################################## # # Configuration file for Coq # ################################## ############################################################################# # # This file is generated by the script "configure" # # DO NOT EDIT IT !! DO NOT EDIT IT !! DO NOT EDIT IT !! DO NOT EDIT IT !! # # If something is wrong below, then rerun the script "configure" # with the good options (see the file INSTALL). # ############################################################################# # Local use (no installation) LOCAL=LOCALINSTALLATION # Paths for true installation # BINDIR=path where coqtop, coqc, coqmktop, coq-tex, coqdep, gallina and # do_Makefile will reside # LIBDIR=path where the Coq library will reside # MANDIR=path where to install manual pages # EMACSDIR=path where to put Coq's Emacs mode (coq.el) BINDIR="BINDIRDIRECTORY" COQLIB="COQLIBDIRECTORY" MANDIR="MANDIRDIRECTORY" EMACSLIB="EMACSLIBDIRECTORY" EMACS=EMACSCOMMAND # Path to Coq distribution COQTOP=COQTOPDIRECTORY VERSION=COQVERSION # Directory containing Camlp4 binaries. Can be empty if camlp4 is in the PATH CAMLP4BIN="CAMLP4BINDIRECTORY" # Ocaml version number CAMLVERSION=CAMLTAG # Ocaml .h directory CAMLHLIB="CAMLLIBDIRECTORY"/caml # Camlp4 library directory (avoid CAMLP4LIB used on Windows) CAMLP4O=CAMLP4TOOL CAMLP4COMPAT=CAMLP4COMPATFLAGS MYCAMLP4LIB="CAMLP4LIBDIRECTORY" # Objective-Caml compile command OCAMLC="BYTECAMLC" OCAMLOPT="NATIVECAMLC" OCAMLDEP="OCAMLDEPEXEC" OCAMLDOC="OCAMLDOCEXEC" OCAMLLEX="OCAMLLEXEXEC" OCAMLYACC="OCAMLYACCEXEC" # Caml link command and Caml make top command CAMLLINK="BYTECAMLC" CAMLOPTLINK="NATIVECAMLC" CAMLMKTOP="CAMLMKTOPEXEC" # Compilation debug flag CAMLDEBUG=COQDEBUGFLAG # User compilation flag USERFLAGS= # Compilation profile flag CAMLTIMEPROF=COQPROFILEFLAG # The best compiler: native (=opt) or bytecode (=byte) if no native compiler BEST=BESTCOMPILER # For Camlp4 use P4=$(COQTOP)/bin/$(ARCH)/call_camlp4 -I $(COQTOP)/src/parsing P4DEP=$(COQTOP)/bin/$(ARCH)/camlp4dep # Your architecture # Can be obtain by UNIX command arch ARCH=ARCHITECTURE # Your C compiler and co CC="CCEXEC" AR="AREXEC" RANLIB="RANLIBEXEC" # Supplementary libs for some systems, currently: # . Sun Solaris: -cclib -lunix -cclib -lnsl -cclib -lsocket # . others : -cclib -lunix # . windows : -cclib -lunix OSDEPLIBS=OSDEPENDENTLIBS # executable files extension, currently: # Unix systems: # Win32 systems : .exe EXE=EXECUTEEXTENSION # the command MKDIR (try to replace it with mkdirhier if you have problems) MKDIR=mkdir -p # where to put the coqdoc.sty style file COQDOCDIR="COQDOCDIRECTORY" # command to update TeX' kpathsea database #MKTEXLSR=MKTEXLSRCOMMAND #the command STRIP # Unix systems and profiling: true # Unix systems and no profiling: strip # Win32 systems: true (actually strip is bogus) STRIP=STRIPCOMMAND # Options for fsets (all/basic) FSETS=FSETSOPT # Options for reals (all/basic) REALS=REALSOPT # CoqIde (no/byte/opt) HASCOQIDE=COQIDEOPT # Defining REVISION CHECKEDOUT=CHECKEDOUTSOURCETREE .PHONY: revision revision: ifeq ($(CHECKEDOUT),1) - /bin/rm -f revision sed -ne '/url/s/^.*\/\([^\/]\+\)"$$/\1/p' .svn/entries > revision sed -ne '/revision/s/^.*"\([0-9]\+\)".*$$/r\1/p' .svn/entries >> revision endif archclean:: /bin/rm -f revision # make or sed are bogus and believe lines not terminating by a return # are inexistent