(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* Set -> Set. (* Functions to create, access and modify arrays *) Parameter new : (n:Z)(T:Set) T -> (array n T). Parameter access : (n:Z)(T:Set) (array n T) -> Z -> T. Parameter store : (n:Z)(T:Set) (array n T) -> Z -> T -> (array n T). (* Axioms *) Axiom new_def : (n:Z)(T:Set)(v0:T) (i:Z) `0<=i (access (new n v0) i) = v0. Axiom store_def_1 : (n:Z)(T:Set)(t:(array n T))(v:T) (i:Z) `0<=i (access (store t i v) i) = v. Axiom store_def_2 : (n:Z)(T:Set)(t:(array n T))(v:T) (i:Z)(j:Z) `0<=i `0<=j `i <> j` -> (access (store t i v) j) = (access t j). Hints Resolve new_def store_def_1 store_def_2 : datatypes v62. (* A tactic to simplify access in arrays *) Tactic Definition ArrayAccess i j H := Elim (Z_eq_dec i j); [ Intro H; Rewrite H; Rewrite store_def_1 | Intro H; Rewrite store_def_2; [ Idtac | Idtac | Idtac | Exact H ] ]. (* Symbolic notation for access *) Notation "# t [ c ]" := (access t c) (at level 0, t ident) V8only (at level 10, t at level 0).