The Coq development team is pleased to announce the release of Coq version 7.3. This release offers the following novelties or improvements: - New option -dump-glob to coqtop to dump globalizations (to be used by the new documentation tool coqdoc; see - Elimination to Set/Type from empty propositions and to Type from "singleton" propositions now allowed (as a consequence eqT_rec and False_rec are now automatically available). - Tactics: - New "Rename x into y" for renaming hypotheses. - New "Pose x:=u" and "Pose u" to add definitions to local context. - Tactic Definition's without arguments now allowed in Coq states. - Inversion has been improved and Intuition simplified but not in a fully compatible way. - Record's now accept anonymous fields "_" (no projection is built then) - Haskell extraction now operational. - Extensions of [ZArith]: Zcomplements.v, Zpower.v and Zlogarithms.v have been moved from contrib/omega to ZArith. They now include the Zsgn function, more induction principles (Wf_Z.v and tail of Zcomplements.v) and one more general Euclid theorem. We would also like to thank our users for their new contributions (all compatible with Coq V7.3): - CongruenceClosure: Congruence Closure Decision Procedure (Pierre Corbineau, ENS Cachan) - MapleMode: A Maple Mode for Coq (David Delahaye, Micaela Mayero, Chalmers University) - Presburger: A formalization of Presburger's algorithm (Laurent Thery, INRIA Sophia Antipolis) - ZChinese: A proof of the Chinese Lemma (based on ZArith) (Pierre Letouzey, LRI Orsay) Most known bugs of version 7.2 are fixed (for the current status of reported bugs, see Pcoq user interface ( is not ported to V7.3 yet. Coq V7.3 is available in several formats from and We currently provide the following versions package for sources rpm package for sources rpm packages for linux binary package for Sun-Solaris binary version for Windows binary version for MacOS X (Darwin) The documentation is available in postscript, pdf and html format. Notice that you can browse the standard library at (this pages have been generated by coqdoc). Please refer to the accompanying document CHANGES or the location for a full list of changes including sources of incompatibilities. Users are kindly invited to report bugs to and to mail for general questions or remarks. Note that you can now choose your personal options at and consult the mails archive at The Coq development team