image: ocaml/opam:ubuntu # this doesn't seem to work cache: paths: - .opamcache stages: - build - test variables: # some default values NJOBS: "2" COMPILER: "system" CAMLP5_VER: "6.14" # some useful values COMPILER_32BIT: "4.02.3+32bit" COMPILER_BLEEDING_EDGE: "4.06.0" CAMLP5_VER_BLEEDING_EDGE: "7.03" TIMING_PACKAGES: "time python" COQIDE_PACKAGES: "libgtk2.0-dev libgtksourceview2.0-dev" #COQIDE_PACKAGES_32BIT: "libgtk2.0-dev:i386 libgtksourceview2.0-dev:i386" COQIDE_OPAM: "lablgtk-extras" COQIDE_OPAM_BE: "num lablgtk.2.18.6 lablgtk-extras.1.6" COQDOC_PACKAGES: "texlive-latex-base texlive-latex-recommended texlive-latex-extra texlive-math-extra texlive-fonts-recommended texlive-fonts-extra latex-xcolor ghostscript transfig imagemagick tipa" COQDOC_OPAM: "hevea" before_script: - ls # figure out if artifacts are around - printenv # - if [ "$COMPILER" = "$COMPILER_32BIT" ]; then sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386; fi - if [ -n "${EXTRA_PACKAGES}" ]; then sudo apt-get update -qq && sudo apt-get install -y -qq ${EXTRA_PACKAGES}; fi # setup cache - if [ ! "(" -d .opamcache ")" ]; then mv ~/.opam .opamcache; else mv ~/.opam ~/.opam-old; fi - ln -s $(readlink -f .opamcache) ~/.opam # the default repo in this docker image is a local directory # at the time of 4aaeb8abf it lagged behind the official # repository such that camlp5 7.01 was not available - opam repository set-url default - opam update - opam switch ${COMPILER} - eval $(opam config env) - opam config list - opam install -j ${NJOBS} -y camlp5.${CAMLP5_VER} ocamlfind ${EXTRA_OPAM} - rm -rf ~/.opam/log/ - opam list # TODO figure out how to build doc for installed coq .build-template: &build-template stage: build artifacts: name: "$CI_JOB_NAME" paths: - _install_ci - config/Makefile - test-suite/misc/universes/all_stdlib.v expire_in: 1 week script: - set -e - echo 'start:coq.config' - ./configure -prefix "$(pwd)/_install_ci" ${EXTRA_CONF} - echo 'end:coq.config' - echo '' - make -j ${NJOBS} - make test-suite/misc/universes/all_stdlib.v - echo 'end:coq:build' - echo 'start:coq.install' - make install - cp bin/fake_ide _install_ci/bin/ - echo 'end:coq.install' - set +e variables: &build-variables EXTRA_CONF: "-native-compiler yes -coqide opt" EXTRA_PACKAGES: "$COQIDE_PACKAGES" EXTRA_OPAM: "$COQIDE_OPAM" .warnings-template: &warnings-template # keep warnings in test stage so we can test things even when warnings occur stage: test dependencies: [] script: - set -e - echo 'start:coq.config' - ./configure -local ${EXTRA_CONF} - echo 'end:coq.config' - echo '' - make -j ${NJOBS} coqocaml - echo 'end:coq:build' - set +e variables: &warnings-variables EXTRA_CONF: "-native-compiler yes -coqide opt" EXTRA_PACKAGES: "$COQIDE_PACKAGES" EXTRA_OPAM: "$COQIDE_OPAM" .test-suite-template: &test-suite-template stage: test script: - cd test-suite - make clean # careful with the ending / - BIN=$(readlink -f ../_install_ci/bin)/ - LIB=$(readlink -f ../_install_ci/lib/coq)/ - make -j ${NJOBS} BIN="$BIN" LIB="$LIB" all artifacts: name: "$CI_JOB_NAME.logs" when: on_failure paths: - test-suite/logs .validate-template: &validate-template stage: test script: - cd _install_ci - find lib/coq/ -name '*.vo' -print0 > vofiles - for regexp in 's/.vo//' 's:lib/coq/plugins:Coq:' 's:lib/coq/theories:Coq:' 's:/:.:g'; do sed -z -i "$regexp" vofiles; done - xargs -0 --arg-file=vofiles bin/coqchk -boot -silent -o -m -coqlib lib/coq/ .documentation-template: &documentation-template stage: test script: - INSTALLDIR=$(readlink -f _install_ci) - ./configure -prefix "$INSTALLDIR" ${EXTRA_CONF} - cp "$INSTALLDIR/lib/coq/tools/coqdoc/coqdoc.sty" . - LIB="$INSTALLDIR/lib/coq" # WTF using a newline makes make sigsev # see - DOCVFILES=$(find "$LIB/" -name '*.v' -printf "%p ") - DOCLIGHTDIRS="$LIB/theories/Init/ $LIB/theories/Logic/ $LIB/theories/Unicode/ $LIB/theories/Arith/" - DOCLIGHTVOFILES=$(find $DOCLIGHTDIRS -name '*.vo' -printf "%p ") - make doc QUICK=true COQDOC_NOBOOT=true COQTEX="$INSTALLDIR/bin/coq-tex" COQDOC="$INSTALLDIR/bin/coqdoc" VFILES="$DOCVFILES" THEORIESLIGHTVO="$DOCLIGHTVOFILES" - make install-doc artifacts: name: "$CI_JOB_NAME" paths: - _install_ci/share/doc expire_in: 1 week .ci-template: &ci-template stage: test script: - set -e - echo 'start:coq.test' - make -f -j ${NJOBS} ${TEST_TARGET} - echo 'end:coq.test' - set +e dependencies: - build variables: &ci-template-vars TEST_TARGET: "$CI_JOB_NAME" EXTRA_PACKAGES: "$TIMING_PACKAGES" build: <<: *build-template # no coqide for 32bit: libgtk installation problems build:32bit: <<: *build-template variables: EXTRA_CONF: "-native-compiler yes" EXTRA_PACKAGES: "gcc-multilib" COMPILER: "$COMPILER_32BIT" build:bleeding-edge: <<: *build-template variables: <<: *build-variables COMPILER: "$COMPILER_BLEEDING_EDGE" CAMLP5_VER: "$CAMLP5_VER_BLEEDING_EDGE" EXTRA_OPAM: "$COQIDE_OPAM_BE" warnings: <<: *warnings-template # warnings:32bit: # <<: *warnings-template # variables: # <<: *warnings-variables # EXTRA_PACKAGES: "$gcc-multilib COQIDE_PACKAGES_32BIT" # COMPILER: "$COMPILER_32BIT" warnings:bleeding-edge: <<: *warnings-template variables: <<: *warnings-variables COMPILER: "$COMPILER_BLEEDING_EDGE" CAMLP5_VER: "$CAMLP5_VER_BLEEDING_EDGE" EXTRA_OPAM: "$COQIDE_OPAM_BE" test-suite: <<: *test-suite-template dependencies: - build variables: EXTRA_PACKAGES: "$TIMING_PACKAGES" test-suite:32bit: <<: *test-suite-template dependencies: - build:32bit variables: COMPILER: "$COMPILER_32BIT" EXTRA_PACKAGES: "gcc-multilib $TIMING_PACKAGES" test-suite:bleeding-edge: <<: *test-suite-template dependencies: - build:bleeding-edge variables: COMPILER: "$COMPILER_BLEEDING_EDGE" CAMLP5_VER: "$CAMLP5_VER_BLEEDING_EDGE" EXTRA_PACKAGES: "$TIMING_PACKAGES" documentation: <<: *documentation-template dependencies: - build variables: EXTRA_PACKAGES: "$COQDOC_PACKAGES" EXTRA_OPAM: "$COQDOC_OPAM" documentation:bleeding-edge: <<: *documentation-template dependencies: - build:bleeding-edge variables: COMPILER: "$COMPILER_BLEEDING_EDGE" CAMLP5_VER: "$CAMLP5_VER_BLEEDING_EDGE" EXTRA_PACKAGES: "$COQDOC_PACKAGES" EXTRA_OPAM: "$COQDOC_OPAM" validate: <<: *validate-template dependencies: - build validate:32bit: <<: *validate-template dependencies: - build:32bit variables: COMPILER: "$COMPILER_32BIT" EXTRA_PACKAGES: "gcc-multilib" ci-bignums: <<: *ci-template ci-color: <<: *ci-template variables: <<: *ci-template-vars EXTRA_PACKAGES: "$TIMING_PACKAGES subversion" ci-compcert: <<: *ci-template ci-coq-dpdgraph: <<: *ci-template variables: <<: *ci-template-vars EXTRA_OPAM: "ocamlgraph" EXTRA_PACKAGES: "$TIMING_PACKAGES autoconf" ci-coquelicot: <<: *ci-template variables: <<: *ci-template-vars EXTRA_PACKAGES: "$TIMING_PACKAGES autoconf" ci-equations: <<: *ci-template ci-geocoq: <<: *ci-template allow_failure: true # ci-fiat-crypto: # <<: *ci-template # # out of memory error # allow_failure: true ci-fiat-parsers: <<: *ci-template variables: <<: *ci-template-vars EXTRA_PACKAGES: "$TIMING_PACKAGES" ci-flocq: <<: *ci-template variables: <<: *ci-template-vars EXTRA_PACKAGES: "$TIMING_PACKAGES autoconf" ci-formal-topology: <<: *ci-template ci-hott: <<: *ci-template variables: <<: *ci-template-vars EXTRA_PACKAGES: "$TIMING_PACKAGES autoconf" ci-iris-lambda-rust: <<: *ci-template ci-ltac2: <<: *ci-template ci-math-classes: <<: *ci-template ci-math-comp: <<: *ci-template ci-sf: <<: *ci-template variables: <<: *ci-template-vars EXTRA_PACKAGES: "$TIMING_PACKAGES wget" ci-unimath: <<: *ci-template ci-vst: <<: *ci-template