CoqIde Installation procedure. CoqIde is a graphical interface to perform interactive proofs. You should be able to do everything you do in coqtop inside CoqIde excepted dropping to the ML toplevel. DISCLAIMER: CoqIde is ongoing work. Although it should never let you loose a proof, you may encounter unexpected bugs. Do not hesitate to send suggestions/bug reports. DISTRIBUTION PACKAGES Your POSIX operating system may already contain precompiled packages for Coq, including CoqIde, or a ready-to-compile... If the version provided there suits you, follow the usual procedure for your operating system. E.g., on Debian GNU/Linux (or Debian GNU/k*BSD or ...), do: aptitude install coqide On Gentoo GNU/Linux, do: USE=ide emerge sci-mathematics/coq Else, read the rest of this document to compile your own CoqIde. REQUIREMENT: - OCaml >= 3.07 with native threads support. - make world must succeed. - The graphical toolkit GTK+ 2.x. See The official supported version is at least 2.2.x. You may still compile CoqIde with older 2.0.x versions and use all features. Run "pkg-config --modversion gtk+-2.0" to check your version. All recent distributions have precompiled packages. Do not forget to install the developement headers packages. On Debian, installing lablgtk2 (see below) will automatically install GTK+. (But "aptitude install libgtk2.0-dev" will install GTK+ 2.x should you need to force it for one reason or another.) - The OCaml bindings for for GTK+ 2.x, lablgtk2. Your distribution may contain precompiled packages. For example, for Debian, run aptitude install liblablgtk2-ocaml-dev If it does not, see . The first official release of lablftk2 is here: Note that even if its README requires ocaml > 3.07, it works ok with 3.07. If you are in a hurry just run : cd /tmp && \ wget \ && \ tar zxvf lablgtk-2.2.0.tar.gz && \ cd lablgtk-2.2.0 && \ ./configure && \ make world && \ make install You must have write access to the OCaml standard library path. If this fails, read lablgtk-2.2.0/README. INSTALLATION 0) For optimal performance, OCaml must support native threads (aka pthreads). If this not the case, this means that Coq computations will be slow and "make ide" will fail. Use "make bin/coqide.byte" instead. To fix this problem, just recompile OCaml from source and configure OCaml with : "./configure --with-pthreads". In case you install over an existing copy of OCaml, you should better empty the OCaml installation directory. 1) Go into your Coq source directory and, as usual, configure with: ./configure This should detect the ability of making CoqIde; check that is says it has detected this ability and activated the building of CoqIde. Then compile with make world and install with make install In case you are upgrading from an old version you may need to run make clean-ide 3) You may now run bin/coqide NOTES There are three configuration files located in your $(HOME) dir. You may need to set HOME to some sensible value under Windows. - .coqiderc is generated by coqide itself. It may be edited by hand or by using the Preference menu from coqide. It will be generated the first time you save your the preferences in Coqide. - .coqide-gtk2rc is a standard Gtk2 configuration file. A sample file can be found in the coq lib "ide" subdir. - .coqide.keys is a standard Gtk2 accelerator dump. You may edit this file to change the default shortcuts for the menus. Read ide/FAQ for more informations.