(************************************************************************) (* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* failwith "path_of_dirpath" | l::dir -> {dirpath=List.map string_of_id dir;basename=string_of_id l} let pr_dirlist dp = prlist_with_sep (fun _ -> str".") str (List.rev dp) let pr_path sp = match sp.dirpath with [] -> str sp.basename | sl -> pr_dirlist sl ++ str"." ++ str sp.basename type library_objects type compilation_unit_name = dir_path type library_disk = { md_name : compilation_unit_name; md_compiled : Safe_typing.compiled_library; md_objects : library_objects; md_deps : (compilation_unit_name * Digest.t) list; md_imports : compilation_unit_name list } (************************************************************************) (*s Modules on disk contain the following informations (after the magic number, and before the digest). *) (*s Modules loaded in memory contain the following informations. They are kept in the global table [libraries_table]. *) type library_t = { library_name : compilation_unit_name; library_filename : System.physical_path; library_compiled : Safe_typing.compiled_library; library_deps : (compilation_unit_name * Digest.t) list; library_digest : Digest.t } module LibraryOrdered = struct type t = dir_path let compare d1 d2 = Pervasives.compare (List.rev (repr_dirpath d1)) (List.rev (repr_dirpath d2)) end module LibraryMap = Map.Make(LibraryOrdered) (* This is a map from names to loaded libraries *) let libraries_table = ref LibraryMap.empty (* various requests to the tables *) let find_library dir = LibraryMap.find dir !libraries_table let try_find_library dir = try find_library dir with Not_found -> error ("Unknown library " ^ (string_of_dirpath dir)) let library_full_filename dir = (find_library dir).library_filename (* If a library is loaded several time, then the first occurrence must be performed first, thus the libraries_loaded_list ... *) let register_loaded_library m = libraries_table := LibraryMap.add m.library_name m !libraries_table let check_one_lib admit (dir,m) = let md = m.library_compiled in let dig = m.library_digest in if LibraryMap.mem dir admit then (Flags.if_verbose msgnl (str "Admitting library: " ++ pr_dirpath dir); Safe_typing.unsafe_import md dig) else (Flags.if_verbose msgnl (str "Checking library: " ++ pr_dirpath dir); Safe_typing.import md dig); Flags.if_verbose msg(fnl()); register_loaded_library m (*************************************************************************) (*s Load path. Mapping from physical to logical paths etc.*) type logical_path = dir_path let load_paths = ref ([],[] : System.physical_path list * logical_path list) let get_load_paths () = fst !load_paths (* Hints to partially detects if two paths refer to the same repertory *) let rec remove_path_dot p = let curdir = Filename.concat Filename.current_dir_name "" in (* Unix: "./" *) let n = String.length curdir in if String.length p > n && String.sub p 0 n = curdir then remove_path_dot (String.sub p n (String.length p - n)) else p let strip_path p = let cwd = Filename.concat (Sys.getcwd ()) "" in (* Unix: "`pwd`/" *) let n = String.length cwd in if String.length p > n && String.sub p 0 n = cwd then remove_path_dot (String.sub p n (String.length p - n)) else remove_path_dot p let canonical_path_name p = let current = Sys.getcwd () in try Sys.chdir p; let p' = Sys.getcwd () in Sys.chdir current; p' with Sys_error _ -> (* We give up to find a canonical name and just simplify it... *) strip_path p let find_logical_path phys_dir = let phys_dir = canonical_path_name phys_dir in match list_filter2 (fun p d -> p = phys_dir) !load_paths with | _,[dir] -> dir | _,[] -> default_root_prefix | _,l -> anomaly ("Two logical paths are associated to "^phys_dir) let is_in_load_paths phys_dir = let dir = canonical_path_name phys_dir in let lp = get_load_paths () in let check_p = fun p -> (String.compare dir p) == 0 in List.exists check_p lp let remove_load_path dir = load_paths := list_filter2 (fun p d -> p <> dir) !load_paths let add_load_path (phys_path,coq_path) = let phys_path = canonical_path_name phys_path in match list_filter2 (fun p d -> p = phys_path) !load_paths with | _,[dir] -> if coq_path <> dir (* If this is not the default -I . to coqtop *) && not (phys_path = canonical_path_name Filename.current_dir_name && coq_path = default_root_prefix) then begin (* Assume the user is concerned by library naming *) if dir <> default_root_prefix then Flags.if_warn msg_warning (str phys_path ++ strbrk " was previously bound to " ++ pr_dirpath dir ++ strbrk "; it is remapped to " ++ pr_dirpath coq_path); remove_load_path phys_path; load_paths := (phys_path::fst !load_paths, coq_path::snd !load_paths) end | _,[] -> load_paths := (phys_path :: fst !load_paths, coq_path :: snd !load_paths) | _ -> anomaly ("Two logical paths are associated to "^phys_path) let physical_paths (dp,lp) = dp let load_paths_of_dir_path dir = fst (list_filter2 (fun p d -> d = dir) !load_paths) let get_full_load_paths () = List.combine (fst !load_paths) (snd !load_paths) (************************************************************************) (*s Locate absolute or partially qualified library names in the path *) exception LibUnmappedDir exception LibNotFound type library_location = LibLoaded | LibInPath let locate_absolute_library dir = (* Search in loadpath *) let pref, base = split_dirpath dir in let loadpath = load_paths_of_dir_path pref in if loadpath = [] then raise LibUnmappedDir; try let name = string_of_id base^".vo" in let _, file = System.where_in_path loadpath name in (dir, file) with Not_found -> (* Last chance, removed from the file system but still in memory *) try (dir, library_full_filename dir) with Not_found -> raise LibNotFound let locate_qualified_library qid = try let loadpath = (* Search library in loadpath *) if qid.dirpath=[] then get_load_paths () else (* we assume dir is an absolute dirpath *) load_paths_of_dir_path (dir_of_path qid) in if loadpath = [] then raise LibUnmappedDir; let name = qid.basename^".vo" in let path, file = System.where_in_path loadpath name in let dir = extend_dirpath (find_logical_path path) (id_of_string qid.basename) in (* Look if loaded *) try (LibLoaded, dir, library_full_filename dir) with Not_found -> (LibInPath, dir, file) with Not_found -> raise LibNotFound let explain_locate_library_error qid = function | LibUnmappedDir -> let prefix = qid.dirpath in errorlabstrm "load_absolute_library_from" (str "Cannot load " ++ pr_path qid ++ str ":" ++ spc () ++ str "no physical path bound to" ++ spc () ++ pr_dirlist prefix ++ fnl ()) | LibNotFound -> errorlabstrm "load_absolute_library_from" (str"Cannot find library " ++ pr_path qid ++ str" in loadpath") | e -> raise e let try_locate_absolute_library dir = try locate_absolute_library dir with e -> explain_locate_library_error (path_of_dirpath dir) e let try_locate_qualified_library qid = try let (_,dir,f) = locate_qualified_library qid in dir,f with e -> explain_locate_library_error qid e (************************************************************************) (*s Low-level interning/externing of libraries to files *) (*s Loading from disk to cache (preparation phase) *) let vo_magic_number = 08190 (* trunk *) let (raw_extern_library, raw_intern_library) = System.raw_extern_intern vo_magic_number ".vo" let with_magic_number_check f a = try f a with System.Bad_magic_number fname -> errorlabstrm "with_magic_number_check" (str"file " ++ str fname ++ spc () ++ str"has bad magic number." ++ spc () ++ str"It is corrupted" ++ spc () ++ str"or was compiled with another version of Coq.") (************************************************************************) (* Internalise libraries *) let mk_library md f digest = { library_name = md.md_name; library_filename = f; library_compiled = md.md_compiled; library_deps = md.md_deps; library_digest = digest } let intern_from_file f = pp (str"[intern "++str f++str" ..."); pp_flush(); let (md,digest) = try let ch = with_magic_number_check raw_intern_library f in let (md:library_disk) = System.marshal_in ch in let digest = System.marshal_in ch in close_in ch; msgnl(str" done]"); md,digest with e -> msgnl(str" failed!]"); raise e in mk_library md f digest let name_clash_message dir mdir f = str ("The file " ^ f ^ " contains library") ++ spc () ++ pr_dirpath mdir ++ spc () ++ str "and not library" ++ spc() ++ pr_dirpath dir let rec library_dep dir needed = try let _ = find_library dir in needed with Not_found -> try let _ = LibraryMap.find dir needed in needed with Not_found -> let (_,f) = try_locate_absolute_library dir in let m = intern_from_file f in let deps = m.library_deps in if dir <> m.library_name then errorlabstrm "load_physical_library" (name_clash_message dir m.library_name f); LibraryMap.add dir f (List.fold_right (fun (d,_) n -> library_dep d n) deps needed) let rec intern_library (dir, f) needed = (* Look if in the current logical environment *) try let _ = find_library dir in needed with Not_found -> (* Look if already listed and consequently its dependencies too *) try let _ = List.assoc dir needed in needed with Not_found -> (* [dir] is an absolute name which matches [f] which must be in loadpath *) let m = intern_from_file f in if dir <> m.library_name then errorlabstrm "load_physical_library" (name_clash_message dir m.library_name f); (dir,m)::List.fold_right intern_mandatory_library m.library_deps needed (* digest error with checked modules could be a warning *) and intern_mandatory_library (dir,_) needed = intern_library (try_locate_absolute_library dir) needed let recheck_library ~admit ~check = let al = List.map (fun q -> fst(try_locate_qualified_library q)) admit in let admit = List.fold_right library_dep al LibraryMap.empty in let modl = List.map try_locate_qualified_library check in let needed = List.rev (List.fold_right intern_library modl []) in msg(fnl()); Flags.if_verbose msgnl (hv 2 (str "Ordered list:" ++ fnl() ++ prlist (fun (dir,_) -> pr_dirpath dir ++ fnl()) needed)); List.iter (check_one_lib admit) needed; msgnl(str"Modules were successfully checked"++fnl()) open Printf let mem s = let m = try_find_library s in h 0 (str (sprintf "%dk" (size_kb m)))