path: root/vernac/topfmt.ml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vernac/topfmt.ml')
1 files changed, 288 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vernac/topfmt.ml b/vernac/topfmt.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ee5536692
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vernac/topfmt.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2016 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+open Feedback
+open Pp
+(** Pp control also belongs here as the terminal is private to the toplevel *)
+type pp_global_params = {
+ margin : int;
+ max_indent : int;
+ max_depth : int;
+ ellipsis : string }
+(* Default parameters of pretty-printing *)
+let dflt_gp = {
+ margin = 78;
+ max_indent = 50;
+ max_depth = 50;
+ ellipsis = "..." }
+(* A deeper pretty-printer to print proof scripts *)
+let deep_gp = {
+ margin = 78;
+ max_indent = 50;
+ max_depth = 10000;
+ ellipsis = "..." }
+(* set_gp : Format.formatter -> pp_global_params -> unit
+ * set the parameters of a formatter *)
+let set_gp ft gp =
+ Format.pp_set_margin ft gp.margin ;
+ Format.pp_set_max_indent ft gp.max_indent ;
+ Format.pp_set_max_boxes ft gp.max_depth ;
+ Format.pp_set_ellipsis_text ft gp.ellipsis
+let set_dflt_gp ft = set_gp ft dflt_gp
+let get_gp ft =
+ { margin = Format.pp_get_margin ft ();
+ max_indent = Format.pp_get_max_indent ft ();
+ max_depth = Format.pp_get_max_boxes ft ();
+ ellipsis = Format.pp_get_ellipsis_text ft () }
+(* with_fp : 'a pp_formatter_params -> Format.formatter
+ * returns of formatter for given formatter functions *)
+let with_fp chan out_function flush_function =
+ let ft = Format.make_formatter out_function flush_function in
+ Format.pp_set_formatter_out_channel ft chan;
+ ft
+(* Output on a channel ch *)
+let with_output_to ch =
+ let ft = with_fp ch (output_substring ch) (fun () -> flush ch) in
+ set_gp ft deep_gp;
+ ft
+let std_ft = ref Format.std_formatter
+let _ = set_dflt_gp !std_ft
+let err_ft = ref Format.err_formatter
+let _ = set_gp !err_ft deep_gp
+let deep_ft = ref (with_output_to stdout)
+let _ = set_gp !deep_ft deep_gp
+(* For parametrization through vernacular *)
+let default = Format.pp_get_max_boxes !std_ft ()
+let default_margin = Format.pp_get_margin !std_ft ()
+let get_depth_boxes () = Some (Format.pp_get_max_boxes !std_ft ())
+let set_depth_boxes v =
+ Format.pp_set_max_boxes !std_ft (match v with None -> default | Some v -> v)
+let get_margin () = Some (Format.pp_get_margin !std_ft ())
+let set_margin v =
+ let v = match v with None -> default_margin | Some v -> v in
+ Format.pp_set_margin Format.str_formatter v;
+ Format.pp_set_margin !std_ft v;
+ Format.pp_set_margin !deep_ft v;
+ (* Heuristic, based on usage: the column on the right of max_indent
+ column is 20% of width, capped to 30 characters *)
+ let m = max (64 * v / 100) (v-30) in
+ Format.pp_set_max_indent Format.str_formatter m;
+ Format.pp_set_max_indent !std_ft m;
+ Format.pp_set_max_indent !deep_ft m
+(** Console display of feedback *)
+(** Default tags *)
+module Tag = struct
+ let error = "message.error"
+ let warning = "message.warning"
+ let debug = "message.debug"
+type logger = ?loc:Loc.t -> level -> std_ppcmds -> unit
+let msgnl_with ?pre_hdr fmt strm =
+ pp_with fmt (strm ++ fnl ());
+ Format.pp_print_flush fmt ()
+(* XXX: This is really painful! *)
+module Emacs = struct
+ (* Special chars for emacs, to detect warnings inside goal output *)
+ let emacs_quote_start = String.make 1 (Char.chr 254)
+ let emacs_quote_end = String.make 1 (Char.chr 255)
+ let emacs_quote_err g =
+ hov 0 (str emacs_quote_start ++ g ++ str emacs_quote_end)
+ let emacs_quote_info_start = "<infomsg>"
+ let emacs_quote_info_end = "</infomsg>"
+ let emacs_quote_info g =
+ hov 0 (str emacs_quote_info_start++ brk(0,0) ++ g ++ brk(0,0) ++ str emacs_quote_info_end)
+open Emacs
+let dbg_hdr = tag Tag.debug (str "Debug:") ++ spc ()
+let info_hdr = mt ()
+let warn_hdr = tag Tag.warning (str "Warning:") ++ spc ()
+let err_hdr = tag Tag.error (str "Error:") ++ spc ()
+let ann_hdr = tag Tag.error (str "Anomaly:") ++ spc ()
+let make_body quoter info ?pre_hdr s =
+ pr_opt_no_spc (fun x -> x ++ fnl ()) pre_hdr ++ quoter (hov 0 (info ++ s))
+(* Generic logger *)
+let gen_logger dbg err ?pre_hdr level msg = match level with
+ | Debug -> msgnl_with !std_ft (make_body dbg dbg_hdr ?pre_hdr msg)
+ | Info -> msgnl_with !std_ft (make_body dbg info_hdr ?pre_hdr msg)
+ | Notice -> msgnl_with !std_ft (make_body dbg info_hdr ?pre_hdr msg)
+ | Warning -> Flags.if_warn (fun () ->
+ msgnl_with !err_ft (make_body err warn_hdr ?pre_hdr msg)) ()
+ | Error -> msgnl_with !err_ft (make_body err err_hdr ?pre_hdr msg)
+(** Standard loggers *)
+(* We provide a generic clear_log_backend callback for backends
+ wanting to do clenaup after the print.
+let std_logger_cleanup = ref (fun () -> ())
+let std_logger ?pre_hdr level msg =
+ gen_logger (fun x -> x) (fun x -> x) ?pre_hdr level msg;
+ !std_logger_cleanup ()
+(** Color logging. Moved from Ppstyle, it may need some more refactoring *)
+(* Tag map for terminal style *)
+let default_tag_map () = let open Terminal in [
+ (* Local to console toplevel *)
+ "message.error" , make ~bold:true ~fg_color:`WHITE ~bg_color:`RED ()
+ ; "message.warning" , make ~bold:true ~fg_color:`WHITE ~bg_color:`YELLOW ()
+ ; "message.debug" , make ~bold:true ~fg_color:`WHITE ~bg_color:`MAGENTA ()
+ (* Coming from the printer *)
+ ; "constr.evar" , make ~fg_color:`LIGHT_BLUE ()
+ ; "constr.keyword" , make ~bold:true ()
+ ; "constr.type" , make ~bold:true ~fg_color:`YELLOW ()
+ ; "constr.notation" , make ~fg_color:`WHITE ()
+ (* ["constr"; "variable"] is not assigned *)
+ ; "constr.reference" , make ~fg_color:`LIGHT_GREEN ()
+ ; "constr.path" , make ~fg_color:`LIGHT_MAGENTA ()
+ ; "module.definition", make ~bold:true ~fg_color:`LIGHT_RED ()
+ ; "module.keyword" , make ~bold:true ()
+ ; "tactic.keyword" , make ~bold:true ()
+ ; "tactic.primitive" , make ~fg_color:`LIGHT_GREEN ()
+ ; "tactic.string" , make ~fg_color:`LIGHT_RED ()
+ ]
+let tag_map = ref CString.Map.empty
+let init_tag_map styles =
+ let set accu (name, st) = CString.Map.add name st accu in
+ tag_map := List.fold_left set !tag_map styles
+let clear_styles () =
+ tag_map := CString.Map.empty
+let parse_color_config file =
+ let styles = Terminal.parse file in
+ init_tag_map styles
+let dump_tags () = CString.Map.bindings !tag_map
+(** Not thread-safe. We should put a lock somewhere if we print from
+ different threads. Do we? *)
+let make_style_stack () =
+ (** Default tag is to reset everything *)
+ let empty = Terminal.make () in
+ let default_tag = Terminal.({
+ fg_color = Some `DEFAULT;
+ bg_color = Some `DEFAULT;
+ bold = Some false;
+ italic = Some false;
+ underline = Some false;
+ negative = Some false;
+ })
+ in
+ let style_stack = ref [] in
+ let peek () = match !style_stack with
+ | [] -> default_tag (** Anomalous case, but for robustness *)
+ | st :: _ -> st
+ in
+ let push tag =
+ let style =
+ try CString.Map.find tag !tag_map
+ with | Not_found -> empty
+ in
+ (** Use the merging of the latest tag and the one being currently pushed.
+ This may be useful if for instance the latest tag changes the background and
+ the current one the foreground, so that the two effects are additioned. *)
+ let style = Terminal.merge (peek ()) style in
+ style_stack := style :: !style_stack;
+ Terminal.eval style
+ in
+ let pop _ = match !style_stack with
+ | [] -> (** Something went wrong, we fallback *)
+ Terminal.eval default_tag
+ | _ :: rem -> style_stack := rem;
+ Terminal.eval (peek ())
+ in
+ let clear () = style_stack := [] in
+ push, pop, clear
+let init_color_output () =
+ init_tag_map (default_tag_map ());
+ let push_tag, pop_tag, clear_tag = make_style_stack () in
+ std_logger_cleanup := clear_tag;
+ let tag_handler = {
+ Format.mark_open_tag = push_tag;
+ Format.mark_close_tag = pop_tag;
+ Format.print_open_tag = ignore;
+ Format.print_close_tag = ignore;
+ } in
+ Format.pp_set_mark_tags !std_ft true;
+ Format.pp_set_mark_tags !err_ft true;
+ Format.pp_set_formatter_tag_functions !std_ft tag_handler;
+ Format.pp_set_formatter_tag_functions !err_ft tag_handler
+(* Rules for emacs:
+ - Debug/info: emacs_quote_info
+ - Warning/Error: emacs_quote_err
+ - Notice: unquoted
+ *)
+let emacs_logger = gen_logger emacs_quote_info emacs_quote_err
+(* Output to file, used only in extraction so a candidate for removal *)
+let ft_logger old_logger ft ?loc level mesg =
+ let id x = x in
+ match level with
+ | Debug -> msgnl_with ft (make_body id dbg_hdr mesg)
+ | Info -> msgnl_with ft (make_body id info_hdr mesg)
+ | Notice -> msgnl_with ft mesg
+ | Warning -> old_logger ?loc level mesg
+ | Error -> old_logger ?loc level mesg
+let with_output_to_file fname func input =
+ (* XXX FIXME: redirect std_ft *)
+ (* let old_logger = !logger in *)
+ let channel = open_out (String.concat "." [fname; "out"]) in
+ (* logger := ft_logger old_logger (Format.formatter_of_out_channel channel); *)
+ try
+ let output = func input in
+ (* logger := old_logger; *)
+ close_out channel;
+ output
+ with reraise ->
+ let reraise = Backtrace.add_backtrace reraise in
+ (* logger := old_logger; *)
+ close_out channel;
+ Exninfo.iraise reraise