####################################################################### # v # The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team # # &2; exit 1 endef endif UNSAVED_FILES:=$(shell find . -name '.\#*v' -o -name '.\#*.ml' -o -name '.\#*.mli' -o -name '.\#*.ml4') ifdef UNSAVED_FILES $(error You have unsaved changes in your editor (emacs?) [$(UNSAVED_FILES)]; cancel them or save before proceeding. \ Or your editor crashed. Then, you may want to consider whether you want to restore the autosaves) #If you try to simply remove this explicit test, the compilation may #fail later. In particular, if a .#*.v file exists, coqdep fails to #run. endif ifdef GOTO_STAGE config/Makefile Makefile.common Makefile.build Makefile: ; %: always $(call stage-template,$(GOTO_STAGE)) else .PHONY: stage1 stage2 stage3 world revision # This is to remove the built-in rule "%: %.o" # Otherwise, "make foo" recurses into stage1, trying to build foo.o . %: %.o %.o: always $(call stage-template,1) #STAGE1_TARGETS includes all object files necessary for $(STAGE1) stage1 $(STAGE1_TARGETS): always $(call stage-template,1) CAML_OBJECT_PATTERNS:=%.cmo %.cmx %.cmi %.cma %.cmxa %.dep.ps %.dot ifdef CM_STAGE1 $(CAML_OBJECT_PATTERNS): always $(call stage-template,1) %.ml4-preprocessed: stage1 $(call stage-template,2) else $(CAML_OBJECT_PATTERNS) %.ml4-preprocessed: stage1 $(call stage-template,2) endif stage2 $(STAGE2_TARGETS): stage1 $(call stage-template,2) %.vo %.glob states/% install-%: stage2 $(call stage-template,3) stage3 $(STAGE3_TARGETS): stage2 $(call stage-template,3) endif #GOTO_STAGE ########################################################################### # Cleaning ########################################################################### .PHONY: clean objclean cruftclean indepclean archclean ml4clean clean-ide ml4depclean depclean distclean cleanconfig cleantheories docclean devdocclean clean: objclean cruftclean depclean docclean devdocclean objclean: archclean indepclean cruftclean: ml4clean find . -name '*~' -or -name '*.annot' | xargs rm -f rm -f gmon.out core indepclean: rm -f $(GENFILES) rm -f $(COQTOPBYTE) $(COQCBYTE) bin/coq-interface$(EXE) bin/coq-parser$(EXE) find . -name '*~' -or -name '*.cm[ioa]' | xargs rm -f find contrib -name '*.vo' -or -name '*.glob' | xargs rm -f rm -f */*.pp[iox] contrib/*/*.pp[iox] rm -rf $(SOURCEDOCDIR) rm -f toplevel/mltop.byteml toplevel/mltop.optml rm -f glob.dump rm -f revision docclean: rm -f doc/*/*.dvi doc/*/*.aux doc/*/*.log doc/*/*.bbl doc/*/*.blg doc/*/*.toc \ doc/*/*.idx doc/*/*~ doc/*/*.ilg doc/*/*.ind doc/*/*.dvi.gz doc/*/*.ps.gz doc/*/*.pdf.gz\ doc/*/*.???idx doc/*/*.???ind doc/*/*.v.tex doc/*/*.atoc doc/*/*.lof\ doc/*/*.hatoc doc/*/*.haux doc/*/*.hcomind doc/*/*.herrind doc/*/*.hidx doc/*/*.hind \ doc/*/*.htacind doc/*/*.htoc doc/*/*.v.html rm -f doc/stdlib/index-list.html doc/stdlib/index-body.html \ doc/stdlib/Library.coqdoc.tex doc/stdlib/library.files \ doc/stdlib/library.files.ls rm -f doc/*/*.ps doc/*/*.pdf rm -rf doc/refman/html doc/stdlib/html doc/faq/html doc/tutorial/tutorial.v.html rm -f doc/stdlib/html/*.html rm -f doc/refman/euclid.ml{,i} doc/refman/heapsort.ml{,i} rm -f doc/common/version.tex rm -f doc/refman/*.eps doc/refman/Reference-Manual.html rm -f doc/coq.tex archclean: clean-ide cleantheories rm -f $(COQTOPOPT) $(BESTCOQTOP) $(COQC) $(COQMKTOP) rm -f $(COQTOP) $(COQCOPT) $(COQMKTOPOPT) rm -f bin/coq-parser.opt$(EXE) bin/coq-interface.opt$(EXE) find . -name '*.cmx' -or -name '*.cmxa' -or -name '*.[soa]' | xargs rm -f rm -f $(TOOLS) clean-ide: rm -f $(COQIDECMO) $(COQIDECMX) $(COQIDECMO:.cmo=.cmi) $(COQIDEBYTE) $(COQIDEOPT) $(COQIDE) rm -f ide/extract_index.ml ide/find_phrase.ml ide/highlight.ml rm -f ide/config_lexer.ml ide/config_parser.mli ide/config_parser.ml rm -f ide/utf8_convert.ml ml4clean: rm -f $(ML4FILESML) $(ML4FILESML:.ml=.ml4-preprocessed) ml4depclean: find . -name '*.ml4.d' | xargs rm -f depclean: find . -name '*.d' | xargs rm -f cleanconfig: rm -f config/Makefile config/coq_config.ml dev/ocamldebug-v7 ide/undo.mli distclean: clean cleanconfig cleantheories: rm -f states/*.coq find theories -name '*.vo' -or -name '*.glob' | xargs rm -f devdocclean: find . -name '*.dep.ps' -o -name '*.dot' -exec rm -f {} \; ########################################################################### # Emacs tags ########################################################################### tags: echo $(MLIFILES) $(MLFILES) $(ML4FILES) | sort -r | xargs \ etags --language=none\ "--regex=/let[ \t]+\([^ \t]+\)/\1/" \ "--regex=/let[ \t]+rec[ \t]+\([^ \t]+\)/\1/" \ "--regex=/and[ \t]+\([^ \t]+\)/\1/" \ "--regex=/type[ \t]+\([^ \t]+\)/\1/" \ "--regex=/exception[ \t]+\([^ \t]+\)/\1/" \ "--regex=/val[ \t]+\([^ \t]+\)/\1/" \ "--regex=/module[ \t]+\([^ \t]+\)/\1/" echo $(ML4FILES) | sort -r | xargs \ etags --append --language=none\ "--regex=/[ \t]*\([^: \t]+\)[ \t]*:/\1/" otags: echo $(MLIFILES) $(MLFILES) | sort -r | xargs otags echo $(ML4FILES) | sort -r | xargs \ etags --append --language=none\ "--regex=/let[ \t]+\([^ \t]+\)/\1/" \ "--regex=/let[ \t]+rec[ \t]+\([^ \t]+\)/\1/" \ "--regex=/and[ \t]+\([^ \t]+\)/\1/" \ "--regex=/type[ \t]+\([^ \t]+\)/\1/" \ "--regex=/exception[ \t]+\([^ \t]+\)/\1/" \ "--regex=/val[ \t]+\([^ \t]+\)/\1/" \ "--regex=/module[ \t]+\([^ \t]+\)/\1/" %.elc: %.el ifdef COQ_CONFIGURED echo "(setq load-path (cons \".\" load-path))" > $*.compile echo "(byte-compile-file \"$<\")" >> $*.compile - $(EMACS) -batch -l $*.compile rm -f $*.compile else @echo "Please run ./configure first" >&2; exit 1 endif