(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* (array n A)->Prop := exchange_is_permut : (t,t':(array n A))(i,j:Z)(exchange t t' i j) -> (permut t t') | permut_refl : (t:(array n A))(permut t t) | permut_sym : (t,t':(array n A))(permut t t') -> (permut t' t) | permut_trans : (t,t',t'':(array n A)) (permut t t') -> (permut t' t'') -> (permut t t''). Hints Resolve exchange_is_permut permut_refl permut_sym permut_trans : v62 datatypes. (* We also define the permutation on a segment of an array, "sub_permut", * the other parts of the array being unchanged * * One again we define it as the smallest equivalence relation containing * transpositions on the given segment. *) Inductive sub_permut [n:Z; A:Set; g,d:Z] : (array n A)->(array n A)->Prop := exchange_is_sub_permut : (t,t':(array n A))(i,j:Z)`g <= i <= d` -> `g <= j <= d` -> (exchange t t' i j) -> (sub_permut g d t t') | sub_permut_refl : (t:(array n A))(sub_permut g d t t) | sub_permut_sym : (t,t':(array n A))(sub_permut g d t t') -> (sub_permut g d t' t) | sub_permut_trans : (t,t',t'':(array n A)) (sub_permut g d t t') -> (sub_permut g d t' t'') -> (sub_permut g d t t''). Hints Resolve exchange_is_sub_permut sub_permut_refl sub_permut_sym sub_permut_trans : v62 datatypes. (* To express that some parts of arrays are equal we introduce the * property "array_id" which says that a segment is the same on two * arrays. *) Definition array_id := [n:Z][A:Set][t,t':(array n A)][g,d:Z] (i:Z) `g <= i <= d` -> #t[i] = #t'[i]. (* array_id is an equivalence relation *) Lemma array_id_refl : (n:Z)(A:Set)(t:(array n A))(g,d:Z) (array_id t t g d). Proof. Unfold array_id. Auto with datatypes. Save. Hints Resolve array_id_refl : v62 datatypes. Lemma array_id_sym : (n:Z)(A:Set)(t,t':(array n A))(g,d:Z) (array_id t t' g d) -> (array_id t' t g d). Proof. Unfold array_id. Intros. Symmetry; Auto with datatypes. Save. Hints Resolve array_id_sym : v62 datatypes. Lemma array_id_trans : (n:Z)(A:Set)(t,t',t'':(array n A))(g,d:Z) (array_id t t' g d) -> (array_id t' t'' g d) -> (array_id t t'' g d). Proof. Unfold array_id. Intros. Apply trans_eq with y:=#t'[i]; Auto with datatypes. Save. Hints Resolve array_id_trans: v62 datatypes. (* Outside the segment [g,d] the elements are equal *) Lemma sub_permut_id : (n:Z)(A:Set)(t,t':(array n A))(g,d:Z) (sub_permut g d t t') -> (array_id t t' `0` `g-1`) /\ (array_id t t' `d+1` `n-1`). Proof. Intros n A t t' g d. Induction 1; Intros. Elim H2; Intros. Unfold array_id; Split; Intros. Apply H7; Omega. Apply H7; Omega. Auto with datatypes. Decompose [and] H1; Auto with datatypes. Decompose [and] H1; Decompose [and] H3; EAuto with datatypes. Save. Hints Resolve sub_permut_id. Lemma sub_permut_eq : (n:Z)(A:Set)(t,t':(array n A))(g,d:Z) (sub_permut g d t t') -> (i:Z) (`0<=i #t[i]=#t'[i]. Proof. Intros n A t t' g d Htt' i Hi. Elim (sub_permut_id Htt'). Unfold array_id. Intros. Elim Hi; [ Intro; Apply H; Omega | Intro; Apply H0; Omega ]. Save. (* sub_permut is a particular case of permutation *) Lemma sub_permut_is_permut : (n:Z)(A:Set)(t,t':(array n A))(g,d:Z) (sub_permut g d t t') -> (permut t t'). Proof. Intros n A t t' g d. Induction 1; Intros; EAuto with datatypes. Save. Hints Resolve sub_permut_is_permut. (* If we have a sub-permutation on an empty segment, then we have a * sub-permutation on any segment. *) Lemma sub_permut_void : (N:Z)(A:Set)(t,t':(array N A)) (g,g',d,d':Z) `d < g` -> (sub_permut g d t t') -> (sub_permut g' d' t t'). Proof. Intros N A t t' g g' d d' Hdg. (Induction 1; Intros). (Absurd `g <= d`; Omega). Auto with datatypes. Auto with datatypes. EAuto with datatypes. Save. (* A sub-permutation on a segment may be extended to any segment that * contains the first one. *) Lemma sub_permut_extension : (N:Z)(A:Set)(t,t':(array N A)) (g,g',d,d':Z) `g' <= g` -> `d <= d'` -> (sub_permut g d t t') -> (sub_permut g' d' t t'). Proof. Intros N A t t' g g' d d' Hgg' Hdd'. (Induction 1; Intros). Apply exchange_is_sub_permut with i:=i j:=j; [ Omega | Omega | Assumption ]. Auto with datatypes. Auto with datatypes. EAuto with datatypes. Save.