(***********************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* B)(x,y:A)f==g->x==y->(f x)==(g y). Intros A B f g x y eq1 eq2;Rewrite eq1;Rewrite eq2;Reflexivity. Defined. Theorem Congr_dep: (A:Type; P:(A->Type); f,g:((a:A)(P a)); x:A)f==g->(f x)==(g x). Intros A P f g x e;Rewrite e;Reflexivity. Defined. (* Basic application : try to prove that goal is equal to one hypothesis *) Lemma convert_goal : (A,B:Prop)B->(A==B)->A. Intros A B H E;Rewrite E;Assumption. Save. Tactic Definition CCsolve := Repeat (Match Context With [ H: ?1 |- ?2] -> (Assert Heq____:(?2==?1);[CC|(Rewrite Heq____;Exact H)]) |[ H: ?1; G: ?2 -> ?3 |- ?] -> (Assert Heq____:(?2==?1) ;[CC| (Rewrite Heq____ in G;Generalize (G H);Clear G;Intro G)])).