(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* InProp | Prop Pos -> InSet | Type _ -> InType let val_sort = val_sum "sort" 0 [|[|val_enum "cnt" 2|];[|val_univ|]|] let val_sortfam = val_enum "sorts_family" 3 (********************************************************************) (* Constructions as implemented *) (********************************************************************) (* [constr array] is an instance matching definitional [named_context] in the same order (i.e. last argument first) *) type 'constr pexistential = existential_key * 'constr array type 'constr prec_declaration = name array * 'constr array * 'constr array type 'constr pfixpoint = (int array * int) * 'constr prec_declaration type 'constr pcofixpoint = int * 'constr prec_declaration let val_evar f = val_tuple ~name:"pexistential" [|val_int;val_array f|] let val_prec f = val_tuple ~name:"prec_declaration" [|val_array val_name; val_array f; val_array f|] let val_fix f = val_tuple ~name:"pfixpoint" [|val_tuple~name:"fix2"[|val_array val_int;val_int|];val_prec f|] let val_cofix f = val_tuple ~name:"pcofixpoint"[|val_int;val_prec f|] type cast_kind = VMcast | NATIVEcast | DEFAULTcast let val_cast = val_enum "cast_kind" 3 (*s*******************************************************************) (* The type of constructions *) type constr = | Rel of int | Var of Id.t | Meta of metavariable | Evar of constr pexistential | Sort of sorts | Cast of constr * cast_kind * constr | Prod of name * constr * constr | Lambda of name * constr * constr | LetIn of name * constr * constr * constr | App of constr * constr array | Const of constant | Ind of inductive | Construct of constructor | Case of case_info * constr * constr * constr array | Fix of constr pfixpoint | CoFix of constr pcofixpoint let val_constr = val_rec_sum "constr" 0 (fun val_constr -> [| [|val_int|]; (* Rel *) [|val_id|]; (* Var *) [|val_int|]; (* Meta *) [|val_evar val_constr|]; (* Evar *) [|val_sort|]; (* Sort *) [|val_constr;val_cast;val_constr|]; (* Cast *) [|val_name;val_constr;val_constr|]; (* Prod *) [|val_name;val_constr;val_constr|]; (* Lambda *) [|val_name;val_constr;val_constr;val_constr|]; (* LetIn *) [|val_constr;val_array val_constr|]; (* App *) [|val_con|]; (* Const *) [|val_ind|]; (* Ind *) [|val_cstr|]; (* Construct *) [|val_ci;val_constr;val_constr;val_array val_constr|]; (* Case *) [|val_fix val_constr|]; (* Fix *) [|val_cofix val_constr|] (* CoFix *) |]) type existential = constr pexistential type rec_declaration = constr prec_declaration type fixpoint = constr pfixpoint type cofixpoint = constr pcofixpoint let rec strip_outer_cast c = match c with | Cast (c,_,_) -> strip_outer_cast c | _ -> c let collapse_appl c = match c with | App (f,cl) -> let rec collapse_rec f cl2 = match (strip_outer_cast f) with | App (g,cl1) -> collapse_rec g (Array.append cl1 cl2) | _ -> App (f,cl2) in collapse_rec f cl | _ -> c let decompose_app c = match collapse_appl c with | App (f,cl) -> (f, Array.to_list cl) | _ -> (c,[]) let applist (f,l) = App (f, Array.of_list l) (****************************************************************************) (* Functions for dealing with constr terms *) (****************************************************************************) (*********************) (* Occurring *) (*********************) let iter_constr_with_binders g f n c = match c with | (Rel _ | Meta _ | Var _ | Sort _ | Const _ | Ind _ | Construct _) -> () | Cast (c,_,t) -> f n c; f n t | Prod (_,t,c) -> f n t; f (g n) c | Lambda (_,t,c) -> f n t; f (g n) c | LetIn (_,b,t,c) -> f n b; f n t; f (g n) c | App (c,l) -> f n c; Array.iter (f n) l | Evar (_,l) -> Array.iter (f n) l | Case (_,p,c,bl) -> f n p; f n c; Array.iter (f n) bl | Fix (_,(_,tl,bl)) -> Array.iter (f n) tl; Array.iter (f (iterate g (Array.length tl) n)) bl | CoFix (_,(_,tl,bl)) -> Array.iter (f n) tl; Array.iter (f (iterate g (Array.length tl) n)) bl exception LocalOccur (* (closedn n M) raises FreeVar if a variable of height greater than n occurs in M, returns () otherwise *) let closedn n c = let rec closed_rec n c = match c with | Rel m -> if m>n then raise LocalOccur | _ -> iter_constr_with_binders succ closed_rec n c in try closed_rec n c; true with LocalOccur -> false (* [closed0 M] is true iff [M] is a (deBruijn) closed term *) let closed0 = closedn 0 (* (noccurn n M) returns true iff (Rel n) does NOT occur in term M *) let noccurn n term = let rec occur_rec n c = match c with | Rel m -> if m = n then raise LocalOccur | _ -> iter_constr_with_binders succ occur_rec n c in try occur_rec n term; true with LocalOccur -> false (* (noccur_between n m M) returns true iff (Rel p) does NOT occur in term M for n <= p < n+m *) let noccur_between n m term = let rec occur_rec n c = match c with | Rel(p) -> if n<=p && p iter_constr_with_binders succ occur_rec n c in try occur_rec n term; true with LocalOccur -> false (* Checking function for terms containing existential variables. The function [noccur_with_meta] considers the fact that each existential variable (as well as each isevar) in the term appears applied to its local context, which may contain the CoFix variables. These occurrences of CoFix variables are not considered *) let noccur_with_meta n m term = let rec occur_rec n c = match c with | Rel p -> if n<=p & p (match f with | (Cast (Meta _,_,_)| Meta _) -> () | _ -> iter_constr_with_binders succ occur_rec n c) | Evar (_, _) -> () | _ -> iter_constr_with_binders succ occur_rec n c in try (occur_rec n term; true) with LocalOccur -> false (*********************) (* Lifting *) (*********************) let map_constr_with_binders g f l c = match c with | (Rel _ | Meta _ | Var _ | Sort _ | Const _ | Ind _ | Construct _) -> c | Cast (c,k,t) -> Cast (f l c, k, f l t) | Prod (na,t,c) -> Prod (na, f l t, f (g l) c) | Lambda (na,t,c) -> Lambda (na, f l t, f (g l) c) | LetIn (na,b,t,c) -> LetIn (na, f l b, f l t, f (g l) c) | App (c,al) -> App (f l c, Array.map (f l) al) | Evar (e,al) -> Evar (e, Array.map (f l) al) | Case (ci,p,c,bl) -> Case (ci, f l p, f l c, Array.map (f l) bl) | Fix (ln,(lna,tl,bl)) -> let l' = iterate g (Array.length tl) l in Fix (ln,(lna,Array.map (f l) tl,Array.map (f l') bl)) | CoFix(ln,(lna,tl,bl)) -> let l' = iterate g (Array.length tl) l in CoFix (ln,(lna,Array.map (f l) tl,Array.map (f l') bl)) (* The generic lifting function *) let rec exliftn el c = match c with | Rel i -> Rel(reloc_rel i el) | _ -> map_constr_with_binders el_lift exliftn el c (* Lifting the binding depth across k bindings *) let liftn k n = match el_liftn (pred n) (el_shft k el_id) with | ELID -> (fun c -> c) | el -> exliftn el let lift k = liftn k 1 (*********************) (* Substituting *) (*********************) (* (subst1 M c) substitutes M for Rel(1) in c we generalise it to (substl [M1,...,Mn] c) which substitutes in parallel M1,...,Mn for respectively Rel(1),...,Rel(n) in c *) (* 1st : general case *) type info = Closed | Open | Unknown type 'a substituend = { mutable sinfo: info; sit: 'a } let rec lift_substituend depth s = match s.sinfo with | Closed -> s.sit | Open -> lift depth s.sit | Unknown -> s.sinfo <- if closed0 s.sit then Closed else Open; lift_substituend depth s let make_substituend c = { sinfo=Unknown; sit=c } let substn_many lamv n c = let lv = Array.length lamv in if lv = 0 then c else let rec substrec depth c = match c with | Rel k -> if k<=depth then c else if k-depth <= lv then lift_substituend depth lamv.(k-depth-1) else Rel (k-lv) | _ -> map_constr_with_binders succ substrec depth c in substrec n c let substnl laml n = substn_many (Array.map make_substituend (Array.of_list laml)) n let substl laml = substnl laml 0 let subst1 lam = substl [lam] (***************************************************************************) (* Type of assumptions and contexts *) (***************************************************************************) let val_ndecl = val_tuple ~name:"named_declaration"[|val_id;val_opt val_constr;val_constr|] let val_rdecl = val_tuple ~name:"rel_declaration"[|val_name;val_opt val_constr;val_constr|] let val_nctxt = val_list val_ndecl let val_rctxt = val_list val_rdecl type named_declaration = Id.t * constr option * constr type rel_declaration = name * constr option * constr type named_context = named_declaration list let empty_named_context = [] let fold_named_context f l ~init = List.fold_right f l init type section_context = named_context type rel_context = rel_declaration list let empty_rel_context = [] let rel_context_length = List.length let rel_context_nhyps hyps = let rec nhyps acc = function | [] -> acc | (_,None,_)::hyps -> nhyps (1+acc) hyps | (_,Some _,_)::hyps -> nhyps acc hyps in nhyps 0 hyps let fold_rel_context f l ~init = List.fold_right f l init let map_context f l = let map_decl (n, body_o, typ as decl) = let body_o' = Option.smartmap f body_o in let typ' = f typ in if body_o' == body_o && typ' == typ then decl else (n, body_o', typ') in List.smartmap map_decl l let map_rel_context = map_context let extended_rel_list n hyps = let rec reln l p = function | (_,None,_) :: hyps -> reln (Rel (n+p) :: l) (p+1) hyps | (_,Some _,_) :: hyps -> reln l (p+1) hyps | [] -> l in reln [] 1 hyps (* Iterate lambda abstractions *) (* compose_lam [xn:Tn;..;x1:T1] b = [x1:T1]..[xn:Tn]b *) let compose_lam l b = let rec lamrec = function | ([], b) -> b | ((v,t)::l, b) -> lamrec (l, Lambda (v,t,b)) in lamrec (l,b) (* Transforms a lambda term [x1:T1]..[xn:Tn]T into the pair ([(xn,Tn);...;(x1,T1)],T), where T is not a lambda *) let decompose_lam = let rec lamdec_rec l c = match c with | Lambda (x,t,c) -> lamdec_rec ((x,t)::l) c | Cast (c,_,_) -> lamdec_rec l c | _ -> l,c in lamdec_rec [] (* Decompose lambda abstractions and lets, until finding n abstractions *) let decompose_lam_n_assum n = if n < 0 then error "decompose_lam_n_assum: integer parameter must be positive"; let rec lamdec_rec l n c = if n=0 then l,c else match c with | Lambda (x,t,c) -> lamdec_rec ((x,None,t) :: l) (n-1) c | LetIn (x,b,t,c) -> lamdec_rec ((x,Some b,t) :: l) n c | Cast (c,_,_) -> lamdec_rec l n c | c -> error "decompose_lam_n_assum: not enough abstractions" in lamdec_rec empty_rel_context n (* Iterate products, with or without lets *) (* Constructs either [(x:t)c] or [[x=b:t]c] *) let mkProd_or_LetIn (na,body,t) c = match body with | None -> Prod (na, t, c) | Some b -> LetIn (na, b, t, c) let it_mkProd_or_LetIn = List.fold_left (fun c d -> mkProd_or_LetIn d c) let decompose_prod_assum = let rec prodec_rec l c = match c with | Prod (x,t,c) -> prodec_rec ((x,None,t) :: l) c | LetIn (x,b,t,c) -> prodec_rec ((x,Some b,t) :: l) c | Cast (c,_,_) -> prodec_rec l c | _ -> l,c in prodec_rec empty_rel_context let decompose_prod_n_assum n = if n < 0 then error "decompose_prod_n_assum: integer parameter must be positive"; let rec prodec_rec l n c = if n=0 then l,c else match c with | Prod (x,t,c) -> prodec_rec ((x,None,t) :: l) (n-1) c | LetIn (x,b,t,c) -> prodec_rec ((x,Some b,t) :: l) (n-1) c | Cast (c,_,_) -> prodec_rec l n c | c -> error "decompose_prod_n_assum: not enough assumptions" in prodec_rec empty_rel_context n (***************************) (* Other term constructors *) (***************************) type arity = rel_context * sorts let mkArity (sign,s) = it_mkProd_or_LetIn (Sort s) sign let destArity = let rec prodec_rec l c = match c with | Prod (x,t,c) -> prodec_rec ((x,None,t)::l) c | LetIn (x,b,t,c) -> prodec_rec ((x,Some b,t)::l) c | Cast (c,_,_) -> prodec_rec l c | Sort s -> l,s | _ -> anomaly ~label:"destArity" (Pp.str "not an arity") in prodec_rec [] let rec isArity c = match c with | Prod (_,_,c) -> isArity c | LetIn (_,b,_,c) -> isArity (subst1 b c) | Cast (c,_,_) -> isArity c | Sort _ -> true | _ -> false (*******************************) (* alpha conversion functions *) (*******************************) (* alpha conversion : ignore print names and casts *) let compare_constr f t1 t2 = match t1, t2 with | Rel n1, Rel n2 -> n1 = n2 | Meta m1, Meta m2 -> m1 = m2 | Var id1, Var id2 -> id1 = id2 | Sort s1, Sort s2 -> s1 = s2 | Cast (c1,_,_), _ -> f c1 t2 | _, Cast (c2,_,_) -> f t1 c2 | Prod (_,t1,c1), Prod (_,t2,c2) -> f t1 t2 & f c1 c2 | Lambda (_,t1,c1), Lambda (_,t2,c2) -> f t1 t2 & f c1 c2 | LetIn (_,b1,t1,c1), LetIn (_,b2,t2,c2) -> f b1 b2 & f t1 t2 & f c1 c2 | App (c1,l1), App (c2,l2) -> if Array.length l1 = Array.length l2 then f c1 c2 & Array.for_all2 f l1 l2 else let (h1,l1) = decompose_app t1 in let (h2,l2) = decompose_app t2 in if List.length l1 = List.length l2 then f h1 h2 & List.for_all2 f l1 l2 else false | Evar (e1,l1), Evar (e2,l2) -> e1 = e2 & Array.for_all2 f l1 l2 | Const c1, Const c2 -> eq_con_chk c1 c2 | Ind c1, Ind c2 -> eq_ind_chk c1 c2 | Construct (c1,i1), Construct (c2,i2) -> i1=i2 && eq_ind_chk c1 c2 | Case (_,p1,c1,bl1), Case (_,p2,c2,bl2) -> f p1 p2 & f c1 c2 & Array.for_all2 f bl1 bl2 | Fix (ln1,(_,tl1,bl1)), Fix (ln2,(_,tl2,bl2)) -> ln1 = ln2 & Array.for_all2 f tl1 tl2 & Array.for_all2 f bl1 bl2 | CoFix(ln1,(_,tl1,bl1)), CoFix(ln2,(_,tl2,bl2)) -> ln1 = ln2 & Array.for_all2 f tl1 tl2 & Array.for_all2 f bl1 bl2 | _ -> false let rec eq_constr m n = (m==n) or compare_constr eq_constr m n let eq_constr m n = eq_constr m n (* to avoid tracing a recursive fun *)