z)(l:Z) (sorted_array A n m) -> `k>=n` -> `l `k<=l` -> `l<=m` -> (Zle (access A k) (access A l)). Proof. Intros. Replace l with `k+(l-k)`. Apply sorted_elements_1 with n:=n m:=m; [Assumption | Omega | Omega | Omega]. Omega. Save. Hints Resolve sorted_elements : datatypes v62. (* A sub-array of a sorted array is sorted *) Lemma sub_sorted_array : (N:Z)(A:(array N Z))(deb:Z)(fin:Z)(i:Z)(j:Z) (sorted_array A deb fin) -> (`i>=deb` -> `j<=fin` -> `i<=j` -> (sorted_array A i j)). Proof. Unfold sorted_array. Intros. Apply H ; Omega. Save. Hints Resolve sub_sorted_array : datatypes v62. (* Extension on the left of the property of being sorted *) Lemma left_extension : (N:Z)(A:(array N Z))(i:Z)(j:Z) `i>0` -> `j (sorted_array A i j) -> (Zle #A[`i-1`] #A[i]) -> (sorted_array A `i-1` j). Proof. (Intros; Unfold sorted_array ; Intros). Elim (Z_ge_lt_dec x i). (* (`x >= i`) + (`x < i`) *) Intro Hcut. Apply H1 ; Omega. Intro Hcut. Replace x with `i-1`. Replace `i-1+1` with i ; [Assumption | Omega]. Omega. Save. (* Extension on the right *) Lemma right_extension : (N:Z)(A:(array N Z))(i:Z)(j:Z) `i>=0` -> `j (sorted_array A i j) -> (Zle #A[j] #A[`j+1`]) -> (sorted_array A i `j+1`). Proof. (Intros; Unfold sorted_array ; Intros). Elim (Z_lt_ge_dec x j). Intro Hcut. Apply H1 ; Omega. Intro HCut. Replace x with j ; [Assumption | Omega]. Save. (* Substitution of the leftmost value by a smaller value *) Lemma left_substitution : (N:Z)(A:(array N Z))(i:Z)(j:Z)(v:Z) `i>=0` -> `j (sorted_array A i j) -> (Zle v #A[i]) -> (sorted_array (store A i v) i j). Proof. Intros N A i j v H_i H_j H_sorted H_v. Unfold sorted_array ; Intros. Cut `x = i`\/`x > i`. (Intro Hcut ; Elim Hcut ; Clear Hcut ; Intro). Rewrite H2. Rewrite store_def_1 ; Try Omega. Rewrite store_def_2 ; Try Omega. Apply Zle_trans with m:=(access A i) ; [Assumption | Apply H_sorted ; Omega]. (Rewrite store_def_2; Try Omega). (Rewrite store_def_2; Try Omega). Apply H_sorted ; Omega. Omega. Save. (* Substitution of the rightmost value by a larger value *) Lemma right_substitution : (N:Z)(A:(array N Z))(i:Z)(j:Z)(v:Z) `i>=0` -> `j (sorted_array A i j) -> (Zle #A[j] v) -> (sorted_array (store A j v) i j). Proof. Intros N A i j v H_i H_j H_sorted H_v. Unfold sorted_array ; Intros. Cut `x = j-1`\/`x < j-1`. (Intro Hcut ; Elim Hcut ; Clear Hcut ; Intro). Rewrite H2. Replace `j-1+1` with j; [ Idtac | Omega ]. (*** Ring `j-1+1`. => BUG ***) Rewrite store_def_2 ; Try Omega. Rewrite store_def_1 ; Try Omega. Apply Zle_trans with m:=(access A j). Apply sorted_elements with n:=i m:=j ; Try Omega ; Assumption. Assumption. (Rewrite store_def_2; Try Omega). (Rewrite store_def_2; Try Omega). Apply H_sorted ; Omega. Omega. Save. (* Affectation outside of the sorted region *) Lemma no_effect : (N:Z)(A:(array N Z))(i:Z)(j:Z)(k:Z)(v:Z) `i>=0` -> `j (sorted_array A i j) -> `0<=k (sorted_array (store A k v) i j). Proof. Intros. Unfold sorted_array ; Intros. Rewrite store_def_2 ; Try Omega. Rewrite store_def_2 ; Try Omega. Apply H1 ; Assumption. Save. Lemma sorted_array_id : (N:Z)(t1,t2:(array N Z))(g,d:Z) (sorted_array t1 g d) -> (array_id t1 t2 g d) -> (sorted_array t2 g d). Proof. Intros N t1 t2 g d Hsorted Hid. Unfold array_id in Hid. Unfold sorted_array in Hsorted. Unfold sorted_array. Intros Hgd x H1x H2x. Rewrite <- (Hid x); [ Idtac | Omega ]. Rewrite <- (Hid `x+1`); [ Idtac | Omega ]. Apply Hsorted; Assumption. Save.