path: root/toplevel/coqinit.ml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'toplevel/coqinit.ml')
1 files changed, 65 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/toplevel/coqinit.ml b/toplevel/coqinit.ml
index 176dfb3c9..b3b5375bf 100644
--- a/toplevel/coqinit.ml
+++ b/toplevel/coqinit.ml
@@ -59,13 +59,23 @@ let load_rcfile ~time doc sid =
doc, sid)
(* Recursively puts dir in the LoadPath if -nois was not passed *)
-let add_stdlib_path ~load_init ~unix_path ~coq_root ~with_ml =
- let add_ml = if with_ml then Mltop.AddRecML else Mltop.AddNoML in
- Mltop.add_rec_path add_ml ~unix_path ~coq_root ~implicit:load_init
+let build_stdlib_path ~load_init ~unix_path ~coq_path ~with_ml =
+ let open Mltop in
+ let add_ml = if with_ml then AddRecML else AddNoML in
+ { recursive = true;
+ path_spec = VoPath { unix_path; coq_path ; has_ml = add_ml; implicit = load_init }
+ }
-let add_userlib_path ~unix_path =
- Mltop.add_rec_path Mltop.AddRecML ~unix_path
- ~coq_root:Libnames.default_root_prefix ~implicit:false
+let build_userlib_path ~unix_path =
+ let open Mltop in
+ { recursive = true;
+ path_spec = VoPath {
+ unix_path;
+ coq_path = Libnames.default_root_prefix;
+ has_ml = Mltop.AddRecML;
+ implicit = false;
+ }
+ }
(* Options -I, -I-as, and -R of the command line *)
let includes = ref []
@@ -74,51 +84,65 @@ let push_include s alias implicit =
let ml_includes = ref []
let push_ml_include s = ml_includes := s :: !ml_includes
+let ml_path_if c p =
+ let open Mltop in
+ let f x = { recursive = false; path_spec = MlPath x } in
+ if c then List.map f p else []
(* Initializes the LoadPath *)
let init_load_path ~load_init =
+ let open Mltop in
let coqlib = Envars.coqlib () in
let user_contrib = coqlib/"user-contrib" in
let xdg_dirs = Envars.xdg_dirs ~warn:(fun x -> Feedback.msg_warning (str x)) in
let coqpath = Envars.coqpath in
- let coq_root = Names.DirPath.make [Libnames.coq_root] in
- (* NOTE: These directories are searched from last to first *)
- (* first, developer specific directory to open *)
- if Coq_config.local then
- Mltop.add_ml_dir (coqlib/"dev");
- (* main loops *)
- if Coq_config.local || !Flags.boot then begin
- Mltop.add_ml_dir (coqlib/"stm");
- Mltop.add_ml_dir (coqlib/"ide")
- end;
- if System.exists_dir (coqlib/"toploop") then
- Mltop.add_ml_dir (coqlib/"toploop");
- (* then standard library *)
- add_stdlib_path ~load_init ~unix_path:(coqlib/"theories") ~coq_root ~with_ml:false;
- (* then plugins *)
- add_stdlib_path ~load_init ~unix_path:(coqlib/"plugins") ~coq_root ~with_ml:true;
- (* then user-contrib *)
- if Sys.file_exists user_contrib then
- add_userlib_path ~unix_path:user_contrib;
- (* then directories in XDG_DATA_DIRS and XDG_DATA_HOME *)
- List.iter (fun s -> add_userlib_path ~unix_path:s) xdg_dirs;
- (* then directories in COQPATH *)
- List.iter (fun s -> add_userlib_path ~unix_path:s) coqpath;
- (* then current directory (not recursively!) *)
- Mltop.add_ml_dir ".";
- Loadpath.add_load_path "." Libnames.default_root_prefix ~implicit:false;
- (* additional loadpath, given with options -Q and -R *)
- List.iter
- (fun (unix_path, coq_root, implicit) ->
- Mltop.add_rec_path Mltop.AddNoML ~unix_path ~coq_root ~implicit)
- (List.rev !includes);
- (* additional ml directories, given with option -I *)
- List.iter Mltop.add_ml_dir (List.rev !ml_includes)
+ let coq_path = Names.DirPath.make [Libnames.coq_root] in
+ (* NOTE: These directories are searched from last to first *)
+ (* first, developer specific directory to open *)
+ ml_path_if Coq_config.local [coqlib/"dev"] @
+ (* main loops *)
+ ml_path_if (Coq_config.local || !Flags.boot) [coqlib/"stm"; coqlib/"ide"] @
+ ml_path_if (System.exists_dir (coqlib/"toploop")) [coqlib/"toploop"] @
+ (* then standard library and plugins *)
+ [build_stdlib_path ~load_init ~unix_path:(coqlib/"theories") ~coq_path ~with_ml:false;
+ build_stdlib_path ~load_init ~unix_path:(coqlib/"plugins") ~coq_path ~with_ml:true ] @
+ (* then user-contrib *)
+ (if Sys.file_exists user_contrib then
+ [build_userlib_path ~unix_path:user_contrib] else []
+ ) @
+ (* then directories in XDG_DATA_DIRS and XDG_DATA_HOME and COQPATH *)
+ List.map (fun s -> build_userlib_path ~unix_path:s) (xdg_dirs @ coqpath) @
+ (* then current directory (not recursively!) *)
+ [ { recursive = false;
+ path_spec = VoPath { unix_path = ".";
+ coq_path = Libnames.default_root_prefix;
+ implicit = false;
+ has_ml = AddTopML }
+ } ] @
+ (* additional loadpaths, given with options -Q and -R *)
+ List.map
+ (fun (unix_path, coq_path, implicit) ->
+ { recursive = true;
+ path_spec = VoPath { unix_path; coq_path; has_ml = Mltop.AddNoML; implicit } })
+ (List.rev !includes) @
+ (* additional ml directories, given with option -I *)
+ List.map (fun s -> {recursive = false; path_spec = MlPath s}) (List.rev !ml_includes)
(* Initialises the Ocaml toplevel before launching it, so that it can
find the "include" file in the *source* directory *)
let init_ocaml_path () =
+ let open Mltop in
+ let lp s = { recursive = false; path_spec = MlPath s } in
let add_subdir dl =
- Mltop.add_ml_dir (List.fold_left (/) Envars.coqroot [dl])
+ Mltop.add_coq_path (lp (List.fold_left (/) Envars.coqroot [dl]))
- Mltop.add_ml_dir (Envars.coqlib ());
+ Mltop.add_coq_path (lp (Envars.coqlib ()));
List.iter add_subdir Coq_config.all_src_dirs