INSTALLATION PROCEDURE FOR THE COQ V7.2 SYSTEM UNDER MACOS X ------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Download compressed archive coq-7.2-Darwin-MacOS-X.tar.gz 2) Open a Terminal window (e.g. from the dock) 3) Move to the directory where the archive is (probably in Desktop; then type the command "cd Desktop") 4) Type the command sudo tar -C / -xzf coq-7.2-Darwin-MacOS-X.tar.gz 5) Some browsers do too much and create a file coq-7.2-Darwin-MacOS-X.tar (without trailing .gz) and a folder "usr" on the Desktop; these are useless, move them to the trash (or "rm" them from a Terminal window) 6) Type the command rehash 7) To launch Coq, just type coqtop You're done If you have any trouble with this installation, please contact: