path: root/interp
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* - Prise en compte de l'unicode dans la fonction hdchar (elle fournissait desGravatar herbelin2008-05-10
* Mises à jour test-suite + amélioration message d'erreur pour non-bug #1757Gravatar herbelin2008-05-07
* Better parsing of typeclasses, any constr is allowed for ! bindings soGravatar msozeau2008-05-06
* Postpone the search for the recursive argument index from the user givenGravatar msozeau2008-05-06
* Factorize code for internalization of binders to fix bug #1846. AlsoGravatar msozeau2008-05-04
* Diverses corrections Gravatar herbelin2008-04-14
* Bugs, nettoyage, et améliorations diversesGravatar herbelin2008-04-13
* Add the ability to specify what to do with free variables in instanceGravatar msozeau2008-04-12
* Correction bug List.map2 dans Case12.vGravatar herbelin2008-04-09
* Quelques améliorations des intro patterns:Gravatar herbelin2008-04-04
* Add the ability to specify the implicit status of section variables andGravatar msozeau2008-04-02
* Ajout des propriétés $Id:$ là où elles n'existaient pas ou n'étaientGravatar herbelin2008-04-01
* Enhance handling of parameters in typeclass constraints: permit to specify an...Gravatar msozeau2008-04-01
* - Fix for rewriting under dependent products.Gravatar msozeau2008-03-31
* Modifications diverses et variées :Gravatar herbelin2008-03-30
* Ajout d'abbréviations/notations paramétriquesGravatar herbelin2008-03-30
* - Second pass on implementation of let pattern. Parse "let ' par [as x]?Gravatar msozeau2008-03-28
* Various fixes on typeclasses:Gravatar msozeau2008-03-27
* Finish fix in command where we still lost information on what was a typeGravatar msozeau2008-03-24
* Fix a bug found by B. Grégoire when declaring morphisms in moduleGravatar msozeau2008-03-23
* Add a flag to control rewriting under lambdas. Otherwise makes someGravatar msozeau2008-03-20
* Do another pass on the typeclasses code. Correct globalization of classGravatar msozeau2008-03-19
* Do a second pass on the treatment of user-given implicit arguments. NowGravatar msozeau2008-03-15
* Move generally useful definition of nf_evar on contexts to evarutil.Gravatar msozeau2008-02-08
* Beaoucoup de changements dans la representation interne des modules.Gravatar soubiran2008-02-01
* Add new LetPattern construct to replace dest. syntax: let| pat := t in b is b...Gravatar msozeau2008-01-17
* Generalize instance declarations to any context, better name handling. Add ho...Gravatar msozeau2008-01-15
* Cleaner quantifiers for type classes, breaks clrewrite for the moment but imp...Gravatar msozeau2008-01-07
* Fix a naming bug reported by Arnaud Spiwack, allow instance search to create ...Gravatar msozeau2008-01-05
* Correction bug #1749 (datant de l'implantation des or-patterns) +Gravatar herbelin2008-01-05
* Add partial setoids in theories/Classes, add SetoidDec class for setoids with...Gravatar msozeau2008-01-04
* Better resolution of implicit parameters in typeclass binders, add extensiona...Gravatar msozeau2008-01-02
* Fix name capture bug and call the right pretyper in subtac.Gravatar msozeau2007-12-31
* Merged revisions 10358-10362,10365,10371-10373,10377,10383-10384,10394-10395,...Gravatar msozeau2007-12-31
* Plus de combinateurs sont passés de Util à Option. Le module Options Gravatar aspiwack2007-12-06
* Commit intermédiaire express de réparation de coqide.ml, que j'avais Gravatar aspiwack2007-12-06
* Factorisation des opérations sur le type option de Util dans un module Gravatar aspiwack2007-12-05
* Prise en compte des notations "alias" dans la globalisation des coercions.Gravatar herbelin2007-11-08
* Added the automatic generation of the boolean equality if possible and theGravatar vsiles2007-10-05
* Correction de quelques défauts d'affichage (notations sous "as" pourGravatar herbelin2007-10-05
* - Fixing bug 1703 ("intros until n" falls back on the variable name whenGravatar herbelin2007-09-21
* Uniformisation politique de nommage evd/isevars (evd si evar_defs,Gravatar herbelin2007-09-06
* - Débogueur: positionnement de set_detype_anonymous pour ne pasGravatar herbelin2007-08-29
* dead codeGravatar letouzey2007-07-11
* Slight cleanup of refl_omega.ml : in particular it uses now listGravatar letouzey2007-07-11
* More natural notation for intro pattern: @a -> ?aGravatar glondu2007-07-09
* New intro pattern "@A", which generates a fresh name based on A.Gravatar glondu2007-07-06
* Fix bug in subst_cases_pattern when aliasing recursive notations.Gravatar msozeau2007-07-02
* Factorisation des types dans l'affichage des paramètres des (Co)Inductif/RecordGravatar herbelin2007-06-30
* Correction d'un bug dans l'affichage du message d'erreur real_cleanGravatar herbelin2007-05-29