(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* "?" |Fail _ -> assert false |Tuple (name,_) -> name |Sum (name,_,_) -> name |Array v -> "array"^(if extra then "/"^get_name ~extra v else "") |List v -> "list"^(if extra then "/"^get_name ~extra v else "") |Opt v -> "option"^(if extra then "/"^get_name ~extra v else "") |Int -> "int" |String -> "string" |Annot (s,v) -> s^"/"^get_name ~extra v |Dyn -> "" (** For tuples, its quite handy to display the inner 1st string (if any). Cf. [structure_body] for instance *) let get_string_in_tuple v o = try for i = 0 to Array.length v - 1 do if v.(i) = String then failwith (" [.."^(Obj.magic (Obj.field o i) : string)^"..]"); done; "" with Failure s -> s (** Some details : tags, integer value for non-block, etc etc *) let rec get_details v o = match v with |String | Any when (Obj.is_block o && Obj.tag o = Obj.string_tag) -> " [" ^ String.escaped (Obj.magic o : string) ^"]" |Tuple (_,v) -> get_string_in_tuple v o |(Sum _|Any) when Obj.is_block o -> " [tag=" ^ string_of_int (Obj.tag o) ^"]" |(Sum _|Any) -> " [imm=" ^ string_of_int (Obj.magic o : int) ^"]" |Int -> " [" ^ string_of_int (Obj.magic o : int) ^"]" |Annot (s,v) -> get_details v o |_ -> "" let node_info (v,o,p) = get_name ~extra:true v ^ get_details v o ^ " (size "^ string_of_int (CObj.shared_size_of_pos p)^"w)" (** Children of a block : type, object, position. For lists, we collect all elements of the list at once *) let access_children vs o pos = Array.mapi (fun i v -> v, Obj.field o i, i::pos) vs let rec get_children v o pos = match v with |Tuple (_,v) -> access_children v o pos |Sum (_,_,vv) -> if Obj.is_block o then access_children vv.(Obj.tag o) o pos else [||] |Array v -> access_children (Array.make (Obj.size o) v) o pos |List v -> let rec loop pos = function | [] -> [] | o :: ol -> (v,o,0::pos) :: loop (1::pos) ol in Array.of_list (loop pos (Obj.magic o : Obj.t list)) |Opt v -> if Obj.is_block o then [|v,Obj.field o 0,0::pos|] else [||] |String | Int -> [||] |Annot (s,v) -> get_children v o pos |Any -> if Obj.is_block o && Obj.tag o < Obj.no_scan_tag then Array.init (Obj.size o) (fun i -> (Any,Obj.field o i,i::pos)) else [||] |Dyn -> let t = to_dyn o in let tpe = find_dyn t.dyn_tag in [|(String, Obj.repr t.dyn_tag, 0 :: pos); (tpe, t.dyn_obj, 1 :: pos)|] |Fail _ -> assert false type info = { nam : string; typ : value; obj : Obj.t; pos : int list } let stk = ref ([] : info list) let init () = stk := [] let push name v o p = stk := { nam = name; typ = v; obj = o; pos = p } :: !stk let pop () = match !stk with | i::s -> stk := s; i | _ -> failwith "empty stack" let rec visit v o pos = Printf.printf "\nDepth %d Pos %s Context %s\n" (List.length !stk) (String.concat "." (List.rev_map string_of_int pos)) (String.concat "/" (List.rev_map (fun i -> i.nam) !stk)); Printf.printf "-------------\n"; let children = get_children v o pos in let nchild = Array.length children in Printf.printf "Here: %s, %d child%s\n" (node_info (v,o,pos)) nchild (if nchild = 0 then "" else "ren:"); Array.iteri (fun i vop -> Printf.printf " %d: %s\n" i (node_info vop)) children; Printf.printf "-------------\n"; Printf.printf ("# %!"); let l = read_line () in try if l = "u" then let info = pop () in visit info.typ info.obj info.pos else if l = "x" then (Printf.printf "\nGoodbye!\n\n";exit 0) else let v',o',pos' = children.(int_of_string l) in push (get_name v) v o pos; visit v' o' pos' with Failure _ | Invalid_argument _ -> visit v o pos (** Loading the vo *) type segment = { name : string; mutable pos : int; typ : Values.value; } let visit_vo f = Printf.printf "\nWelcome to votour !\n"; Printf.printf "Enjoy your guided tour of a Coq .vo or .vi file\n"; Printf.printf "Object sizes are in words (%d bits)\n" Sys.word_size; Printf.printf "At prompt, enters the -th child, u goes up 1 level, x exits\n\n%!"; let segments = [| {name="library"; pos=0; typ=Values.v_lib}; {name="STM tasks"; pos=0; typ=Opt Any}; {name="opaque proof terms"; pos=0; typ=Values.v_opaques}; |] in let ch = open_in_bin f in let magic = input_binary_int ch in Printf.printf "File format: %d\n%!" magic; for i=0 to Array.length segments - 1 do let pos = input_binary_int ch in segments.(i).pos <- pos_in ch; seek_in ch pos; ignore(Digest.input ch); done; Printf.printf "The file has %d segments, choose the one to visit:\n" (Array.length segments); Array.iteri (fun i { name; pos } -> Printf.printf " %d: %s, starting at byte %d\n" i name pos) segments; Printf.printf "# %!"; let l = read_line () in let seg = int_of_string l in seek_in ch segments.(seg).pos; let o = (input_value ch : Obj.t) in let () = CObj.register_shared_size o in let () = init () in visit segments.(seg).typ o [] let main = if not !Sys.interactive then Arg.parse [] visit_vo ("votour: guided tour of a Coq .vo or .vi file\n"^ "Usage: votour file.v[oi]")