(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* constr -> pinductive * constr list type mind_specif = mutual_inductive_body * one_inductive_body (*s Fetching information in the environment about an inductive type. Raises [Not_found] if the inductive type is not found. *) val lookup_mind_specif : env -> inductive -> mind_specif val make_inductive_subst : mutual_inductive_body -> Univ.universe_instance -> Univ.universe_subst val inductive_instance : mutual_inductive_body -> Univ.universe_instance val type_of_inductive : env -> mind_specif puniverses -> constr (* Return type as quoted by the user *) val type_of_constructor : pconstructor -> mind_specif -> constr val arities_of_specif : mutual_inductive puniverses -> mind_specif -> constr array (* [type_case_branches env (I,args) (p:A) c] computes useful types about the following Cases expression:

Cases (c :: (I args)) of b1..bn end It computes the type of every branch (pattern variables are introduced by products) and the type for the whole expression. *) val type_case_branches : env -> pinductive * constr list -> constr * constr -> constr -> constr array * constr (* Check a [case_info] actually correspond to a Case expression on the given inductive type. *) val check_case_info : env -> inductive -> case_info -> unit (*s Guard conditions for fix and cofix-points. *) val check_fix : env -> fixpoint -> unit val check_cofix : env -> cofixpoint -> unit (*s Support for sort-polymorphic inductive types *) val type_of_inductive_knowing_parameters : env -> mind_specif puniverses -> constr array -> constr val max_inductive_sort : sorts array -> Univ.universe val instantiate_universes : env -> rel_context -> template_arity -> constr array -> rel_context * sorts (***************************************************************) (* Debug *) type size = Large | Strict type subterm_spec = Subterm of (size * wf_paths) | Dead_code | Not_subterm type guard_env = { env : env; (* dB of last fixpoint *) rel_min : int; (* inductive of recarg of each fixpoint *) inds : inductive array; (* the recarg information of inductive family *) recvec : wf_paths array; (* dB of variables denoting subterms *) genv : subterm_spec Lazy.t list; } type stack_element = |SClosure of guard_env*constr |SArg of subterm_spec Lazy.t val subterm_specif : guard_env -> stack_element list -> constr -> subterm_spec val branches_specif : guard_env -> subterm_spec Lazy.t -> case_info -> subterm_spec Lazy.t list array