path: root/theories
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Add lemmas on lists: nth_default_eq, map_nth_errorGravatar glondu2008-08-06
* Correction de bugs:Gravatar herbelin2008-08-05
* Évolutions diverses et variées.Gravatar herbelin2008-08-04
* Fixes in generalize_eqs/dependent induction to allow the user to specifyGravatar msozeau2008-07-28
* Oups (on refait le 11268 en mieux)Gravatar herbelin2008-07-27
* Even better test for choosing rewrite or setoid_rewrite.Gravatar msozeau2008-07-26
* - Pour CoRN, rétablissement notations Qgt/Qge (mais cette fois avecGravatar herbelin2008-07-26
* More compatibility fixes, revert the tauto fix that preventedGravatar msozeau2008-07-25
* Tauto breaking not only binary "conjunctions" seems like a bad ideaGravatar msozeau2008-07-24
* Fixed doc of inductive sort-polymorphism (cf bug #1908). Seized theGravatar herbelin2008-07-23
* Oops... forgot some debug code.Gravatar msozeau2008-07-23
* Add test-suite file for bug# 1905 and minor fix in Program/Equality.Gravatar msozeau2008-07-22
* New tactics [conv] to test convertibility (actually, unification) of twoGravatar msozeau2008-07-22
* A try at allowing matching on applications as a binary syntax node by default.Gravatar msozeau2008-07-22
* - Suppression de Rstar/Newman peu utilisables comme biblio (encodageGravatar herbelin2008-07-17
* Uniformisation du format des messages d'erreur (commencent par uneGravatar herbelin2008-07-17
* Autour du parsing:Gravatar herbelin2008-07-15
* Tentative de relecture des scripts de Mult.v au regard des tactiques actuellesGravatar herbelin2008-07-15
* - Improve [Context] vernacular to allow arbitrary binders, not justGravatar msozeau2008-07-07
* Fix bug #1899: no more strange notations for Qge and QgtGravatar letouzey2008-07-04
* Fixes in handling of implicit arguments:Gravatar msozeau2008-07-04
* Various bug fixes in type classes and subtac:Gravatar msozeau2008-07-01
* QMake : alternative equivalences with Qcanon thanks to earlier irreducibility...Gravatar letouzey2008-06-30
* QMake: Proofs that add_norm and other ..._norm functions produce irreducible ...Gravatar letouzey2008-06-28
* Enhanced discrimination nets implementation, which can now work withGravatar msozeau2008-06-27
* Some work on BigQ :Gravatar letouzey2008-06-25
* Rename obligations_tactic to obligation_tactic and fix bugs #1893.Gravatar msozeau2008-06-22
* typo in a commentGravatar letouzey2008-06-20
* Propagation des révisions 11144 et 11136 de la 8.2 vers le trunkGravatar herbelin2008-06-18
* Temporary fix for bug #1876, printing fails because of unresolvedGravatar msozeau2008-06-13
* Changing the definitions of pred and minus in the style of GGGravatar werner2008-06-12
* Zpow_facts.Zmult_power: kills a useless hypothesisGravatar letouzey2008-06-11
* - Amélioration nommage dans EqdepFacts suivant remarque de Arthur C.Gravatar herbelin2008-06-10
* - Correct handling of DependentMorphism error, using tclFAIL instead ofGravatar msozeau2008-06-10
* - Patch sur "intros until 0"Gravatar herbelin2008-06-08
* - Extension de "generalize" en "generalize c as id at occs".Gravatar herbelin2008-06-08
* Enhancements to coqdoc, better globalization of sections and modules.Gravatar msozeau2008-06-06
* avoid duplicated creation of WFacts instancesGravatar letouzey2008-06-06
* Fix setoid_rewrite documentation examples.Gravatar msozeau2008-06-03
* In abstract parts of theories/Numbers, plus/times becomes add/mul, Gravatar letouzey2008-06-03
* In abstract parts of theories/Numbers, plus/times becomes add/mul, Gravatar letouzey2008-06-02
* Petites corrections diverses :Gravatar herbelin2008-06-02
* newton iteration for sqrt31Gravatar thery2008-06-02
* Intropattern: syntax {x,y,z,t} becomes (x & y & z & t), as decided inGravatar letouzey2008-06-01
* BigQ: starting to create and use an interface QSigGravatar letouzey2008-06-01
* Enhance the BigN and BigZ infrastructure: Gravatar letouzey2008-06-01
* Improve the dependent induction tactic to automatically find theGravatar msozeau2008-05-30
* NBigN: proofs that BigN implements axioms of NAxiomsSigGravatar letouzey2008-05-29
* - Modification de la déf de minus et pred conformément aux remarques deGravatar herbelin2008-05-28
* Notation concise pour la valeur par défaut des cas reconnus commeGravatar herbelin2008-05-28