path: root/toplevel/coqloop.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'toplevel/coqloop.ml')
1 files changed, 41 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/toplevel/coqloop.ml b/toplevel/coqloop.ml
index 2cb608326..e9506803d 100644
--- a/toplevel/coqloop.ml
+++ b/toplevel/coqloop.ml
@@ -14,8 +14,7 @@ open Vernac
open Pcoq
let top_stderr x =
- pp_with ~pp_tag:Ppstyle.to_format !Pp_control.err_ft x;
- Format.pp_print_flush !Pp_control.err_ft ()
+ Format.fprintf !Topfmt.err_ft "@[%a@]%!" (pp_with ~pp_tag:Ppstyle.to_format) x
(* A buffer for the character read from a channel. We store the command
* entered to be able to report errors without pretty-printing. *)
@@ -253,7 +252,8 @@ let print_toplevel_error (e, info) =
else mt ()
else print_location_in_file loc
- locmsg ++ CErrors.iprint (e, info)
+ let hdr msg = hov 0 (tag Ppstyle.error_tag (str "Error:") ++ spc () ++ msg) in
+ locmsg ++ hdr (CErrors.iprint (e, info))
(* Read the input stream until a dot is encountered *)
let parse_to_dot =
@@ -285,6 +285,33 @@ let read_sentence input =
discard_to_dot ();
iraise reraise
+(** Coqloop Console feedback handler *)
+let coqloop_feed (fb : Feedback.feedback) = let open Feedback in
+ match fb.contents with
+ | Processed -> ()
+ | Incomplete -> ()
+ | Complete -> ()
+ | ProcessingIn _ -> ()
+ | InProgress _ -> ()
+ | WorkerStatus (_,_) -> ()
+ | AddedAxiom -> ()
+ | GlobRef (_,_,_,_,_) -> ()
+ | GlobDef (_,_,_,_) -> ()
+ | FileDependency (_,_) -> ()
+ | FileLoaded (_,_) -> ()
+ | Custom (_,_,_) -> ()
+ | Message (Error,loc,msg) ->
+ (* We ignore errors here as we (still) have a different error
+ printer for the toplevel. It is hard to solve due the many
+ error paths presents, and the different compromise of feedback
+ error forwaring in the stm depending on the mode *)
+ ()
+ | Message (lvl,loc,msg) ->
+ if !Flags.print_emacs then
+ Topfmt.emacs_logger ?loc lvl msg
+ else
+ Topfmt.std_logger ?loc lvl msg
(** [do_vernac] reads and executes a toplevel phrase, and print error
messages when an exception is raised, except for the following:
- Drop: kill the Coq toplevel, going down to the Caml toplevel if it exists.
@@ -307,12 +334,13 @@ let do_vernac () =
top_stderr (fnl ()); raise CErrors.Quit
| CErrors.Drop -> (* Last chance *)
if Mltop.is_ocaml_top() then raise CErrors.Drop
- else Feedback.msg_error (str"There is no ML toplevel.")
+ else top_stderr (str "There is no ML toplevel.")
| any ->
+ (** Main error printer, note that this didn't it the "emacs"
+ legacy path. *)
let any = CErrors.push any in
let msg = print_toplevel_error any ++ fnl () in
- pp_with !Pp_control.std_ft msg;
- Format.pp_print_flush !Pp_control.std_ft ()
+ top_stderr msg
(** Main coq loop : read vernacular expressions until Drop is entered.
Ctrl-C is handled internally as Sys.Break instead of aborting Coq.
@@ -320,22 +348,13 @@ let do_vernac () =
exit the loop are Drop and Quit. Any other exception there indicates
an issue with [print_toplevel_error] above. *)
-let feed_emacs = function
- | { Interface.id = Interface.State id;
- Interface.content = Interface.GlobRef (_,a,_,c,_) } ->
- prerr_endline ("<info>" ^"<id>"^Stateid.to_string id ^"</id>"
- ^a^" "^c^ "</info>")
- | _ -> ()
(* Flush in a compatible order with 8.5 *)
(* This mimics the semantics of the old Pp.flush_all *)
let loop_flush_all () =
Pervasives.flush stderr;
Pervasives.flush stdout;
- Format.pp_print_flush !Pp_control.std_ft ();
- Format.pp_print_flush !Pp_control.err_ft ()
+ Format.pp_print_flush !Topfmt.std_ft ();
+ Format.pp_print_flush !Topfmt.err_ft ()
let rec loop () =
Sys.catch_break true;
@@ -348,9 +367,9 @@ let rec loop () =
| CErrors.Drop -> ()
| CErrors.Quit -> exit 0
| any ->
- Feedback.msg_error (str"Anomaly: main loop exited with exception: " ++
- str (Printexc.to_string any) ++
- fnl() ++
- str"Please report" ++
- strbrk" at " ++ str Coq_config.wwwbugtracker ++ str ".");
+ top_stderr (str"Anomaly: main loop exited with exception: " ++
+ str (Printexc.to_string any) ++
+ fnl() ++
+ str"Please report" ++
+ strbrk" at " ++ str Coq_config.wwwbugtracker ++ str ".");
loop ()