open Pp open Util open Names open Cic open Term open Reduction open Typeops open Indtypes open Modops open Subtyping open Declarations open Environ (** {6 Checking constants } *) let refresh_arity ar = let ctxt, hd = decompose_prod_assum ar in match hd with Sort (Type u) when not (Univ.is_univ_variable u) -> let ul = Univ.Level.make DirPath.empty 1 in let u' = Univ.Universe.make ul in let cst = Univ.enforce_leq u u' Univ.empty_constraint in let ctx = Univ.ContextSet.make (Univ.LSet.singleton ul) cst in mkArity (ctxt,Prop Null), ctx | _ -> ar, Univ.ContextSet.empty let check_constant_declaration env kn cb = Feedback.msg_notice (str " checking cst:" ++ prcon kn); (** [env'] contains De Bruijn universe variables *) let env' = match cb.const_universes with | Monomorphic_const ctx -> push_context ~strict:true ctx env | Polymorphic_const auctx -> let ctx = Univ.AUContext.repr auctx in push_context ~strict:false ctx env in let envty, ty = match cb.const_type with RegularArity ty -> let ty', cu = refresh_arity ty in let envty = push_context_set cu env' in let _ = infer_type envty ty' in envty, ty | TemplateArity(ctxt,par) -> let _ = check_ctxt env' ctxt in check_polymorphic_arity env' ctxt par; env', it_mkProd_or_LetIn (Sort(Type par.template_level)) ctxt in let () = match body_of_constant cb with | Some bd -> (match cb.const_proj with | None -> let j = infer envty bd in conv_leq envty j ty | Some pb -> let env' = add_constant kn cb env' in let j = infer env' bd in conv_leq envty j ty) | None -> () in if constant_is_polymorphic cb then add_constant kn cb env else add_constant kn cb env' (** {6 Checking modules } *) (** We currently ignore the [mod_type_alg] and [typ_expr_alg] fields. The only delicate part is when [mod_expr] is an algebraic expression : we need to expand it before checking it is indeed a subtype of [mod_type]. Fortunately, [mod_expr] cannot contain any [MEwith]. *) let lookup_module mp env = try Environ.lookup_module mp env with Not_found -> failwith ("Unknown module: "^ModPath.to_string mp) let mk_mtb mp sign delta = { mod_mp = mp; mod_expr = Abstract; mod_type = sign; mod_type_alg = None; mod_constraints = Univ.ContextSet.empty; mod_delta = delta; mod_retroknowledge = []; } let rec check_module env mp mb = let (_:module_signature) = check_signature env mb.mod_type mb.mod_mp mb.mod_delta in let optsign = match mb.mod_expr with |Struct sign -> Some (check_signature env sign mb.mod_mp mb.mod_delta) |Algebraic me -> Some (check_mexpression env me mb.mod_mp mb.mod_delta) |Abstract|FullStruct -> None in match optsign with |None -> () |Some sign -> let mtb1 = mk_mtb mp sign mb.mod_delta and mtb2 = mk_mtb mp mb.mod_type mb.mod_delta in let env = add_module_type mp mtb1 env in Subtyping.check_subtypes env mtb1 mtb2 and check_module_type env mty = let (_:module_signature) = check_signature env mty.mod_type mty.mod_mp mty.mod_delta in () and check_structure_field env mp lab res = function | SFBconst cb -> let c = Constant.make2 mp lab in check_constant_declaration env c cb | SFBmind mib -> let kn = MutInd.make2 mp lab in let kn = mind_of_delta res kn in Indtypes.check_inductive env kn mib | SFBmodule msb -> let () = check_module env (MPdot(mp,lab)) msb in Modops.add_module msb env | SFBmodtype mty -> check_module_type env mty; add_modtype (MPdot(mp,lab)) mty env and check_mexpr env mse mp_mse res = match mse with | MEident mp -> let mb = lookup_module mp env in (subst_and_strengthen mb mp_mse).mod_type | MEapply (f,mp) -> let sign = check_mexpr env f mp_mse res in let farg_id, farg_b, fbody_b = destr_functor sign in let mtb = module_type_of_module (Some mp) (lookup_module mp env) in check_subtypes env mtb farg_b; subst_signature (map_mbid farg_id mp) fbody_b | MEwith _ -> error_with_module () and check_mexpression env sign mp_mse res = match sign with | MoreFunctor (arg_id, mtb, body) -> check_module_type env mtb; let env' = add_module_type (MPbound arg_id) mtb env in let body = check_mexpression env' body mp_mse res in MoreFunctor(arg_id,mtb,body) | NoFunctor me -> check_mexpr env me mp_mse res and check_signature env sign mp_mse res = match sign with | MoreFunctor (arg_id, mtb, body) -> check_module_type env mtb; let env' = add_module_type (MPbound arg_id) mtb env in let body = check_signature env' body mp_mse res in MoreFunctor(arg_id,mtb,body) | NoFunctor struc -> let (_:env) = List.fold_left (fun env (lab,mb) -> check_structure_field env mp_mse lab res mb) env struc in NoFunctor struc