(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* (0 <= j < n)%Z -> #t [i] = #t' [j] -> #t [j] = #t' [i] -> (forall k:Z, (0 <= k < n)%Z -> k <> i -> k <> j -> #t [k] = #t' [k]) -> exchange t t' i j. (* Properties about exchanges *) Lemma exchange_1 : forall (n:Z) (A:Set) (t:array n A) (i j:Z), (0 <= i < n)%Z -> (0 <= j < n)%Z -> #(store (store t i #t [j]) j #t [i]) [i] = #t [j]. Proof. intros n A t i j H_i H_j. case (dec_eq j i). intro eq_i_j. rewrite eq_i_j. auto with datatypes. intro not_j_i. rewrite (store_def_2 (store t i #t [j]) #t [i] H_j H_i not_j_i). auto with datatypes. Qed. Hint Resolve exchange_1: v62 datatypes. Lemma exchange_proof : forall (n:Z) (A:Set) (t:array n A) (i j:Z), (0 <= i < n)%Z -> (0 <= j < n)%Z -> exchange (store (store t i #t [j]) j #t [i]) t i j. Proof. intros n A t i j H_i H_j. apply exchange_c; auto with datatypes. intros k H_k not_k_i not_k_j. cut (j <> k); auto with datatypes. intro not_j_k. rewrite (store_def_2 (store t i #t [j]) #t [i] H_j H_k not_j_k). auto with datatypes. Qed. Hint Resolve exchange_proof: v62 datatypes. Lemma exchange_sym : forall (n:Z) (A:Set) (t t':array n A) (i j:Z), exchange t t' i j -> exchange t' t i j. Proof. intros n A t t' i j H1. elim H1. clear H1. intros. constructor 1; auto with datatypes. intros. rewrite (H3 k); auto with datatypes. Qed. Hint Resolve exchange_sym: v62 datatypes. Lemma exchange_id : forall (n:Z) (A:Set) (t t':array n A) (i j:Z), exchange t t' i j -> i = j -> forall k:Z, (0 <= k < n)%Z -> #t [k] = #t' [k]. Proof. intros n A t t' i j Hex Heq k Hk. elim Hex. clear Hex. intros. rewrite Heq in H1. rewrite Heq in H2. case (Z_eq_dec k j). intro Heq'. rewrite Heq'. assumption. intro Hnoteq. apply (H3 k); auto with datatypes. rewrite Heq. assumption. Qed. Hint Resolve exchange_id: v62 datatypes.