path: root/parsing/g_vernac.ml4
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Improvements on coqdoc by adding more information into .globGravatar msozeau2008-05-30
* Strategy commands are now exportedGravatar barras2008-05-22
* refined the conversion oracleGravatar barras2008-05-21
* - Add -unicode flag to coqtop (sets Flags.unicode_syntax). Used toGravatar msozeau2008-05-12
* - Cleanup parsing of binders, reducing to a single production for allGravatar msozeau2008-05-11
* - Changement du code de Zplus pour accomoder ring qui sinon prend uneGravatar herbelin2008-05-11
* Better parsing of typeclasses, any constr is allowed for ! bindings soGravatar msozeau2008-05-06
* Postpone the search for the recursive argument index from the user givenGravatar msozeau2008-05-06
* Ajout de "Theorem id1 : t1 ... with idn : tn" pour partager la preuveGravatar herbelin2008-04-25
* - Add "Global" modifier for instances inside sections with the usualGravatar msozeau2008-04-15
* - Un peu de doc, préparation du CHANGES pour la release.Gravatar herbelin2008-04-15
* Chgts mineurs:Gravatar herbelin2008-04-03
* Ajout d'abbréviations/notations paramétriquesGravatar herbelin2008-03-30
* Various fixes on typeclasses:Gravatar msozeau2008-03-27
* Fix a bug found by B. Grégoire when declaring morphisms in moduleGravatar msozeau2008-03-23
* Syntax changes in typeclasses, remove "?" for usual implicit argumentsGravatar msozeau2008-03-06
* Merge with lmamane's private branch:Gravatar lmamane2008-02-22
* fix the syntax "Include Type Foo"Gravatar letouzey2008-02-02
* Beaoucoup de changements dans la representation interne des modules.Gravatar soubiran2008-02-01
* Support for substructures in classes using :> notationGravatar msozeau2008-01-30
* Change notation for setoid inequality, coerce objects before comparing them. ...Gravatar msozeau2008-01-18
* Generalize instance declarations to any context, better name handling. Add ho...Gravatar msozeau2008-01-15
* Cleaner quantifiers for type classes, breaks clrewrite for the moment but imp...Gravatar msozeau2008-01-07
* Merged revisions 10358-10362,10365,10371-10373,10377,10383-10384,10394-10395,...Gravatar msozeau2007-12-31
* Plus de combinateurs sont passés de Util à Option. Le module Options Gravatar aspiwack2007-12-06
* Factorisation des opérations sur le type option de Util dans un module Gravatar aspiwack2007-12-05
* Nettoyage de Print Assumptions :Gravatar aspiwack2007-11-09
* Modification of the Scheme command.Gravatar vsiles2007-09-28
* Generalized CAMLP4USE for pp dependenciesGravatar corbinea2007-07-16
* Slight cleanup of refl_omega.ml : in particular it uses now listGravatar letouzey2007-07-11
* - Ajout de la possibilité d'utiliser la notation Record pour lesGravatar herbelin2007-06-30
* Modification of VernacScheme to handle a new scheme: Equality (equality inGravatar vsiles2007-05-25
* Processor integers + Print assumption (see coqdev mailing list for the Gravatar aspiwack2007-05-11
* Nouveaux changements autour des implicites (notamment suite àGravatar herbelin2007-05-06
* Suite commit 9810Gravatar herbelin2007-04-29
* Ajout possibilité d'options à trois mots.Gravatar herbelin2007-04-29
* New keyword "Inline" for Parameters and Axioms for automatic Gravatar soubiran2007-04-25
* Add a parameter to QuestionMark evar kind to say it can be turned into an obl...Gravatar msozeau2007-03-19
* Suppression d'un résidu de la syntaxe v7 (Print Grammar avec univ)Gravatar herbelin2007-02-24
* Abbreviation of order notation.Gravatar msozeau2007-02-01
* Fix order of wf and measure arguments, patch Program doc.Gravatar msozeau2007-01-31
* Nouvelle approche pour le discharge modulaireGravatar herbelin2007-01-10
* Addition of a "Combined Scheme" vernacular command for building the conjuncti...Gravatar msozeau2006-12-23
* Remplacement de la dépendance de G_vernac en G_constr (sourceGravatar herbelin2006-12-03
* Documentation de "Set Printing Universes", "Print Universes" (anciennementGravatar herbelin2006-10-28
* Declarative Proof Language: main commitGravatar corbinea2006-09-20
* Ajout possibilité clause "where" dans co-points fixes Gravatar herbelin2006-09-01
* Branchement de 'Debug On/Off' sur le mécanisme standard d'option et donc, re...Gravatar herbelin2006-07-05
* Added {measure x f} as a valid recursion order.Gravatar msozeau2006-06-22
* Plus de Declare Module sans vrai type expliciteGravatar herbelin2006-06-08