THE COQ V7 SYSTEM ================= This file contains remarks specific to the windows port of Coq. INSTALLATION. ============= See the file for installation procedure. COMPILATION. ============ If you want to install coq, you had better transfer the precompiled distribution. If you really need to recompile under Windows, here are some indications: 1- Install ocaml, camlp4 (must be compiled), Visual C++ (needed for the -custom option of ocaml) and MASM (needed if you want to produce a native version). 2- Install a complete set of Unix utilities (used by Makefiles). See: 3- Compilation of camlp4 files must be done by hand in two steps (and not only one as it is case in the Makefile). 4- Though not nescessary, you can find useful: - Windows version of (X)Emacs: it is a powerful environment for developpers with coloured syntax, modes for compilation and debug, and many more. It is free. See: - Windows cvs client (very useful if you have access to the Coq archive). If you are lost, you could find help at: Good luck :-) The Coq Team.