(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* () | _, None -> () | _, Some ImpredicativeSet -> error "Needs option -impredicative-set" (* Libraries = Compiled modules *) let report_clash f caller dir = let msg = str "compiled library " ++ str(string_of_dirpath caller) ++ spc() ++ str "makes inconsistent assumptions over library" ++ spc() ++ str(string_of_dirpath dir) ++ fnl() in f msg let check_imports f caller env needed = let check (dp,stamp) = try let actual_stamp = lookup_digest env dp in if stamp <> actual_stamp then report_clash f caller dp with Not_found -> error ("Reference to unknown module " ^ (string_of_dirpath dp)) in List.iter check needed (* Remove the body of opaque constants in modules *) (* also remove mod_expr ? Good idea!*) let rec lighten_module mb = { mb with mod_expr = Option.map lighten_modexpr mb.mod_expr; mod_type = lighten_modexpr mb.mod_type } and lighten_struct struc = let lighten_body (l,body) = (l,match body with | SFBconst ({const_opaque=true} as x) -> SFBconst {x with const_body=None} | (SFBconst _ | SFBmind _ ) as x -> x | SFBmodule m -> SFBmodule (lighten_module m) | SFBmodtype m -> SFBmodtype ({m with typ_expr = lighten_modexpr m.typ_expr})) in List.map lighten_body struc and lighten_modexpr = function | SEBfunctor (mbid,mty,mexpr) -> SEBfunctor (mbid, ({mty with typ_expr = lighten_modexpr mty.typ_expr}), lighten_modexpr mexpr) | SEBident mp as x -> x | SEBstruct ( struc) -> SEBstruct ( lighten_struct struc) | SEBapply (mexpr,marg,u) -> SEBapply (lighten_modexpr mexpr,lighten_modexpr marg,u) | SEBwith (seb,wdcl) -> SEBwith (lighten_modexpr seb,wdcl) let lighten_library (dp,mb,depends,s) = (dp,lighten_module mb,depends,s) type compiled_library = dir_path * module_body * (dir_path * Digest.t) list * engagement option open Validate let val_deps = val_list (val_tuple"dep"[|val_dp;no_val|]) let val_vo = val_tuple "vo" [|val_dp;val_module;val_deps;val_opt val_eng|] (* This function should append a certificate to the .vo file. The digest must be part of the certicate to rule out attackers that could change the .vo file between the time it was read and the time the stamp is written. For the moment, .vo are not signed. *) let stamp_library file digest = () (* When the module is checked, digests do not need to match, but a warning is issued in case of mismatch *) let import file (dp,mb,depends,engmt as vo) digest = Validate.apply !Flags.debug val_vo vo; Flags.if_verbose msgnl (str "*** vo structure validated ***"); let env = !genv in check_imports msg_warning dp env depends; check_engagement env engmt; check_module (add_constraints mb.mod_constraints env) mb.mod_mp mb; stamp_library file digest; (* We drop proofs once checked *) (* let mb = lighten_module mb in*) full_add_module dp mb digest (* When the module is admitted, digests *must* match *) let unsafe_import file (dp,mb,depends,engmt) digest = let env = !genv in check_imports (errorlabstrm"unsafe_import") dp env depends; check_engagement env engmt; (* We drop proofs once checked *) (* let mb = lighten_module mb in*) full_add_module dp mb digest