(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* Obj.no_scan_tag then if t = Obj.string_tag then Format.print_string ("\""^String.escaped(Obj.magic o)^"\"") else Format.print_string "?" else (let n = Obj.size o in Format.print_string ("#"^string_of_int t^"("); Format.open_hvbox 0; for i = 0 to n-1 do pr_obj_rec (Obj.field o i); if i<>n-1 then (Format.print_string ","; Format.print_cut()) done; Format.close_box(); Format.print_string ")") else Format.print_string "?" let pr_obj o = pr_obj_rec o; Format.print_newline() (**************************************************************************) (* Obj low-level validators *) type error_context = string list let mt_ec : error_context = [] let (/) (ctx:error_context) s : error_context = s::ctx let overr (ctx:error_context) f = (fun (_:error_context) -> f ctx) let ext s f (ctx:error_context) = f (ctx/s) exception ValidObjError of string * error_context * Obj.t let fail ctx o s = raise (ValidObjError(s,ctx,o)) type func = error_context -> Obj.t -> unit let apply debug f x = let o = Obj.repr x in try f mt_ec o with ValidObjError(msg,ctx,obj) -> if debug then begin print_endline ("Validation failed: "^msg); print_endline ("Context: "^String.concat"/"(List.rev ctx)); pr_obj obj end; failwith "vo structure validation failed" (* data not validated *) let no_val (c:error_context) (o:Obj.t) = () (* Check that object o is a block with tag t *) let val_tag t ctx o = if Obj.is_block o && Obj.tag o = t then () else fail ctx o ("expected tag "^string_of_int t) let val_block ctx o = if Obj.is_block o then (if Obj.tag o > Obj.no_scan_tag then fail ctx o "block: found no scan tag") else fail ctx o "expected block obj" (* Check that an object is a tuple (or a record). v is an array of validation functions for each field. Its size corresponds to the expected size of the object. *) let val_tuple ?name v ctx o = let ctx = match name with Some n -> ctx/n | _ -> ctx in let n = Array.length v in let val_fld i f = f (ctx/("fld="^string_of_int i)) (Obj.field o i) in val_block ctx o; if Obj.size o = n then Array.iteri val_fld v else fail ctx o ("tuple size: found "^string_of_int (Obj.size o)^ ", expected "^string_of_int n) (* Check that the object is either a constant constructor of tag < cc, or a constructed variant. each element of vv is an array of validation functions to be applied to the constructor arguments. The size of vv corresponds to the number of non-constant constructors, and the size of vv.(i) is the expected arity of the i-th non-constant constructor. *) let val_sum name cc vv ctx o = let ctx = ctx/name in if Obj.is_block o then (val_block (ctx/name) o; let n = Array.length vv in let i = Obj.tag o in let ctx' = if n=1 then ctx else ctx/("tag="^string_of_int i) in if i < n then val_tuple vv.(i) ctx' o else fail ctx' o ("sum: unexpected tag")) else if Obj.is_int o then let (n:int) = Obj.magic o in (if n<0 || n>=cc then fail ctx o ("bad constant constructor "^string_of_int n)) else fail ctx o "not a sum" let val_enum s n = val_sum s n [||] (* Recursive types: avoid looping by eta-expansion *) let rec val_rec_sum name cc f ctx o = val_sum name cc (f (overr (ctx/name) (val_rec_sum name cc f))) ctx o (**************************************************************************) (* Builtin types *) (* Check the o is an array of values satisfying f. *) let val_array ?(pos=false) f ctx o = let upd_ctx = if pos then (fun i -> ctx/string_of_int i) else (fun _ -> ctx) in val_block (ctx/"array") o; for i = 0 to Obj.size o - 1 do (f (upd_ctx i) (Obj.field o i):unit) done (* Integer validator *) let val_int ctx o = if not (Obj.is_int o) then fail ctx o "expected an int" (* String validator *) let val_str ctx o = try val_tag Obj.string_tag ctx o with Failure _ -> fail ctx o "expected a string" (* Booleans *) let val_bool = val_enum "bool" 2 (* Option type *) let val_opt ?(name="option") f = val_sum name 1 [|[|f|]|] (* Lists *) let val_list ?(name="list") f ctx = val_rec_sum name 1 (fun vlist -> [|[|ext "elem" f;vlist|]|]) ctx (* Reference *) let val_ref ?(name="ref") f ctx = val_tuple [|f|] (ctx/name) (**************************************************************************) (* Standard library types *) (* Sets *) let val_set ?(name="Set.t") f = val_rec_sum name 1 (fun vset -> [|[|vset;ext "elem" f; vset;ext "bal" val_int|]|]) (* Maps *) let val_map ?(name="Map.t") fk fv = val_rec_sum name 1 (fun vmap -> [|[|vmap; ext "key" fk; ext "value" fv; vmap; ext "bal" val_int|]|]) (**************************************************************************) (* Coq types *) (* names *) let val_id = val_str let val_dp = val_list ~name:"dirpath" val_id let val_name = val_sum "name" 1 [|[|val_id|]|] let val_uid = val_tuple ~name:"uniq_ident" [|val_int;val_str;val_dp|] let val_mp = val_rec_sum "module_path" 0 (fun vmp -> [|[|val_dp|];[|val_uid|];[|vmp;val_id|]|]) let val_kn = val_tuple ~name:"kernel_name" [|val_mp;val_dp;val_id|] let val_con = val_sum "constant/mutind" 0 [|[|val_kn|];[|val_kn;val_kn|]|] let val_ind = val_tuple ~name:"inductive"[|val_con;val_int|] let val_cstr = val_tuple ~name:"constructor"[|val_ind;val_int|] (* univ *) let val_level = val_sum "level" 1 [|[|val_int;val_dp|]|] let val_univ = val_sum "univ" 0 [|[|val_level|];[|val_list val_level;val_list val_level|]|] let val_cstrs = val_set ~name:"Univ.constraints" (val_tuple ~name:"univ_constraint" [|val_level;val_enum "order_request" 3;val_level|])