path: root/doc/refman/Reference-Manual.tex
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Added doc/refman/coqide.eps and coqide-queries.eps to remove the need for png...Gravatar emakarov2010-09-06
* plugin groebner updated and renamed as nsatz; first version of the doc of nsa...Gravatar pottier2010-06-03
* Remove the svn-specific $Id$ annotationsGravatar letouzey2010-04-29
* Removed Gappa from the external provers supported by the dp plugin. Tactic ga...Gravatar gmelquio2009-09-11
* Micromega: doc + test-suite updateGravatar fbesson2008-07-07
* documentation tactique gappaGravatar filliatr2008-04-17
* Add almost empty Classes.tex for documentation of type classes.Gravatar msozeau2008-04-17
* Added full documentation for mathematical mode (draft version)Gravatar corbinea2008-01-29
* Changed many refman/*.tex files. Put \label and \index commands that immediat...Gravatar emakarov2007-04-17
* Cleaned doc/common/title.tex file. Increased the space under headersGravatar emakarov2007-04-12
* Eliminated warning messages from Hevea. Most warning messages wereGravatar emakarov2007-04-10
* Documentation de lazymatch et des extensions de idtac et failGravatar herbelin2006-07-11
* - Documentation of the Program tactics.Gravatar msozeau2006-04-07
* r8637@thot: notin | 2006-03-14 16:00:49 +0100Gravatar notin2006-03-14
* Suppression de la coupure entre base et addendum (quitte à le remettre si de...Gravatar herbelin2006-03-03
* Mise à jour des Makefile, ajout licences, corrections mineures suite àGravatar herbelin2006-02-23
* Nettoyage de l'archive doc et restructuration avant intégration à l'archiveGravatar herbelin2006-02-23