path: root/toplevel/command.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'toplevel/command.ml')
1 files changed, 88 insertions, 59 deletions
diff --git a/toplevel/command.ml b/toplevel/command.ml
index caa20b534..7bb016d34 100644
--- a/toplevel/command.ml
+++ b/toplevel/command.ml
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ let warn_implicits_in_term =
strbrk "Implicit arguments declaration relies on type." ++ spc () ++
strbrk "The term declares more implicits than the type here.")
-let interp_definition pl bl p red_option c ctypopt =
+let interp_definition pl bl ~polymorphic red_option c ctypopt =
let env = Global.env() in
let ctx = Evd.make_evar_universe_context env pl in
let evdref = ref (Evd.from_ctx ctx) in
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ let interp_definition pl bl p red_option c ctypopt =
let evd = Evd.restrict_universe_context !evdref vars in
let pl, uctx = Evd.universe_context ?names:pl evd in
imps1@(Impargs.lift_implicits nb_args imps2), pl,
- definition_entry ~univs:uctx ~poly:p body
+ definition_entry ~univs:uctx ~polymorphic body
| Some ctyp ->
let ty, impsty = interp_type_evars_impls ~impls env_bl evdref ctyp in
let subst = evd_comb0 Evd.nf_univ_variables evdref in
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ let interp_definition pl bl p red_option c ctypopt =
let ctx = Evd.restrict_universe_context !evdref vars in
let pl, uctx = Evd.universe_context ?names:pl ctx in
imps1@(Impargs.lift_implicits nb_args impsty), pl,
- definition_entry ~types:typ ~poly:p
+ definition_entry ~types:typ ~polymorphic
~univs:uctx body
red_constant_entry (Context.Rel.length ctx) ce !evdref red_option, !evdref, pl, imps
@@ -174,7 +174,8 @@ let warn_definition_not_visible =
strbrk "Section definition " ++
pr_id ident ++ strbrk " is not visible from current goals")
-let declare_definition ident (local, p, k) ce pl imps hook =
+let declare_definition ident def_kind ce pl imps hook =
+ let { locality = local; object_kind = k; _ } = def_kind in
let fix_exn = Future.fix_exn_of ce.const_entry_body in
let () = !declare_definition_hook ce in
let r = match local with
@@ -197,7 +198,7 @@ let _ = Obligations.declare_definition_ref :=
let do_definition ident k pl bl red_option c ctypopt hook =
let (ce, evd, pl', imps as def) =
- interp_definition pl bl (pi2 k) red_option c ctypopt
+ interp_definition pl bl k.polymorphic red_option c ctypopt
if Flags.is_program_mode () then
let env = Global.env () in
@@ -223,43 +224,48 @@ let do_definition ident k pl bl red_option c ctypopt hook =
(* 2| Variable/Hypothesis/Parameter/Axiom declarations *)
-let declare_assumption is_coe (local,p,kind) (c,ctx) pl imps impl nl (_,ident) =
-match local with
-| Discharge when Lib.sections_are_opened () ->
- let decl = (Lib.cwd(), SectionLocalAssum ((c,ctx),p,impl), IsAssumption kind) in
- let _ = declare_variable ident decl in
- let () = assumption_message ident in
- let () =
- if is_verbose () && Pfedit.refining () then
- Feedback.msg_info (str"Variable" ++ spc () ++ pr_id ident ++
- strbrk " is not visible from current goals")
- in
- let r = VarRef ident in
- let () = Typeclasses.declare_instance None true r in
- let () = if is_coe then Class.try_add_new_coercion r ~local:true false in
- (r,Univ.Instance.empty,true)
-| Global | Local | Discharge ->
- let local = get_locality ident local in
- let inl = match nl with
- | NoInline -> None
- | DefaultInline -> Some (Flags.get_inline_level())
- | InlineAt i -> Some i
- in
- let ctx = Univ.ContextSet.to_context ctx in
- let decl = (ParameterEntry (None,p,(c,ctx),inl), IsAssumption kind) in
- let kn = declare_constant ident ~local decl in
- let gr = ConstRef kn in
- let () = maybe_declare_manual_implicits false gr imps in
- let () = Universes.register_universe_binders gr pl in
- let () = assumption_message ident in
- let () = Typeclasses.declare_instance None false gr in
- let () = if is_coe then Class.try_add_new_coercion gr local p in
- let inst =
- if p (* polymorphic *) then Univ.UContext.instance ctx
- else Univ.Instance.empty
- in
- (gr,inst,Lib.is_modtype_strict ())
+let declare_assumption is_coe assumption_kind (c,ctx) pl imps impl nl (_,ident) =
+ let { locality = local; polymorphic; object_kind = kind } = assumption_kind in
+ match local with
+ | Discharge when Lib.sections_are_opened () ->
+ let entry = SectionLocalAssum { type_context = (c,ctx);
+ polymorphic;
+ implicit_status = impl }
+ in
+ let decl = (Lib.cwd(), entry, IsAssumption kind) in
+ let _ = declare_variable ident decl in
+ let () = assumption_message ident in
+ let () =
+ if is_verbose () && Pfedit.refining () then
+ Feedback.msg_info (str"Variable" ++ spc () ++ pr_id ident ++
+ strbrk " is not visible from current goals")
+ in
+ let r = VarRef ident in
+ let () = Typeclasses.declare_instance None true r in
+ let () = if is_coe then Class.try_add_new_coercion r ~local:true false in
+ (r,Univ.Instance.empty,true)
+ | Global | Local | Discharge ->
+ let local = get_locality ident local in
+ let inl = match nl with
+ | NoInline -> None
+ | DefaultInline -> Some (Flags.get_inline_level())
+ | InlineAt i -> Some i
+ in
+ let ctx = Univ.ContextSet.to_context ctx in
+ let decl = (ParameterEntry (None,polymorphic,(c,ctx),inl), IsAssumption kind) in
+ let kn = declare_constant ident ~local decl in
+ let gr = ConstRef kn in
+ let () = maybe_declare_manual_implicits false gr imps in
+ let () = Universes.register_universe_binders gr pl in
+ let () = assumption_message ident in
+ let () = Typeclasses.declare_instance None false gr in
+ let () = if is_coe then Class.try_add_new_coercion gr ~local polymorphic in
+ let inst =
+ if polymorphic then Univ.UContext.instance ctx
+ else Univ.Instance.empty
+ in
+ (gr,inst,Lib.is_modtype_strict ())
let interp_assumption evdref env impls bl c =
let c = prod_constr_expr c bl in
@@ -278,12 +284,12 @@ let declare_assumptions idl is_coe k (c,ctx) pl imps impl_is_on nl =
List.rev refs, status
-let do_assumptions_unbound_univs (_, poly, _ as kind) nl l =
+let do_assumptions_unbound_univs kind nl l =
let open Context.Named.Declaration in
let env = Global.env () in
let evdref = ref (Evd.from_env env) in
let l =
- if poly then
+ if kind.polymorphic then
(* Separate declarations so that A B : Type puts A and B in different levels. *)
List.fold_right (fun (is_coe,(idl,c)) acc ->
List.fold_right (fun id acc ->
@@ -305,7 +311,7 @@ let do_assumptions_unbound_univs (_, poly, _ as kind) nl l =
let l = List.map (on_pi2 (nf_evar evd)) l in
snd (List.fold_left (fun (subst,status) ((is_coe,idl),t,(ctx,imps)) ->
let t = replace_vars subst t in
- let (refs,status') = declare_assumptions idl is_coe kind (t,ctx) [] imps false nl in
+ let (refs,status') = declare_assumptions idl is_coe kind (t,ctx) [] imps Explicit nl in
let subst' = List.map2
(fun (_,id) (c,u) -> (id,Universes.constr_of_global_univ (c,u)))
idl refs
@@ -323,13 +329,13 @@ let do_assumptions_bound_univs coe kind nl id pl c =
let evd = Evd.restrict_universe_context !evdref vars in
let pl, uctx = Evd.universe_context ?names:pl evd in
let uctx = Univ.ContextSet.of_context uctx in
- let (_, _, st) = declare_assumption coe kind (ty, uctx) pl impls false nl id in
+ let (_, _, st) = declare_assumption coe kind (ty, uctx) pl impls Explicit nl id in
let do_assumptions kind nl l = match l with
| [coe, ([id, Some pl], c)] ->
- let () = match kind with
- | (Discharge, _, _) when Lib.sections_are_opened () ->
+ let () = match kind.locality with
+ | Discharge when Lib.sections_are_opened () ->
let loc = fst id in
let msg = Pp.str "Section variables cannot be polymorphic." in
user_err ~loc msg
@@ -852,8 +858,11 @@ let interp_fix_body env_rec evdref impls (_,ctx) fix ccl =
let build_fix_type (_,ctx) ccl = it_mkProd_or_LetIn ccl ctx
-let declare_fix ?(opaque = false) (_,poly,_ as kind) pl ctx f ((def,_),eff) t imps =
- let ce = definition_entry ~opaque ~types:t ~poly ~univs:ctx ~eff def in
+let declare_fix ?(opaque = false) kind pl ctx f ((def,_),eff) t imps =
+ let polymorphic = kind.polymorphic in
+ let ce =
+ definition_entry ~opaque ~types:t ~polymorphic ~univs:ctx ~eff def
+ in
declare_definition f kind ce pl imps (Lemmas.mk_hook (fun _ r -> r))
let _ = Obligations.declare_fix_ref :=
@@ -937,7 +946,7 @@ let rec telescope = function
let nf_evar_context sigma ctx =
List.map (map_constr (Evarutil.nf_evar sigma)) ctx
-let build_wellfounded (recname,pl,n,bl,arityc,body) poly r measure notation =
+let build_wellfounded (recname,pl,n,bl,arityc,body) polymorphic r measure notation =
Coqlib.check_required_library ["Coq";"Program";"Wf"];
let env = Global.env() in
let ctx = Evd.make_evar_universe_context env pl in
@@ -1048,7 +1057,7 @@ let build_wellfounded (recname,pl,n,bl,arityc,body) poly r measure notation =
let ty = it_mkProd_or_LetIn top_arity binders_rel in
let pl, univs = Evd.universe_context ?names:pl !evdref in
(*FIXME poly? *)
- let ce = definition_entry ~poly ~types:ty ~univs (Evarutil.nf_evar !evdref body) in
+ let ce = definition_entry ~polymorphic ~types:ty ~univs (Evarutil.nf_evar !evdref body) in
(** FIXME: include locality *)
let c = Declare.declare_constant recname (DefinitionEntry ce, IsDefinition Definition) in
let gr = ConstRef c in
@@ -1170,7 +1179,11 @@ let declare_fixpoint local poly ((fixnames,fixdefs,fixtypes),pl,ctx,fiximps) ind
Option.map (List.map Proofview.V82.tactic) init_tac
let evd = Evd.from_ctx ctx in
- Lemmas.start_proof_with_initialization (Global,poly,DefinitionBody Fixpoint)
+ let goal_kind = { locality = Global;
+ polymorphic = poly;
+ object_kind = DefinitionBody Fixpoint }
+ in
+ Lemmas.start_proof_with_initialization goal_kind
evd (Some(false,indexes,init_tac)) thms None (Lemmas.mk_hook (fun _ _ -> ()))
else begin
(* We shortcut the proof process *)
@@ -1186,7 +1199,11 @@ let declare_fixpoint local poly ((fixnames,fixdefs,fixtypes),pl,ctx,fiximps) ind
let evd = Evd.restrict_universe_context evd vars in
let fixdecls = List.map Safe_typing.mk_pure_proof fixdecls in
let pl, ctx = Evd.universe_context ?names:pl evd in
- ignore (List.map4 (declare_fix (local, poly, Fixpoint) pl ctx)
+ let def_kind = { locality = local;
+ polymorphic = poly;
+ object_kind = Fixpoint }
+ in
+ ignore (List.map4 (declare_fix def_kind pl ctx)
fixnames fixdecls fixtypes fiximps);
(* Declare the recursive definitions *)
fixpoint_message (Some indexes) fixnames;
@@ -1207,7 +1224,11 @@ let declare_cofixpoint local poly ((fixnames,fixdefs,fixtypes),pl,ctx,fiximps) n
Option.map (List.map Proofview.V82.tactic) init_tac
let evd = Evd.from_ctx ctx in
- Lemmas.start_proof_with_initialization (Global,poly, DefinitionBody CoFixpoint)
+ let goal_kind = { locality = local;
+ polymorphic = poly;
+ object_kind = DefinitionBody CoFixpoint }
+ in
+ Lemmas.start_proof_with_initialization goal_kind
evd (Some(true,[],init_tac)) thms None (Lemmas.mk_hook (fun _ _ -> ()))
else begin
(* We shortcut the proof process *)
@@ -1220,7 +1241,11 @@ let declare_cofixpoint local poly ((fixnames,fixdefs,fixtypes),pl,ctx,fiximps) n
let evd = Evd.from_ctx ctx in
let evd = Evd.restrict_universe_context evd vars in
let pl, ctx = Evd.universe_context ?names:pl evd in
- ignore (List.map4 (declare_fix (local, poly, CoFixpoint) pl ctx)
+ let def_kind = { locality = local;
+ polymorphic = poly;
+ object_kind = CoFixpoint }
+ in
+ ignore (List.map4 (declare_fix def_kind pl ctx)
fixnames fixdecls fixtypes fiximps);
(* Declare the recursive definitions *)
cofixpoint_message fixnames
@@ -1300,9 +1325,13 @@ let do_program_recursive local p fixkind fixl ntns =
end in
let ctx = Evd.evar_universe_context evd in
- let kind = match fixkind with
- | Obligations.IsFixpoint _ -> (local, p, Fixpoint)
- | Obligations.IsCoFixpoint -> (local, p, CoFixpoint)
+ let object_kind = match fixkind with
+ | Obligations.IsFixpoint _ -> Fixpoint
+ | Obligations.IsCoFixpoint -> CoFixpoint
+ in
+ let kind = { locality = local;
+ polymorphic = p;
+ object_kind }
Obligations.add_mutual_definitions defs ~kind ?pl ctx ntns fixkind