path: root/vernac
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1 files changed, 70 insertions, 72 deletions
diff --git a/vernac/metasyntax.ml b/vernac/metasyntax.ml
index c0974d0a7..76c5dc1be 100644
--- a/vernac/metasyntax.ml
+++ b/vernac/metasyntax.ml
@@ -705,16 +705,22 @@ let recompute_assoc typs =
(* Registration of syntax extensions (parsing/printing, no interpretation)*)
-let pr_arg_level from = function
+let pr_arg_level from (lev,typ) =
+ let pplev = match lev with
| (n,L) when Int.equal n from -> str "at next level"
| (n,E) -> str "at level " ++ int n
| (n,L) -> str "at level below " ++ int n
| (n,Prec m) when Int.equal m n -> str "at level " ++ int n
- | (n,_) -> str "Unknown level"
-let pr_level ntn (from,args) =
+ | (n,_) -> str "Unknown level" in
+ let pptyp = match typ with
+ | NtnInternTypeConstr -> mt ()
+ | NtnInternTypeBinder -> str " " ++ surround (str "binder")
+ | NtnInternTypeIdent -> str " " ++ surround (str "ident") in
+ pplev ++ pptyp
+let pr_level ntn (from,args,typs) =
str "at level " ++ int from ++ spc () ++ str "with arguments" ++ spc() ++
- prlist_with_sep pr_comma (pr_arg_level from) args
+ prlist_with_sep pr_comma (pr_arg_level from) (List.combine args typs)
let error_incompatible_level ntn oldprec prec =
@@ -736,12 +742,12 @@ let is_active_compat = function
| None -> true
| Some v -> 0 <= Flags.version_compare v !Flags.compat_version
-type syntax_extension_obj = locality_flag * syntax_extension list
+type syntax_extension_obj = locality_flag * syntax_extension
let cache_one_syntax_extension se =
let ntn = se.synext_notation in
let prec = se.synext_level in
- let onlyprint = se.synext_notgram.notgram_onlyprinting in
+ let onlyprint = fst se.synext_notgram in
let oldprec = Notation.level_of_notation ntn in
if not (Notation.level_eq prec oldprec) then error_incompatible_level ntn oldprec prec
@@ -750,25 +756,24 @@ let cache_one_syntax_extension se =
(* Reserve the notation level *)
Notation.declare_notation_level ntn prec;
(* Declare the parsing rule *)
- if not onlyprint then Egramcoq.extend_constr_grammar prec se.synext_notgram;
+ if not onlyprint then List.iter Egramcoq.extend_constr_grammar (snd se.synext_notgram);
(* Declare the notation rule *)
Notation.declare_notation_rule ntn
- ~extra:se.synext_extra (se.synext_unparsing, fst prec) se.synext_notgram
+ ~extra:se.synext_extra (se.synext_unparsing, pi1 prec) se.synext_notgram
let cache_syntax_extension (_, (_, sy)) =
- List.iter cache_one_syntax_extension sy
+ cache_one_syntax_extension sy
let subst_parsing_rule subst x = x
let subst_printing_rule subst x = x
let subst_syntax_extension (subst, (local, sy)) =
- let map sy = { sy with
- synext_notgram = subst_parsing_rule subst sy.synext_notgram;
+ (local, { sy with
+ synext_notgram = (fst sy.synext_notgram, List.map (subst_parsing_rule subst) (snd sy.synext_notgram));
synext_unparsing = subst_printing_rule subst sy.synext_unparsing;
- } in
- (local, List.map map sy)
+ })
let classify_syntax_definition (local, _ as o) =
if local then Dispose else Substitute o
@@ -1091,8 +1096,10 @@ module SynData = struct
(* Notation data for parsing *)
level : int;
- syntax_data : (Id.t * (production_level, production_position) constr_entry_key_gen) list * (* typs *)
- symbol list; (* symbols *)
+ pa_syntax_data : (Id.t * (production_level, production_position) constr_entry_key_gen) list * (* typs *)
+ symbol list; (* symbols *)
+ pp_syntax_data : (Id.t * (production_level, production_position) constr_entry_key_gen) list * (* typs *)
+ symbol list; (* symbols *)
not_data : notation * (* notation *)
(int * parenRelation) list * (* precedence *)
bool; (* needs_squash *)
@@ -1100,6 +1107,18 @@ module SynData = struct
+let find_subentry_types n assoc etyps symbols =
+ let innerlevel = NumLevel 200 in
+ let typs =
+ find_symbols
+ (NumLevel n,BorderProd(Left,assoc))
+ (innerlevel,InternalProd)
+ (NumLevel n,BorderProd(Right,assoc))
+ symbols in
+ let sy_typs = List.map (set_entry_type etyps) typs in
+ let prec = List.map (assoc_of_type n) sy_typs in
+ sy_typs, prec
let compute_syntax_data df modifiers =
let open SynData in
let open NotationMods in
@@ -1115,26 +1134,23 @@ let compute_syntax_data df modifiers =
(* Notations for interp and grammar *)
let ntn_for_interp = make_notation_key symbols in
- let symbols' = remove_curly_brackets symbols in
- let ntn_for_grammar = make_notation_key symbols' in
- if not onlyprint then check_rule_productivity symbols';
- (* Misc *)
- let need_squash = not (List.equal Notation.symbol_eq symbols symbols') in
- let msgs,n = find_precedence mods.level mods.etyps symbols' in
- let innerlevel = NumLevel 200 in
- let typs =
- find_symbols
- (NumLevel n,BorderProd(Left,assoc))
- (innerlevel,InternalProd)
- (NumLevel n,BorderProd(Right,assoc))
- symbols' in
+ let symbols_for_grammar = remove_curly_brackets symbols in
+ let need_squash = not (List.equal Notation.symbol_eq symbols symbols_for_grammar) in
+ let ntn_for_grammar = if need_squash then make_notation_key symbols_for_grammar else ntn_for_interp in
+ if not onlyprint then check_rule_productivity symbols_for_grammar;
+ let msgs,n = find_precedence mods.level mods.etyps symbols in
(* To globalize... *)
let etyps = join_auxiliary_recursive_types recvars mods.etyps in
- let sy_typs = List.map (set_entry_type etyps) typs in
- let prec = List.map (assoc_of_type n) sy_typs in
+ let sy_typs, prec =
+ find_subentry_types n assoc etyps symbols in
+ let sy_typs_for_grammar, prec_for_grammar =
+ if need_squash then
+ find_subentry_types n assoc etyps symbols_for_grammar
+ else
+ sy_typs, prec in
let i_typs = set_internalization_type sy_typs in
- let sy_data = (sy_typs,symbols') in
+ let pa_sy_data = (sy_typs_for_grammar,symbols_for_grammar) in
+ let pp_sy_data = (sy_typs,symbols) in
let sy_fulldata = (ntn_for_grammar,prec,need_squash) in
let df' = ((Lib.library_dp(),Lib.current_dirpath true),df) in
let i_data = ntn_for_interp, df' in
@@ -1155,7 +1171,8 @@ let compute_syntax_data df modifiers =
intern_typs = i_typs;
level = n;
- syntax_data = sy_data;
+ pa_syntax_data = pa_sy_data;
+ pp_syntax_data = pp_sy_data;
not_data = sy_fulldata;
@@ -1236,22 +1253,6 @@ let with_syntax_protection f x =
(* Recovering existing syntax *)
-let contract_notation ntn =
- if String.equal ntn "{ _ }" then ntn else
- let rec aux ntn i =
- if i <= String.length ntn - 5 then
- let ntn' =
- if String.is_sub "{ _ }" ntn i &&
- (i = 0 || ntn.[i-1] = ' ') &&
- (i = String.length ntn - 5 || ntn.[i+5] = ' ')
- then
- String.sub ntn 0 i ^ "_" ^
- String.sub ntn (i+5) (String.length ntn -i-5)
- else ntn in
- aux ntn' (i+1)
- else ntn in
- aux ntn 0
exception NoSyntaxRule
let recover_syntax ntn =
@@ -1272,28 +1273,30 @@ let recover_syntax ntn =
let recover_squash_syntax sy =
let sq = recover_syntax "{ _ }" in
- [sy; sq]
+ sy :: snd (sq.synext_notgram)
-let recover_notation_syntax rawntn =
- let ntn = contract_notation rawntn in
+let recover_notation_syntax ntn =
let sy = recover_syntax ntn in
- let need_squash = not (String.equal ntn rawntn) in
- let rules = if need_squash then recover_squash_syntax sy else [sy] in
- sy.synext_notgram.notgram_typs, rules, sy.synext_notgram.notgram_onlyprinting
+ let onlyprint,_ = sy.synext_notgram in
+ pi3 sy.synext_level, sy, onlyprint
(* Main entry point for building parsing and printing rules *)
-let make_pa_rule i_typs level (typs,symbols) ntn onlyprint =
+let make_pa_rule i_typs level (typs,symbols) ntn need_squash =
let assoc = recompute_assoc typs in
let prod = make_production typs symbols in
- { notgram_level = level;
+ let sy = {
+ notgram_level = level;
notgram_assoc = assoc;
notgram_notation = ntn;
notgram_prods = prod;
notgram_typs = i_typs;
- notgram_onlyprinting = onlyprint;
- }
+ } in
+ (* By construction, the rule for "{ _ }" is declared, but we need to
+ redeclare it because the file where it is declared needs not be open
+ when the current file opens (especially in presence of -nois) *)
+ if need_squash then recover_squash_syntax sy else [sy]
let make_pp_rule level (typs,symbols) fmt =
match fmt with
@@ -1302,21 +1305,16 @@ let make_pp_rule level (typs,symbols) fmt =
(* let make_syntax_rules i_typs (ntn,prec,need_squash) sy_data fmt extra onlyprint compat = *)
let make_syntax_rules (sd : SynData.syn_data) = let open SynData in
- let ntn, prec, need_squash = sd.not_data in
- let pa_rule = make_pa_rule sd.intern_typs sd.level sd.syntax_data ntn sd.only_printing in
- let pp_rule = make_pp_rule sd.level sd.syntax_data sd.format in
- let sy = {
- synext_level = (sd.level, prec);
- synext_notation = ntn;
- synext_notgram = pa_rule;
+ let ntn_for_grammar, prec, need_squash = sd.not_data in
+ let pa_rule = make_pa_rule sd.intern_typs sd.level sd.pa_syntax_data ntn_for_grammar need_squash in
+ let pp_rule = make_pp_rule sd.level sd.pp_syntax_data sd.format in {
+ synext_level = (sd.level, prec, sd.intern_typs);
+ synext_notation = fst sd.info;
+ synext_notgram = (sd.only_printing,pa_rule);
synext_unparsing = pp_rule;
synext_extra = sd.extra;
synext_compat = sd.compat;
- } in
- (* By construction, the rule for "{ _ }" is declared, but we need to
- redeclare it because the file where it is declared needs not be open
- when the current file opens (especially in presence of -nois) *)
- if need_squash then recover_squash_syntax sy else [sy]
+ }
(* Main functions about notations *)