path: root/tools/coqdoc
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Diffstat (limited to 'tools/coqdoc')
1 files changed, 13 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/tools/coqdoc/cpretty.mll b/tools/coqdoc/cpretty.mll
index 60a245dc4..186f6cf6c 100644
--- a/tools/coqdoc/cpretty.mll
+++ b/tools/coqdoc/cpretty.mll
@@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ and doc_bol = parse
| space* nl+
{ Output.paragraph (); doc_bol lexbuf }
| "<<" space*
- { Output.start_verbatim false; verbatim false lexbuf; doc_bol lexbuf }
+ { Output.start_verbatim false; verbatim 0 false lexbuf; doc_bol lexbuf }
| eof
{ true }
| '_'
@@ -707,7 +707,7 @@ and doc_list_bol indents = parse
| "<<" space*
{ Output.start_verbatim false;
- verbatim false lexbuf;
+ verbatim 0 false lexbuf;
doc_list_bol indents lexbuf }
| "[[" nl
{ formatted := true;
@@ -852,7 +852,7 @@ and doc indents = parse
Output.char (lexeme_char lexbuf 1);
doc indents lexbuf }
| "<<" space*
- { Output.start_verbatim true; verbatim true lexbuf; doc_bol lexbuf }
+ { Output.start_verbatim true; verbatim 0 true lexbuf; doc_bol lexbuf }
| '"'
{ if !Cdglobals.plain_comments
then Output.char '"'
@@ -892,13 +892,20 @@ and escaped_html = parse
{ backtrack lexbuf }
| _ { Output.html_char (lexeme_char lexbuf 0); escaped_html lexbuf }
-and verbatim inline = parse
+and verbatim depth inline = parse
| nl ">>" space* nl { Output.verbatim_char inline '\n'; Output.stop_verbatim inline }
| nl ">>" { Output.verbatim_char inline '\n'; Output.stop_verbatim inline }
| ">>" { Output.stop_verbatim inline }
- | "*)" { Output.stop_verbatim inline; backtrack lexbuf }
+ | "(*" { Output.verbatim_char inline '(';
+ Output.verbatim_char inline '*';
+ verbatim (depth+1) inline lexbuf }
+ | "*)" { if (depth == 0)
+ then (Output.stop_verbatim inline; backtrack lexbuf)
+ else (Output.verbatim_char inline '*';
+ Output.verbatim_char inline ')';
+ verbatim (depth-1) inline lexbuf) }
| eof { Output.stop_verbatim inline }
- | _ { Output.verbatim_char inline (lexeme_char lexbuf 0); verbatim inline lexbuf }
+ | _ { Output.verbatim_char inline (lexeme_char lexbuf 0); verbatim depth inline lexbuf }
and url = parse
| "}}" { Output.url (Buffer.contents url_buffer) None; Buffer.clear url_buffer }