Potential sources of incompatibilities between Coq V8.2 and V8.3 ---------------------------------------------------------------- (see also file CHANGES) Most sources of incompatibilities can be avoided by calling coqtop or coqc with option "-compat 8.2". The sources of incompatibilities listed below must however be treated manually. Syntax - The word "by" is now a keyword and can no longer be used as an identifier. [Semantics, IEEE754] Type inference - Many changes in using classes. [ATBR] Library - New identifiers of the library can hide identifiers. This can be solved by changing the order of Require or by qualifying the identifier with the name of its module. [Stalmarck] - Reorganisation of library (esp. FSets, Sorting, Numbers) may have moved or removed names around. [FundamentalArithmetics, CoLoR, Icharate, AMM11262, FSets, FingerTree] - Infix notation "++" has now to be set at level 60. [LinAlg] Tactics - The synchronization of introduction names and quantified hypotheses names may exceptionally lead to different names in "induction" (usually a name with lower index is required). [Automata] - More checks in some commands (e.g. in Hint) may lead to forbid some meaningless part of them. [CoLoR] - When rewriting using setoid equality, the default equality found might be different. [CoRN]