path: root/toplevel/himsg.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'toplevel/himsg.ml')
1 files changed, 40 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/toplevel/himsg.ml b/toplevel/himsg.ml
index 644616dd2..b824c20ab 100644
--- a/toplevel/himsg.ml
+++ b/toplevel/himsg.ml
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ let msg_bad_elimination ctx k = function
let explain_elim_arity k ctx ind aritylst c p pt okinds =
- let pi = pr_inductive ind in
+ let pi = pr_inductive ctx ind in
let ppar = prlist_with_sep pr_coma (prterm_env ctx) aritylst in
let pc = prterm_env ctx c in
let pp = prterm_env ctx p in
@@ -115,24 +115,45 @@ let explain_actual_type k ctx c ct pt =
'sTR"does not have type"; 'bRK(1,1); pt; 'fNL;
'sTR"Actually, it has type" ; 'bRK(1,1); pct >]
-let explain_cant_apply k ctx s rator randl =
+let explain_cant_apply_bad_type k ctx (n,exptyp,actualtyp) rator randl =
let ctx = make_all_name_different ctx in
let pe = pr_ne_env [< 'sTR"in environment" >] k ctx in
let pr = prterm_env ctx rator.uj_val in
let prt = prterm_env ctx rator.uj_type in
let term_string = if List.length randl > 1 then "terms" else "term" in
- let appl =
- prlist_with_sep pr_fnl
- (fun c ->
- let pc = prterm_env ctx c.uj_val in
- let pct = prterm_env ctx c.uj_type in
- hOV 2 [< pc; 'sPC; 'sTR": " ; pct >]) randl
+ let many = match n mod 10 with 1 -> "st" | 2 -> "nd" | _ -> "th" in
+ let appl = prlist_with_sep pr_fnl
+ (fun c ->
+ let pc = prterm_env ctx c.uj_val in
+ let pct = prterm_env ctx c.uj_type in
+ hOV 2 [< pc; 'sPC; 'sTR": " ; pct >]) randl
- [< 'sTR"Illegal application ("; 'sTR s; 'sTR"): "; pe; 'fNL;
+ [< 'sTR"Illegal application (Type Error): "; pe; 'fNL;
'sTR"The term"; 'bRK(1,1); pr; 'sPC;
'sTR"of type"; 'bRK(1,1); prt; 'sPC ;
'sTR("cannot be applied to the "^term_string); 'fNL;
- 'sTR" "; v 0 appl >]
+ 'sTR" "; v 0 appl; 'fNL;
+ 'sTR"The ";'iNT n; 'sTR (many^" term of type ");
+ prterm_env ctx actualtyp;
+ 'sTR" should be coercible to type "; prterm_env ctx exptyp >]
+let explain_cant_apply_not_functional k ctx rator randl =
+ let ctx = make_all_name_different ctx in
+ let pe = pr_ne_env [< 'sTR"in environment" >] k ctx in
+ let pr = prterm_env ctx rator.uj_val in
+ let prt = prterm_env ctx rator.uj_type in
+ let term_string = if List.length randl > 1 then "terms" else "term" in
+ let appl = prlist_with_sep pr_fnl
+ (fun c ->
+ let pc = prterm_env ctx c.uj_val in
+ let pct = prterm_env ctx c.uj_type in
+ hOV 2 [< pc; 'sPC; 'sTR": " ; pct >]) randl
+ in
+ [< 'sTR"Illegal application (Non-functional construction): "; pe; 'fNL;
+ 'sTR"The term"; 'bRK(1,1); pr; 'sPC;
+ 'sTR"of type"; 'bRK(1,1); prt; 'sPC ;
+ 'sTR("cannot be applied to the "^term_string); 'fNL;
+ 'sTR" "; v 0 appl; 'fNL >]
(* (co)fixpoints *)
let explain_ill_formed_rec_body k ctx str lna i vdefs =
@@ -215,15 +236,15 @@ let explain_var_not_found k ctx id =
(* Pattern-matching errors *)
let explain_bad_constructor k ctx cstr ind =
- let pi = pr_inductive ind in
- let pc = pr_constructor cstr in
- let pt = pr_inductive (inductive_of_constructor cstr) in
+ let pi = pr_inductive ctx ind in
+ let pc = pr_constructor ctx cstr in
+ let pt = pr_inductive ctx (inductive_of_constructor cstr) in
[< 'sTR "Expecting a constructor in inductive type "; pi; 'bRK(1,1) ;
'sTR " but found the constructor " ; pc; 'bRK(1,1) ;
'sTR " in inductive type "; pt >]
let explain_wrong_numarg_of_constructor k ctx cstr n =
- let pc = pr_constructor (cstr,[||]) in
+ let pc = pr_constructor ctx (cstr,[||]) in
[<'sTR "The constructor "; pc;
'sTR " expects " ; 'iNT n ; 'sTR " arguments. ">]
@@ -264,8 +285,10 @@ let explain_type_error k ctx = function
explain_generalization k ctx nvar c
| ActualType (c, ct, pt) ->
explain_actual_type k ctx c ct pt
- | CantAply (s, rator, randl) ->
- explain_cant_apply k ctx s rator randl
+ | CantApplyBadType (t, rator, randl) ->
+ explain_cant_apply_bad_type k ctx t rator randl
+ | CantApplyNonFunctional (rator, randl) ->
+ explain_cant_apply_not_functional k ctx rator randl
| IllFormedRecBody (i, lna, vdefj, vargs) ->
explain_ill_formed_rec_body k ctx i lna vdefj vargs
| IllTypedRecBody (i, lna, vdefj, vargs) ->
@@ -390,7 +413,7 @@ let error_not_allowed_case_analysis dep kind i =
[< 'sTR (if dep then "Dependent" else "Non Dependent");
'sTR " case analysis on sort: "; print_sort kind; 'fNL;
'sTR "is not allowed for inductive definition: ";
- pr_inductive i >]
+ pr_inductive (Global.context()) i >]
let error_bad_induction dep indid kind =
[<'sTR (if dep then "Dependent" else "Non dependend");