path: root/toplevel/toplevel.ml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'toplevel/toplevel.ml')
1 files changed, 298 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/toplevel/toplevel.ml b/toplevel/toplevel.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dcad19bed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toplevel/toplevel.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+(* $Id$ *)
+open Pp
+open Util
+open Options
+open Errors
+open Vernac
+open Pcoq
+open Protectedtoplevel
+(* A buffer for the character read from a channel. We store the command
+ * entered to be able to report errors without pretty-printing. *)
+type input_buffer = {
+ mutable prompt : unit -> string;
+ mutable str : string; (* buffer of already read characters *)
+ mutable len : int; (* number of chars in the buffer *)
+ mutable bols : int list; (* offsets in str of begining of lines *)
+ mutable tokens : Gram.parsable; (* stream of tokens *)
+ mutable start : int } (* stream count of the first char of the buffer *)
+(* Double the size of the buffer. *)
+let resize_buffer ibuf =
+ let nstr = String.create (2 * String.length ibuf.str + 1) in
+ String.blit ibuf.str 0 nstr 0 (String.length ibuf.str);
+ ibuf.str <- nstr
+(* Delete all irrelevent lines of the input buffer. Keep the last line
+ in the buffer (useful when there are several commands on the same line. *)
+let resynch_buffer ibuf =
+ match ibuf.bols with
+ | ll::_ ->
+ let new_len = ibuf.len - ll in
+ String.blit ibuf.str ll ibuf.str 0 new_len;
+ ibuf.len <- new_len;
+ ibuf.bols <- [];
+ ibuf.start <- ibuf.start + ll
+ | _ -> ()
+(* Read a char in an input channel, displaying a prompt af every
+ begining of line. *)
+let prompt_char ic ibuf count =
+ let bol = match ibuf.bols with
+ | ll::_ -> ibuf.len == ll
+ | [] -> ibuf.len == 0
+ in
+ if bol then mSGERR [< 'sTR (ibuf.prompt()) >];
+ try
+ let c = input_char ic in
+ if c == '\n' then ibuf.bols <- (ibuf.len+1) :: ibuf.bols;
+ if ibuf.len == String.length ibuf.str then resize_buffer ibuf;
+ ibuf.str.[ibuf.len] <- c;
+ ibuf.len <- ibuf.len + 1;
+ Some c
+ with End_of_file ->
+ None
+(* Reinitialize the char stream (after a Drop) *)
+let reset_input_buffer ic ibuf =
+ ibuf.str <- "";
+ ibuf.len <- 0;
+ ibuf.bols <- [];
+ ibuf.tokens <- Gram.parsable (Stream.from (prompt_char ic ibuf));
+ ibuf.start <- 0
+(* Functions to print underlined locations from an input buffer. *)
+(* Given a location, returns the list of locations of each line. The last
+ line is returned separately. It also checks the location bounds. *)
+let get_bols_of_loc ibuf (bp,ep) =
+ let add_line (b,e) lines =
+ if b < 0 or e < b then anomaly "Bad location";
+ match lines with
+ | ([],None) -> ([], Some (b,e))
+ | (fl,oe) -> ((b,e)::fl, oe)
+ in
+ let rec lines_rec ba after = function
+ | [] -> add_line (0,ba) after
+ | ll::_ when ll <= bp -> add_line (ll,ba) after
+ | ll::fl ->
+ let nafter = if ll < ep then add_line (ll,ba) after else after in
+ lines_rec ll nafter fl
+ in
+ let (fl,ll) = lines_rec ibuf.len ([],None) ibuf.bols in
+ (fl,out_some ll)
+let dotted_location (b,e) =
+ if e-b < 3 then
+ ("", String.make (e-b) ' ')
+ else
+ (String.make (e-b-1) '.', " ")
+let print_highlight_location ib (bp,ep) =
+ let bp = bp - ib.start
+ and ep = ep - ib.start in
+ let highlight_lines =
+ match get_bols_of_loc ib (bp,ep) with
+ | ([],(bl,el)) ->
+ [< 'sTR"> "; 'sTR(String.sub ib.str bl (el-bl));
+ 'sTR"> "; 'sTR(String.make (bp-bl) ' ');
+ 'sTR(String.make (ep-bp) '^') >]
+ | ((b1,e1)::ml,(bn,en)) ->
+ let (d1,s1) = dotted_location (b1,bp) in
+ let (dn,sn) = dotted_location (ep,en) in
+ let l1 = [< 'sTR"> "; 'sTR d1; 'sTR s1;
+ 'sTR(String.sub ib.str bp (e1-bp)) >] in
+ let li =
+ prlist (fun (bi,ei) ->
+ [< 'sTR"> "; 'sTR(String.sub ib.str bi (ei-bi)) >]) ml in
+ let ln = [< 'sTR"> "; 'sTR(String.sub ib.str bn (ep-bn));
+ 'sTR sn; 'sTR dn >] in
+ [< l1; li; ln >]
+ in
+ [< 'sTR"Toplevel input, characters "; Errors.print_loc (bp,ep); 'fNL;
+ highlight_lines; 'fNL >]
+(* Functions to report located errors in a file. *)
+let print_location_in_file s fname (bp,ep) =
+ let errstrm = [< 'sTR"Error while reading "; 'sTR s; 'sTR" :"; 'fNL;
+ 'sTR"File "; 'sTR ("\""^fname^"\"") >] in
+ if (bp,ep) = Ast.dummy_loc
+ then
+ [< errstrm; 'sTR", unknown location."; 'fNL >]
+ else
+ let ic = open_in fname in
+ let rec line_of_pos lin bol cnt =
+ if cnt < bp then
+ if input_char ic == '\n'
+ then line_of_pos (lin + 1) (cnt +1) (cnt+1)
+ else line_of_pos lin bol (cnt+1)
+ else (lin, bol)
+ in
+ try
+ let (line, bol) = line_of_pos 1 0 0 in
+ close_in ic;
+ [< errstrm; 'sTR", line "; 'iNT line;
+ 'sTR", characters "; Errors.print_loc (bp-bol,ep-bol); 'fNL >]
+ with e -> (close_in ic; [< errstrm; 'sTR", invalid location."; 'fNL >])
+let print_command_location ib dloc =
+ match dloc with
+ | Some (bp,ep) ->
+ [< 'sTR"Error during interpretation of command:"; 'fNL;
+ 'sTR(String.sub ib.str (bp-ib.start) (ep-bp)); 'fNL >]
+ | None -> [<>]
+let valid_loc dloc (b,e) =
+ (b,e) <> Ast.dummy_loc
+ & match dloc with
+ | Some (bd,ed) -> bd<=b & e<=ed
+ | _ -> true
+let valid_buffer_loc ib dloc (b,e) =
+ valid_loc dloc (b,e) & b-ib.start >= 0 & e-ib.start < ib.len & b<=e
+(* A buffer to store the current command read on stdin. It is
+ * initialized when a vernac command is immediately followed by "\n",
+ * or after a Drop. *)
+let top_buffer =
+ let pr() =
+ (Pfedit.proof_prompt())^(emacs_str (String.make 1 (Char.chr 249)))
+ in
+ { prompt = pr;
+ str = "";
+ len = 0;
+ bols = [];
+ tokens = Gram.parsable [<>];
+ start = 0 }
+let set_prompt prompt =
+ top_buffer.prompt
+ <- (fun () -> (prompt ()) ^ (emacs_str (String.make 1 (Char.chr 249))))
+(* Removes and prints the location of the error. The following exceptions
+ need not be located. *)
+let rec is_pervasive_exn = function
+ | Out_of_memory | Stack_overflow | Sys.Break -> true
+ | Error_in_file (_,_,e) -> is_pervasive_exn e
+ | Stdpp.Exc_located (_,e) -> is_pervasive_exn e
+ | DuringCommandInterp (_,e) -> is_pervasive_exn e
+ | _ -> false
+(* Toplevel error explanation, dealing with locations, Drop, Ctrl-D
+ May raise only the following exceptions: Drop and End_of_input,
+ meaning we get out of the Coq loop *)
+let print_toplevel_error exc =
+ let (dloc,exc) =
+ match exc with
+ | DuringCommandInterp (loc,ie) ->
+ if loc = Ast.dummy_loc then (None,ie) else (Some loc, ie)
+ | _ -> (None, exc)
+ in
+ let (locstrm,exc) =
+ match exc with
+ | Stdpp.Exc_located (loc, ie) ->
+ if valid_buffer_loc top_buffer dloc loc then
+ (print_highlight_location top_buffer loc, ie)
+ else
+ (print_command_location top_buffer dloc, ie)
+ | Error_in_file (s, (fname, loc), ie) ->
+ (print_location_in_file s fname loc, ie)
+ | _ -> (print_command_location top_buffer dloc, exc)
+ in
+ match exc with
+ | End_of_input ->
+ mSGERRNL [<>]; pp_flush(); exit 0
+ | Vernacinterp.Drop -> (* Last chance *)
+ if Mltop.is_ocaml_top() then raise Vernacinterp.Drop;
+ [< 'sTR"There is no ML toplevel."; 'fNL >]
+ | Vernacinterp.ProtectedLoop ->
+ raise Vernacinterp.ProtectedLoop
+ | Vernacinterp.Quit ->
+ raise Vernacinterp.Quit
+ | _ ->
+ [< if is_pervasive_exn exc then [<>] else locstrm;
+ Errors.explain_exn exc >]
+(* Read the input stream until a dot is encountered *)
+let parse_to_dot =
+ let rec dot = parser
+ | [< '("", ".") >] -> ()
+ | [< '("EOI", "") >] -> raise End_of_input
+ | [< '_; s >] -> dot s
+ in
+ Gram.Entry.of_parser "Coqtoplevel.dot" dot
+(* We assume that when a lexer error occurs, at least one char was eaten *)
+let rec discard_to_dot () =
+ try
+ Gram.Entry.parse parse_to_dot top_buffer.tokens
+ with Stdpp.Exc_located(_,Token.Error _) ->
+ discard_to_dot()
+(* If the error occured while parsing, we read the input until a dot token
+ * in encountered.
+ *)
+let process_error = function
+ | DuringCommandInterp _ as e -> e
+ | e ->
+ if is_pervasive_exn e then
+ e
+ else
+ try
+ discard_to_dot (); e
+ with
+ | End_of_input -> End_of_input
+ | de -> if is_pervasive_exn de then de else e
+(* do_vernac reads and executes a toplevel phrase, and print error
+ messages when an exception is raised, except for the following:
+ Drop: kill the Coq toplevel, going down to the Caml toplevel if it exists.
+ Otherwise, exit.
+ End_of_input: Ctrl-D was typed in, we will quit *)
+let do_vernac () =
+ mSGERRNL [<>];
+ resynch_buffer top_buffer;
+ begin
+ try
+ raw_do_vernac top_buffer.tokens
+ with e -> mSGNL (print_toplevel_error (process_error e))
+ end;
+ flush_all()
+(* coq and go read vernacular expressions until Drop is entered.
+ * Ctrl-C will raise the exception Break instead of aborting Coq.
+ * Here we catch the exceptions terminating the Coq loop, and decide
+ * if we really must quit.
+ * The boolean value is used to choose between a protected loop, which
+ * we think is more suited for communication with other programs, or
+ * plain communication. *)
+let rec coq_switch b =
+ Sys.catch_break true;
+ try
+ if b then begin
+ reset_input_buffer stdin top_buffer;
+ while true do do_vernac() done
+ end else
+ protected_loop stdin
+ with
+ | Vernacinterp.Drop -> ()
+ | Vernacinterp.ProtectedLoop -> coq_switch false
+ | End_of_input -> mSGERRNL [<>]; pp_flush(); exit 0
+ | Vernacinterp.Quit -> exit 0
+ | e ->
+ mSGERRNL [< 'sTR"Anomaly in the toplevel loop. Please report." >];
+ coq_switch b
+let loop () = coq_switch true